800ce for heat amplifier...? LOL

96 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Sacrontine
The next update will probably

The next update will probably contain a wishing well which people can just throw their CE into.

Hey, it won't be meant for everyone to use, just a little bonus for the rich players who enjoy throwing their money into a hole.

Legacy Username
@Njthug >>>You dont have to

>>>You dont have to pay 800ce to get 20% more heat you either want to and will or wish to, but wont. I level up items pretty fast, I wish to buy this when I do crazy leveling since well it will make my life so much easier to level up gear, so I am fine with paying 800ce, and I think your math is wrong. =)

I agree (if I understand you correctly), that if OOO's want to make available, a premium item, charged at a premium price of 800ce, that they are welcome to do so. Also, it would not surprise me if there are some players who would be willing to pay, even such a high cost, to get a relatively small bonus to their game.
I just hope that it is NOT a continuation of the apparent (to many players) downward spiral after the disappointing (to many) update (to crafting charges, binding etc).

Legacy Username
@Eurydice >>>Nick already

>>>Nick already covered this, but I'll say it again--this item is there as a convenience for those who wish to have it. That's all. It is not the harbinger of your destruction.

Ok, sorry if I have over done the doom and gloom bit.

Lets try another way, before I dig a hole so deep for myself that I get trapped in the graveyard levels, forever!

Some players, especially the more dedicated ones, can end up spending huge amounts of time playing this game, and perhaps significant amounts of money, to buy ce and/or ce special packs. So, if Three Rings are intending, to go in the direction of making the game work best for people who can afford very high priced items, it would be better to know now, and make an informed decision, as to whether to carry on spending lots of time and/or money in this game, or maybe consider playing it less and/or spending less on it, because it is going to end up consisting of many very high priced items, only easily afforded by hard working and/or wealthy and/or very dedicated players.

Portrait de Rusvul
*waves placard*

@Eurydice: Of course it's a harbinger of our destruction! I mean, someone with the wherewithal to spend that cash/ce will be able to LEVEL THEIR SWORD FASTER! *gasps*

I can only guess what nefarious things these Ringers will come up with next. Probably a 10ce fee to make a forum post... 5ce fine for snipe stomping... 20ce bereavement tax after wiping out a horde... and it will all come back to hurt the poor downtrodden folks playing this game. *tsk* Such capitalism must be stopped! Where's my 'Equality for All!' sign, I need to wave it around... (then mop up this sarcasm I've dripped all over before someone slips in it...)

Portrait de Njthug

Can you ask Nick to mail me my paycheck via mail system for a hard days work =) Lol jk jk

Portrait de Eurydice
Community Manager
@Njthug: I'll get right on

@Njthug: I'll get right on that. >:D

(Note to everyone else: The above was a joke. I've never caught a member of the OOO staff sockpuppeting on a forum--they have more sense than that. But if I did, I would be wroth.)


It's not an either/or scenario. The game can accomodate both of the playstyles you describe, and more.

Portrait de Raspberry
So many suggestions from players...BUT

Did one of us players (non staff) actually make a suggestion to create a Heat Amplifier "as a convenience for those who wish to have it"?

I can't imagine any player wanting to make suggestions on paying privilege taxes and upping taxes in general. *Gasp* That just goes against human nature.

Portrait de Raspberry
@ Nthug

Ut oh, are you the new Boswick, Nthug?

Legacy Username
@Eurydice >>>It's not an

>>>It's not an either/or scenario. The game can accomodate both of the playstyles you describe, and more.

That is a very good point, and it is reassuring to know that.
I suppose it's a bit like that for some of the weapons, you can choose the "harder" crafting method, or choose the usually more expensive route of buying the ready made weapon from a vendor (if available), by playing hard enough to make enough crowns, or by exchanging $paid ce for.
So I agree that I've been somewhat hasty in coming to my conclusions, because there are ways in which this higher priced item can be available, as well as more economical items for the rest of the player base.

