Official Record Thread with videos and prizes !!!!

16,596 damage Arcana only. Sorry bout my super High Resolution.

regarding the kill record , are we allowed to be protected and healed by a guardian? And do we have to do all the kill job? or finishing him is enough?

You can be protected by a guard sometimes, but not working with someone to make it easier. And just finishing him.

My connexion got quite stable today, so I took advantage of this to make and upload my first lockdown video!
17965 as guardian.
I forgot to include the AT/toggle check at the beginning so I did it at the end looks like it was not recorded so..I guess this video is not valid :/ I still post to to receive advices and else, and maybe contri will accept it notwithstanding ( since he was here and as we can easily see that I miss hits that would have succeded with auto aim).

25,820, btb and gf
Dem Kills
The one in merc is a lot more enjoyable to watch.

I won't add that to the kills leaderboard until you count them.

Its not biased he asked me to count my kills in my vid where i had already edited in a heart counter. he doesnt even check first.

speaking of kills, add this old one to last place. There's a counter in it.
edit: nvm. didnt go into options. fml.

30k Swords:
Happy Birthday Contri.
Swing swing too easy.

That's not a record, you need at least 30k for a striker record.
lmao i misread it. i thought every video over 25k would get you 60k

31k # 1 -

Zainj 34k -

I hit 36.4k swords only against white angel nubs before :c before you showed me OBS lol

Couldn't there be some goals with prizes for players with only asi med like myself? The prizes going to the guys with VH and max and are already rich XD

We don't care about your bad excuses, Blueflood hit those 1st place Recon/Guard scores with no ASI, no BKC or what some people calls "op" gear, it was also 4* weapons now that I remember.

I'm 2 years old.
Everybody in the top 10 Striker dmgs no AT have either high or VH and a couple max armor UVs

oh c'mon what the difference between high and med. Just combo and combo with a GF asi med and don't cap and Im sure you can get 35K with many tries.

^ it's true
I combospammed through an entire game once and hit 25k swords only on my first try and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Illu. The gear used was a clean Skolver set and a Gran Faust ASI H. The difference between that and Medium is minuscule. 11 defends
I should get some crowns for this :<
And yes i have hit 34k/36.4k before with swords only... but i certainly will not make 40k with meds

None of those "ASI VH" players have recorded a single 40k you know.

I got 36.4k with meds and no armor UVs, i can get 40k easily with VH
12 kills -