Battle Sprites... More battle! Less sprite...

14 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Dunreave

Alright, Where to start.

Real quick.
i am a sword, hammer, and needle user, so my complaints come from this play style alone currently.

First and foremost:
Theirs a limit to how annoying, expensive, time consuming and demanding, leveling a sprite should be.
Enough is enough Cap the little buggers at 50 and call it a day. Nobody in their right mind is going to spend the time and money to
level their sprite to the current cap.

Here is why:

The average 5* run, from my experience offers 5-30+ of any particularmineral. When i say mineral i mean the big crystals that have been in the game for so long,

To level my Maskeraith, i easily chewed through a thousand dark minerals, just to get to level 70. Not even 5 star.
Not to mention the specific materials i need for the Specific FOOD it requires to eat. Just saying you guys said MATERIALS to level, not crafted, costly, time consuming and did I mention costly? food that they have to eat.

Realistically, for the players that wish to cap their new pets, lets say were looking at roughly..... ooooooh...... 200 or so runs through tier 5, (yes i know 1000/50<--- the maxish shard count for a tiered run, =20) but consider the fact your not going to get the color minerals you need each run, nor are you going to get the max on every level.

Thats a little bit over the top for a pet that doesn't even have a weak AUTO attack.

Dont forget the fact you have to CRAFT THESE, so quickly add Crowns to the list of things you'll need when getting a battle sprite.

Were talking another few months of dungeoning (This is without an elevator pass) to gather the CR and buy the materials, then gather more CR.

Also consider the fact ive been using the max feed things for every level, imagine the minerals/ regular materials needed just to level without those, and we quickly have a whole new mini game in spiral knights. An annoying, money costing, item consuming and time consuming mini game, which doesn't offer a whole lot to new or veteran players, except a neat little pet.

And itll take Months, MONTHS, to level these guys decently. more so for the newer players.

Now lets talk about the sprites themselves,

I love:

The bonuses, And im hoping to see some good stuff once i cap my maskeraith,
But i can only imagine what level is needed for any Max stats.

The attacks are semi useful but should target an enemy, rather than shoot the direction your facing.
Add a lock on function or something for the sprite.
These guys need to be a help to our arsenal rather then a problem. I can see the world chat already blowing up with how annoying the aiming system is.


The cool downs are just ridiculous, Stick to say 10 seconds for the first attack and 30 for the second big one, If you go with solid numbers and digits of 5 it looks cleaner. Noticeably the timer counts down immediately, which is good it doesn't add on the other second that many other games have.

As ive said before, it lacks in an auto attack, i blew through most of the dungeon i ran without NEEDING or WANTING to use the new attacks. Ontop of the shield bash and dash, its annoying when you add in the above attacks at least in difficult situations. Otherwise its just shooting fish in a barrel.


Alright here is something that will stop a lot of complaints and issues.

First, make minerals trade-able, Dont think about it, they've been int he game for years, and most people just let them sit their in the inventory.

Second, Either remove the need to feed pets specific foods to level, or cut the cost to make these items to one fourth, im also talking about the items required to craft these too. Were crafting ITEMS, not ARMOR, no need for the cost to be so high.

Third, some kind of an auto attack, make it different for each sprite, but something to lessen the need for more buttons, Id even set the first attack to auto and just keep the timer at twenty seconds.

Ill edit this more as i go, hope this is useful to you guys.

Bild des Benutzers Dunreave

No complaints about the Evo Cats, great idea, but make a way to craft them too. I cant find them anywhere except the supply depot.

Bild des Benutzers Owlert

1) The battle sprites should take a long time to max. It wouldn't solve, but it would lessen, the "OMG I have nothing to work for now that I'm 5* need new content pls" boredom that a lot of players are expecting. Yes, new levels are still necessary, but it's a nice carrot on a stick for the veteran players. That's not to say that newer players are locked out of sprites in the least; you don't need anymore than the level 50 you suggested to enjoy your sprite's abilities. Save up your skill points if you want to max out your 3rd ability, but don't cap it ridiculously low that many players who have 4-digit minerals will cap in an hour.

2) At least in testing, the level up motes, dusts, stars, and orbs were all unbound. Expect to see those flooding the auction house at insane prices as the rich players try and work their way up to 100. It's a great way for the less rich to earn some extra money, have a use for the other colors of minerals (because LOL gate construction), and offer a quicker alternative to level up pets for those willing to spend more crowns.

Now about your other criticism, I don't see what the problem you have with aiming is. Even with the test server's insane lag, my maskeraith seems to always attack where I was looking when I hit the skill. His other two skills are buffs, so I'm not sure what problem you have with aiming is.

Auto-attacks are bad. The last thing any experienced player really needs is their sprite unfreezing Vanaduke, interrupting the trojan while the player is trying to blitz, or attacking an enemy that really doesn't need to be hit at the time.

Overall, and I'm not trying to sound elitist, this sounds like a complaint of the game taking too long to progress and too many buttons to use effectively. Personally, it isn't a lot in the slightest. We have only a few abilities, and this just makes the game more varied. It will be hard for other players to adjust to fitting in their sprite's abilities, but it will be possible. It makes many playstyles a lot more versatile and makes the entire game more varied. The long path of leveling your sprite is appropriate; it creates a mineral demand, a material sink, and a new way to progress in the game. Even if you simply continue playing the game as normal, your pet will progress with heat you get anyway.

At least for the preview

At least for the preview server is concerned, use the Super Pet Food or whatever to max heat your sprite.

Bild des Benutzers Dunreave
Been away.

As with any MMO the concern is to drag in new players, so im pointing out these sprites hold a little to much hindrance to younger players.

