A very annoying problem i see looming

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Klipwc's picture

Crafting of mats for our sprites. If we have to craft every single piece bit by bit for our sprite its gonna bore us so much I did rather just not bother.

Add the ability to craft multiple sets at once, either that or remove the animation. Its annoyingly long with it

Traevelliath's picture

You can hit esc to skip the "You've Crafted X" window.

Owlert's picture

When you're doing all 89 levels at once it's going to be boring, sure.

On the actual server, that isn't going to happen because you'll be having to feed mats, wait for its appetite, heating it, and getting the dang minerals.

Klipwc's picture
Traevelliath. dosent work for

Traevelliath. dosent work for me, when i press esc the menu just pops up even if its in the crafting screen

Traevelliath's picture

Huh... I must have that key bound to something different then...

Zenpai's picture
No, Travelliath. I can hit

No, Travelliath. I can hit ESC and it exits the "You crafted X" screen as well. I've not bound that ESC key to anything else, either.