Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

Im working now
I promes did 35 k or more tomorrow

Darkcub, Zainj and waiting on fellers 31k are the only ones who got over 30k? c'mon jempire start uploading !!!!!!!

Bandido, ffs, if you have to hate on someone at least make it understandable.
I can't even laugh cause I have to put too much effort into imagining what you meant.

I think he tried to say that Jempire and 21 should head to a farmer's market and buy some turnips.

Feller said: RockaFeller: 35.841 no AT, no CE rez
Ancient Shock low
BKC Norm High - Shadow High
GF - FF- Pola ASI VH
250 ping, but at mornings is stable without jumps
So, to get the next barrier prize you have to achieve at least 39.341 dmg, with the same rules
That's according to the 3.500 points rule, for sure I'll keep recording, to make the challenge more difficult with all classes (as you can see I already posted guardian, recon and a fail gunner)
Now for the fail players with excuses like "I don't have your UVs.. bla bla bla I can't do crap without AT" ,with 250 ping doesn't matter if you have Nick's Super Uber ASI, you will always have a huge handicap, specially if in any game you join we have Fail players like RubySnAArkIcy crap spamming like no tomorrow.
Zainj video isn't valid. Crustycrab gave him free damage.

crab cant even attack me stupid noob he just stand still -___-

Just curious, how can we call this proof? You can't really read the score, can you? A bit silly to require proof with good quality video and then not even record in 480p, I must say.

I can't hit Crusty with a sword. Every time I do he just swings after I'm 5 tiles away and hits me anyway. Crusty is a witch... and should totally record a video of his witchcraft and get some money!

Feller said: RockaFeller:
RockaFeller: 13k gunner

Had a couple 30k+ videos for a while, just noticed this thread. ^^ You can clearly see I'm not using AT...

Feller said: RockaFeller: Vokster, we're glad you're participating with us, and we're more than happy that this thread is reaching every corner of LD Community. Saddly, our rules are clear, and despite the fact that we don't see AT, we have seen some damn good togglers around (Not saying that you're doing it). So to be fair with all the people that posted according the rules, we have to say thanks but use our reasonable doubt. I hope you understand. We both hope you keep doing videos with/for us. Fellar and his pony.
TLDR: No old videos, new videos.

Well, to be fair then, the quality of some videos sucks so much that you can't even see numbers/letters. That is against the rules too.

You have no idea how hard I'm laughing at that bad photoshop.

People getting free dmg from others, fail photoshops... We got them all!

There's plenty giving it away. For one, there's a column of yellow pixels between the 2 and 7. There's also some traces of AA left above the comma. And then there's... That blue all around it.

Pfft whatev. I get 30k average every game with sentenza only no damage bonus. Not surprising some guy i never heard of ALMOST got that damage wearing shadowsun. Pay up Feller!

Isn't that the same pic? 'cause it has the same errors and more.

I didn't save the original pic, but no. He removed the mark drawn around his damage.
But I went ahead and took note of what he should probably fix if screenshots had value in this thread here.
almost related to thread:
I finally figured out a decent setting for OBS that doesn't kill my computer's performance but still has readable text when uploaded to youtube :D
...might give the damage thing another shot later this week

Just learned I was in 75 hz instead of 60 hz for the last few months..... I'm running a TON smoother now and I might be able to pump out a few vids

Tt-ham, you suck at editing pics.
Try doing it with your eyes closed and you might do a better job.
@Blueflood Iknorite? I mean, who cant get 30k woth Senteza? Pfft so eas

Aqui esta feller xD

This is not a entry but would this standard of video be good enough for the contest?

If 360p with unreadable text is okay, I'm pretty sure your video is ;)

@Feyi Just dont forget to show that u dont have AT on or toggle.

16821 as gun recon:
frame rate is a little choppy (meh, had to deal with it while playing too), but I think the video quality is better than my previous damage entry [more readable?]

There was no sarcasm there, just me being a bit of a jerk.
Ruby Rider 24.679 480p
10k gunner Ruby-Rider

I'll move this to General Discussion too because the other video threads are in general dicussion and because I want.
Redblades uploaded 32k on his channel.
go find it for him please, pony god
21 broken the line of 30 k
Where is jempire?
Lockdown not is just farm points in the night .