Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!! (contri-rider 21k guard) (contri-rider 17k gunner)
damn the guy spam text my phone so much i think it overheated

nah swords only is dumb
we might as well make a section for each weapon
polaris only section
nitronome only section
a real player can play with or without certain weapons and do good (look at beefman with rigadoon and callahan... damn that stun hurt)

remind me when anybody, beefman included, has used a callahan vs decent players and done well

@cyrd well there's a guns only section so.... you know, swords only isn't a bad idea really. It's just rather uncommon though.

"nah swords only is dumb
we might as well make a section for each weapon
polaris only section
nitronome only section"
Swords include ALL swords.
Polaris is ONE weapon.
Nitronome is ONE weapon.
There is already a gunner and a bombers section.
Also, it's easier to play hybrid than pure swords, so that Beefman comment only speaks against your point. So let's just ignore that one.

Swords are the main damage dealers in anything
notice the sword record is 35k, and the gunning not even 20k
that's the only reason I think it's dumb. You don't need guns to hit high damage (point of this thread)
do whatever u want, pony

So what would you do as a pure swords man vs a VT bomber in chaos or bkc? All top scores have handgun side weapons. This means they are not as vulnerable while out of boost.

And illu just took words exactly out of my mouth. When you are in striker mode you essentially depend on a gun when you are out of boost for defense and to fend off bombers when they are on point. I admit it may not be a great amount of damage from guns but they DO keep you alive much longer which essentially allows you to deal much more damage in the long run. Being with swords only you would have to be more considerate with your boost rather than randomly flail at some guy and then hope that he runs into your gun bullets when you are waiting for your boost to return

As I promised I recorded a swords only match
25,423 damage, only using elemental weapons

Is the 50k for posting a 25k still a thing or nah?

"Swords Damage (Striker,Guardian or Recon)
30k -> 50k cr
35k -> 100k cr
40k -> 250k cr
45k -> 1m cr"
Cough cough.

Oh, I didn't know if you didn't use guns you weren't considered a striker.
'Striker Damage
Post a video over 25k and you will get 50k cr'
I was just checking, it doesn't really matter
Redblades 22,539 dmg recon

"This video contains content from BicycleMusicCompany, BMG_Rights_Management, SME and UMPG Publishing, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Contri: 20,990 dmg recon, only swords.

We are gonna add a Ranking for the records, 1st position on each category is 10 points, 2nd position 9, 3rd 8,....
We will make only the top 10.

strategy to get high on leaderboards:
do t1 and t2 crap that nobody does.

Looks like I'll need to break some recon and guardian records
Edit: looks like only 3 people have bombed, time to pull out..... The proto bomb <3

13,185 damage as hybrid recon without any of that stinking Gran Faust double swing spam.
Redblades 26k guard
me 17k recon without any of that stinking Gran Faust double swing spam

Happened to notice that you've listed Ruby-Rider and Rocka-Feller under several categories. Pretty sure they were the same person :P

Welp, my time to break records again. almost 20k gunning damage
However I did realise that I didn't begin recording till about 200 points into the match so I doubt you will accept the entry. If you want proof that I was gunning all the time you can ask literally anybody in the match who would've seen me gun(eg urta,zainj,thull etc). Any who let me know if this gets accepted and if not I guess I'll have to tryhard again <.<

Understandable, I'll just post another video tomorrow(hopefully) of something along the same lines of damage
Ruby-Rider striker dmg -