Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

Is been 8 months since someone bust the top striker and some other records. Feller agreed in raising the prizes in 20%. Go record!

Oh yeah, this thread. I should try grabbing some guardian record because I can definitely do that now (thanks, Reto <3)

Did he also agree to remove his multiple striker records and just keep the top one ? :D

At least let's revive this:

22.6k dmg recon
Name: Eiker
12,140 damage, bombing.
Also, isn't the bomber damages a bit... High? The best I've ever heard about is Rotten-Tomato's 18K. Anyone seen (or heard of) any better pure bombing? No?
I'm not necessarily asking for you to lower the damage ranks, but 15K bombing is worth more in my eyes, and 20K (or 25K) would be like the strikers' fabled 50K. Bump all the prizes down a notch maybe? 120K for 15K, and 300K for 20K?
I still have doubts you'll even see a 15K here.

13,973 gunning

15,862 gunning

Guardian- 23,236 damage.

The numbers are messed up in the first top 10. It's kinda annoying.
+ Add my 30k. It's really sad to see so many scores below 30k.

Oh, but that's where you're wrong. Feller's account has more than one record.

Good thing you made it so you can have more records with the same account or Daddy was going to slap your butt!
I love how rules are always made/changed ad hoc.

Holy crap... I can knock of like 6-7 gunning records right now if I wanted to.... So tempting

I made this change because noone has beaten the records for 10 months.

15,213 Gunning, Because Illu doesn't belong here

9k Poison+Fire Bombs:

how u get a whole pvp place to ur selves and no one else

Guardian dmg 16k + 9 kills:
Guardian 7 kills:
Defends list pls x)