Portrait de Riodaisho
lmao, seriously I love how

lmao, seriously

I love how people take Nj as a worker for OOO

If you all think the item isn't even worth getting because of only 20% for 800ce then don't bother.

Oh and about Boswick, I'm sure Boswick thought of this price, blame Boswick! ;D

Great thread once again.

Legacy Username

The game is trying to accommodate both hard work and quickly attaining items by spending more money. Do I understand this right?

Legacy Username
@ raycap regarding me

@ raycap regarding me contradicting myself:

You must have some kind of a problem with reading. If you read it CORRECTLY, you would've noticed that other F2P games offer the SAME TYPE of item for DOUBLE the price for only 24 hours.

Reading must not be your strongest point.

Legacy Username
"Premium item" or not, the

"Premium item" or not, the price is too high. I wish the developers cared more about the hardcore players. I'd drop 200 CE on this badboy, not 800 good lord.

Portrait de Fruits
I agree. 800ce for 2 days are

I agree.
800ce for 2 days are numbers that give off a terrible vibe because I can immediately imagine how much more than just 20% off of a weekend worth of play I could get from 800ce worth of runs on my own schedule. To me, it's not worth it. It might have made me think back when there was still a lot of unexplored content and the spirit of competition for end game hadn't died off but right now, it has no value.

That said, the item itself isn't a bad idea at all if you readjust the price and make it 700ce for 7 days, or as krokgar suggests, 200ce for 2 days. Maybe make it a 50% bonus even would make it much more attractive to the majority of the players. Either way, IMHO it's currently not a very attractive option and that's coming from someone who's supported the game quite a bit in order to be among the first to explore the content of the game.
Find your equilibrium, ooo! You are making millions when you could be making billions!


Actually, its likely that this is the herald of Heat no longer being shared with party members when they're resurrected.

Legacy Username
@Collussus >>> other F2P

>>> other F2P games offer the SAME TYPE of item for DOUBLE the price for only 24 hours.

Surely there are no other businesses charging such massively overpriced rates for an item which does so little, for such a short length of time. I would be delighted to be corrected on this (e.g. with names or links to such games), as I find such things highly amusing.

Can I check my understanding, of what you mean ?

Are you trying to say that, if one company wants to sell something at a wildly excessive cost (800ce) and its features are not very good (2 days, +20%) either, that citing examples (actually you did NOT include any), where other businesses have got even worse features (24 hours), at even worse costs (double, but you have not given any specific examples for it to be looked up), that it is ok ?

Someone is selling a $1 Burger for $100,000 is that perfectly 100% ok if another business is selling a half burger for $200,000 , or are they BOTH charging way too much, for too little ?

Legacy Username
Actually, its likely that

Actually, its likely that this is the herald of Heat no longer being shared with party members when they're resurrected.

Then not a single player revives anyone else in a pickup group. You're not very intelligent to think OOO would go through with a change like this.

Legacy Username
so i have a question

could u guys of OOO stop changing the game rules and just give us more content already? i feel very insulted every new patch

now after the heat amplifier rip off er i mean item u also released a bunch of useless yet eye appealing bonuses to the game such as achievements (people love them i have no problem with them but they dont bring count as content)
heat count at the end of each level so u can know how much heat u got during the lvl!! neat and handy!!!
(great i got a full bar of heat this lvl...how much is a bar of heath worth?....idk my items heat at the same rate than before and i dont really get any specific information with this.... so why hav it?) some freaking NUMBERS would do us good.

give us more content not more expensive useless stuff that is only CE based.. how about more equipment? new swords, new armor sets, new guns, new mobs, new dungeons whatever

show us that ur actually working on this game and not just fixing the rules to get more profit out of an incomplete game, 3 patches and what we get?

