Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

Btw we have 250 posts and I didn't see any AAequitas player posting a video.... I thought they were the best....
@Contri Name one that's active.
I'll give you a hint: you can't.

It's not like recording Lockdown and showing your AT is off has ever not been possible to do.

Is it shameful that I can't get past 10k with an ASI VH Combuster?

Recon (14,473 damage) 'cause double pentas are for tryhards and playing on your own server isn't outside of the comfort zone ;3
Too bad I didn't record this, anyway.
Could you read this post, also?

I literally needed one more hit to get that 20k spot.. gad dang it! :D We're getting there though, very slowly. Come on gunner bros!

Why are you ignoring us regarding the question about feller having multiple highscores on many of the categories?

Don't be silly, Contri. We all know Ruby-Rider and Rocka-Feller are the same people.

Feller does it to keep this thread alive, and if someone wants a spot on the ranking have to earn it. He bought dozens of name change tickets and for sure will keep spamming more videos.
If you don't keep trying to break your own record he will and will drop yours until is off of the list.

So lets say if I was brokenly OP in lockdown and name change passes didn't have a cooldown I could just spam 40k damage videos and knock everyone of every list ? seems legit. Alternatively I could have like 10 alts with 5* gear or just get a lend of guildy accounts... gg with that concept

two big IF's
There's nobody brokenly OP in lockdown
Name change passes are 30 days
30 days is far more than enough for you to get enough playtime to hit a high score.
"get a lend of guildy accounts... gg with that concept"
against ToS
"Alternatively I could have like 10 alts with 5* gear "
you'd have to be good AND rich
there's nobody that's that rich (with the exception of feller, who doesn't believe in having alts) that can play without AT..

Nobody that rich... you obviously never met like half of the people on my friendslist... And I was just hypothesising here. I'm just saying that it's sort of a broken concept how one person can have multiple spots on the leader-board here. I'm pretty sure if I name changed my score wouldn't be put up twice if I topped it using the new name so it's also unfair that this rule is restricted to feller...
Well you guys are good.

And i'm sitting here playing with a computer that lags without even recording, i could take pics, but record a match? owell here lies my way to get easy 50kcr packs.

If I can record using a Macbook Potato Air from 2011, you can do it too.

And just to raise myself from 7th to 6th place(because one place makes all the difference!). Here's 16,579 gunner damage(striker mode)
edit : Also you have theirillusion and rockafeller as 8th for the gunner damage when theirillusion has more damage. Might be a typo so just letting you know

T3 Guardian Damage: low dmg but awesome loadout :D

T3 Striker Damage:
You swapped Redblades' and Jumazo's link for the defends. Silly pony!

Holy crap Dutch, that's sick. I thought you were done for at about 2:40 but you just didn't give it up and you sure didn't let your team down by ignoring caps.
I do wonder though, how much damage did you get only because some in the team deserted?

No way in heck i can beat that legit score as a striker. Guard = new gunner standard.
wasn't money, but whatever:
19291 gun recon.