Lets talk about the MINERALS first. Certainly to new players, the use of them immediately is to make a few crowns here and their. Now however it gives them something to work towards using this seemingly useless item in game.

Problem, the goal is to hard and offers to little in both the beginning and end.


Your argument about the auto attack is speculation on veteran players preferred type of gameplay, but if your going to think like that its only three lines of code to turn sprites auto attack on or off, if someone is using a Freezing Bomb, or otherwise.

My complaint about the current attack is because ONE is not always looking at the enemy while attacking, especially if your using a bomb, or Troika line sword. If you cant run away and attack these play styles have a much harder time. I know you can swing and run backwards, but your not always looking at the enemy 100 percent of the time, its just a little too unnecessary, that's my point. Hence some kind of targeting system.

Players that already have 4 digits in minerals:

please would you not worry about the elitists, just because they've collected numerous amounts of minerals, this is something that happens to work for them. So congrats to them and I believe that they should be able to cap in an hour, BUT if this poses any kind of problem it can be mostly resolved by making minerals trade able, which would give the market a boost that's for sure.

Fact is, Minerals arnt trade-able, Meaning that players will be forced to go through dungeoning to level their sprites. This was kind of a side complaint but OOO said leveling sprites with materials, And as ive stated above, their material choice can be lighter, and better.

After all what else are all the Vets guna do with their triple digit shards, cups, mugs and feathers.

Not to mention with some completed pets being shown around the world newer players might be more interested in them and there abilities.

I did not have any troubles with the test server, i was on within the first few hours of it opening, so my experience with Sprites and the new changes comes from smooth gameplay.

To which i can definitely say they are not usefull enough. Sure the large area attack helps with giant groups of gorgos and dust bunnies and what have you. BUT that's it, spending the time to look at a specific enemy for an attack, really takes a hit on the smoother run and gun/ shield and troika, style of game-play. Granted everyone has their own style.

On a side note that you mentioned:

I disagree to having nothing to do once your five star, That is where the game begins. Personal styles really start coming out.

However, for a child who is going to school, especially in countries that have very short or no summers, time isn't as available as it is for the rest of us.
So getting to five star, and leveling sprites, often takes a needlessly long amount of time.

Again, im very likely to change info, as i already have, depending on play, but right now, this all stands.

Bild des Benutzers Dunreave
And thanks.

I appreciate the input.

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy

Minerals aren't tradeable, but the foods are. So there is a way for players to use their vast amount of minerals to help other players along.

Bild des Benutzers Minum
Achievement or Sprite

I'm slowly working towards the "Deposit 10,000 Minerals" achievement (which takes forever to gather). I'm sad I will now have to choose between aiming for this long-term achievement and leveling a sprite.

Making minerals tradeable would also somewhat resolve the issue for me as well, since in theory I could start picking up more minerals off the AH to finish the achievement. I've already spent a few months gathering minerals slowly, but I still have another 4000 minerals to gather.

Bild des Benutzers Dunreave
Over Achiever,

I believe that achievement includes every type of mineral though, so i hope you collecting 10000 all together.

I forgot the food is trade-able, and If the food remains trade-able it would be a help, but id rather just pay the lesser amount for minerals, rather than creating a high priced item, Which the demand for would be ridiculous.

Bild des Benutzers Minum

Since getting the 2500 achievement, I haven't turned in any minerals so I know where I stand in regards to the next one (WTB counter on achievements!). I currently have ~750 of each colour, so I just need another 750 of each colour, on average. Ick.

Bild des Benutzers Zenpai
People seem to be forgetting

People seem to be forgetting an important thing. From what I've seen, a Drakon will only ever need red shards. If you need different shards to level up a pet at different stages, it still doesn't matter because you can still deposit the remaining shards in the arcade. This means getting the 10000 minerals achievement is still able to be done in combination with pet leveling. Let's also not forget that pets take a long time to level up, so it's not like the 20 minerals to craft a level up material will not be in your inventory by then.

I also never found the minerals to be a good crowns grab when I was new. It's five per mineral AT THE MOST, so they're better used on the sprite anyway.

Bild des Benutzers Dunreave
Missed the point

In his case that may be true, and true for anyone else who wants that thing, but the point was that doing both (because i dont see anyone jsut being like "oh one level today and the rest are for the achievement"), increases the time to gather these minerals considerably.

Especially if these sprites are going to be 100 cap, NOBODY wants to dungeon for months just to get it.

Bild des Benutzers Zenpai
I was mainly addressing

I was mainly addressing Minum's post since I don't really disagree with yours much.

Bild des Benutzers Horuseus
What Do you mean?

It doesn't take months to do this, Certain missions can give HALF the required amount of crowns to buy the food in one level. It took me about 3 weeks to get my Maskeraith to level 50. And I didn't buy any food. After that I highly suggest BUYING the pet food. OF course, 5* pet food is over priced. BUT! you can get the amount of crowns needed for leveling a level 50+ in the speed of 1 if you are buying, not making. I have grown 15 levels in about a week, and I only buy my pet food. And i only play about an Hour a day. So I just don't think your Argument on the leveling system is grounded. I also make My food when I have the minerals,Its not hard if your full 5*, and If you devote time and determination to leveling your sprite, you can Cap your sprite In a month, maybe less. You just didn't look into this enough.

Bild des Benutzers Narfle

This is a two-month old thread from the preview server. The current prices of pet food mats on the regular server are drastically different (meaning much, much cheaper) than they were on the preview server when this thread was created, hence why no one else had commented since the very beginning of July. You might want to check the forums section and timestamp on a thread before posting--in this case that would have answered your own question as to why the OP didn't just buy pet food.