Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

I guess that stay in the Gen Discussion forum didn't last long :)
19,517 as recon.
so close to 20k!

Striker, T3, 26,870 damage
As promised. Don't doubt me, I'm a man of my word.

Besides it being their choice on what they give money away for, all you need is to have your little toe on a point right before it becomes capped to receive a point on the end scoreboard. Not very entertaining i guess.

Record thread and tournament thread will be in hold, since our benefactor Feller (the one who pay the prizes) got permanent baned from SK, he's appealing, but we never know.
Why? Simply, a bunch of people of some guild start poke him in group expecting his reaction, and then reported him as a group.
As soon as we have news, we will see if we continue with LD events or if OOO will force Feller to retire.
PS: KrAAkob and RedblAAdes noobs!

Gunner T3 striker 10,290 dmg

Hi Contri.
May I perhaps introduce a category for captures (also a screenie of 13k as recon)
I also have a screenie of 6.6k as a guardian

Um yea....
Are we allowed to enter screenies? I would like to enter if so I have some pretty good screenies to enter than....

I got 34k yesterday in a 4p group ^-^

My pc really isn't cut out for recording lockdown unless I set everything to full-on potato-mode. I'll try to get 20k on video.
Hope you like power metal.

Heres your video Contri.

Just cause I was bored and trying recording softwares: (video is still uploading)

My Guardian Damage
Just wondering, can I have second attempts at it?

welp i'm surprised a group of people from a guild would do that to feller. I mean he calls me a noob and all (I still never use AA), but that's a ridiculous way to purposely get someone to be permanently banned; anyways glad he's back :P
Not kidding about the 34k though. it's not recorded so there's no evidence, but just putting it out there that there was another non-21 guy that hit over 30k :P /wave contri

I can't say too much as it'd fall under naming and shaming and break the forum rules but in the end, what you say in SK is up to you. Others don't control what your chat messages contain.

This is just a first video, I'll probably post a better one later.
Also, I know I forgot to show the AA off switch thing (but i did show the AA toggle off and there were no AT brackets around other players), if you want to disqualify me for that, it's ok. I'll just make another vid. (<- if u hate the music in the other one)
Thanks! :B
EDIT: This video: is around 13.8k
(sorry for no sound)
(Probably more videos will follow)
Edit: click on this link:
Is this event still on? I'm uploading one ATM, may take a while
Hope it's not too late.

I already had my 20k+, was just too lazy to upload it <3
But I like that #1 spot so I'll upload it tonight :)
Watch out Reto, i'm going to try the guardian record, already got a 22k. :p

Well I didn't exactly break Blueflood's record there but I guess I did get into the top 10 so I might as well share this.
14,168 T3 gunner damage(striker)(ps, switch to hd for the good quality, youtube doesn't do it automatically for some reason... at least for me)
Contri-Rider (noob):