Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

Um... didn't you read? Or wonder why the top score wasn't over 30k?
I don't see how one can get this thread wrong.

@Puklitdubai What Reto-Da-Nub said. We want videos, not screenshots.

4 Defends for the Pony God and 16.8k dmg

Still waiting for a free version of fraps too come out :/ my dad won't let me use the pirated version, OH AND the free recording device that comes with my Nvidia 760 only works on COD, batman, whatnot.. Spiral knights isn't considered a "game" and therefore can't be run. I've been getting 20+ k most of the times when i do try and would like to make some money too. Too bad for me. D:

^Just make a ghetto setup like attaching a GoPro to ur head, or setup an HD camera where it can see the screen.

just making sure but...
I can see you get money prizes for the damage checkpoints, but do you get a prize for beating a record? :|

@Seiran No . If a player breaks your record and you got a prize for it, must be by 3500+ dmg or 3+ defends to get the prize again.
Example: Ezho get 30k , we pay 100k to him. RedblAAdes get 34k, we pay 100k again
Example 2: Ezho get 30k., we pay 100k to him. RedblAAdes get 33k and he beats Ezho's record but we don't him.

Feller said:
RockaFeller: 10k gun
RockaFeller: 15k recon

Well, for example the 15k recon that you posted (I originally asked the question because I had a 15k recon gun video sitting offline, but didn't post because it wasn't over 20k and I would only do this for the money) - would that have gotten a money prize for beating a record even though it's below the first damage checkpoint for recon (20k)?
It's only really an issue for these early days until someone actually beats the damage checkpoints.

Ok, great! :D
Then I feel no loss for not posting it.
Thanks for the info, haha.

What if Contri gets 29,999 and has the #1 spot, then I get 30,000? Will I be the first one to get 100k?

I recorded 2 games today because my computer can't handle it. I get terrible lag and fps drops like crazy but......anywho, 18.7k while squinting trying to see, enjoy

This has become more of a "show of your 10k+ scores" than an actual "get at least 25k and get a prize" thread.

Chillax, I spent these last days farming grinchin mats. I'll get to it. :)

Actually its post any atm, "If you don't break a record you can still post your video if it is in the top 10."

Is there a reason why you write 'Udpated' so consequently wrong Midget-horse?

Darkcub damage 1st attempt with lag 28873

You forgot to show how AT toggle wasn't turned on, despite Pony Macaroni writing it in THESE BIG LETTERS.

I don't see AT but you hvae to show your AT toggle off. I'll talk with FellAAr and we will see.
PS: This isn't lag... you don't even know what's the lag... and you started trying the 1st day! liar!

Zainj>>>> 28,598

I didn't realize quality would be so terrible because I don't ever upload videos to youtube, but I figured I should go ahead and post something for now so that I'm at the top of some list or another, bwahahah.
This is both the very first footage of me playing ever (could it be, the first gun recon footage too?), and will probably be the only ones for a while, since getting damage is difficult as a recon/guardian when hardcore strikers are on your team taking all the damage. >_>
Tier 3:
9 Defends - Gun Recon -
16057 Damage - Gun Recon -
btw the mail inbox message I keep opening at the beginning of the videos is "THIS IS FOR YOU, PONY GOD" because I don't video edit and I'm too lazy to copy and paste.

Darkcub wishes he'd recorded the 35k he got when we were playing a 4v6 with 6 recon/guardian noobs on the other side, me and the other guys on the team were messing around so he got all the dmg. :3

Uploading first video 31038 damage , 100 k for me ^^

Well my bad then, last i saw you in game I coulda swore you were. Either way, this is totally possible.. especially if my sorry sword skills can warrant me 25k

Having it in 1080p doesn't make a difference if you're scaling the video up.

FellAAr said: RockaFeller: So... someone already achieve the 30k barrier
RockaFeller: Where are all the people that said that AT doesn't matter... that AT does not give you fake skill?... that without AT the lvl don't drop?...... I'm Waiting for you noobs to take away my money !!!!!!!!!

What you need to damage [sc]ore is an ASI VH Gran Faust and I don't have one, sorry.

From FellAAr to KrAAkob, with love: RockaFeller: Here's my 29.508 with no AT and 250ping, with DA that is 3 times slower than GF and a Ancient shock low. Go and post lame excuses someplace else. Redbly don't have ASI neither, so your excuses only works on Jemgaming.

Neato, except that you never showed the stats of the DA. It looks way faster than a DA with no UV. But hey what do I know, I'm just an AA nub, rite? Not really. I'm just awfully bad at scoring damage because I focus too much on doing stuff that matters like capping and guarding capped points and stuff. Screw me, rite?

The OP says something like "Post a video over 25k and you will get 50k cr". Is this still valid? otherwise I wouldn't have bothered attempting swordie. Was that prize only handed out once? Money plz!

I think it was formatted in a confusing way. Probably meant it to be more like this:
"Post a video over...
25k --> 50kcr
30k --> 100kcr..."
I was actually confused about the damage/defend minimums (3500 damage/3 defend), because I can totally foresee the damage records slowly getting up there (in smaller increments of like, 1-2 defends, or 1k damage) so it'd feel like a ripoff to deny a 30k prize because the previous record was 29.9k, for example. But I think those are just for the same-tier prizes, right?
holy crap I just noticed Tynite's 11k bombing record.
...gahd O_O
But wait, he didn't show that he turned off AT! [witchhunt]

@Seiran Dem AT bombers....such n00bs.
Btw nnice gunning. Youre like Dr-bugos, only you shoot slower but more shots hit the target. Bugos just whips it out and like shoves it in your face, but he barely hits.

my 31k
waiting on your's daddy feller

No, I did not say it was impossible. I just wanted to make it sound more realistic (The fact that I recorded 35k) so that people would click the video instead of writing "OMG 80K DAMAGE NO AT NO CE REZ".
video, not screenshots