useless training hall, useless achievements, useless heat meter, overpriced crafting costs, new rules no more 4,5* market, overpriced useless heat amplifier, auction house (good), minerals selling price reduced (make the worthless worth less), $20 bundle (good but obviously highly profitable for OOO so you can argue it was released out of self convenience), what is next? increased prices on reviving? more useless stuff? please no

no more fixes to the way the game runs you already messed it all up

what was the point of making the changes you already made? for what i understand it was so items would be more "rare" and so you would have to work for them thus ppl wouldnt buy theirselves into T3 right away in other words extending the time it takes for any1 to get to T3 (IMO a strategy so they dont have to release more content)

Legacy Username

@ Krokgar

they already came through with binding 4*,5* items to crafters killing that market so that every1 hav to buy their own CE to craft their own items i can imagine they will do that (heat no longer being shared) right after adding this abomination of an item that is the heat amplifier since then no1 would play on pick up groups (making the game harder AGAIN for new comers who doesnt have a guild or friends yet to make party runs and thus get more CR and heat) and so making gathering heat much more difficult and to save yourself from countless hours of grinding buy the incredibly convenient heat amplifier.

but dont mind me Eurydice already said that this isnt an elaborated plan from OOO to squeeze more money out of us so it probably isnt...although it has the same results so isnt it convenient for them?

Legacy Username
And they're coming out with a

And they're coming out with a way to unbind items. You can calm down now.

Legacy Username
Oh yea....

@ Krokgar

Of course how could i forget the unbind shop!! unbind your item for roughly the cumulative cost of crafting it...unbind a 4* item for merely 1k CE
see the pattern now?

first they make it so you cant sell 4*,5* items then they come up with a way to do so but it costes you more CE? convenient isnt it?

Legacy Username
It's pretty convenient for me

It's pretty convenient for me as a player, yes. This game needs more crown sinks to keep energy prices low.

Before the patch weeks ago, you could get 5 star items Faster and Cheaper via having someone level up your 4star + mats, than doing it yourself. Supporting a system like this is proof you don't actually care about the longevity of the game, and you just want everything for free. With the unbinding costs, players who craft can now sell items at a higher markup, making it worth it to get the recipes and craft items yourself. And you'll still be able to provide mass-CE buyers with their 5 star-off-the-bat gear, but they'll have to pay more.

With all that said, I still think this Heat amplifier is absolutely wretched and needs to either be buffed to last 2 weeks or needs to drastically be reduced in cost. Even if they don't change it, however, I'd say they'd never take away the "Get 30% heat if you revive another player" mechanic. Think.

The heat amplifier is for

The heat amplifier is for people that can only play on the weekends. It was released on a Friday for a reason, ya know. You guys are right, the 800CE price tag is insane for a lot of players but there's people out there that think "Oh man I finally have a weekend when I can just spiral out! Hell yeah I'm gonna pay whatever amount of money necessary to advance faster during my limited time frame!"

This is exactly what nick was talking about.


Reviving a player grants you 30% of the heat that they have earned in that stratum. That's more than the 20% bonus that the boost provides. When you have a full group of players, you can get an extra 90% heat if they purposefully kill themselves before the end of the stratum, and with Capsule Hopping they can heal back to full for the next depth.

So...yeah. I can make more heat with that 800 CE than I would with the boost. Therefore, the boost is useless. Now, as a company focusing on sales, what can I do to make the boost cost-effective?

Legacy Username
No weekend warrior will spend

The heat amplifier is for people that can only play on the weekends. It was released on a Friday for a reason, ya know. You guys are right, the 800CE price tag is insane for a lot of players but there's people out there that think "Oh man I finally have a weekend when I can just spiral out! Hell yeah I'm gonna pay whatever amount of money necessary to advance faster during my limited time frame!"

No weekend warrior will spend 4000 energy in clockworks over 48 hours to make the cost worth it. And "worth it" is just barely here. You miss out on the 800 energy worth of crowns and materials. I'd say the average weekend warrior will spend, at best, 1500 CE on clockworks over 48 hours. Keep in mind that it would take 15 FULL Tier 3 or 20 Tier 1 runs to spend this much. They'll get 300 CE worth of extra heat marginally faster for the price of 800 CE. What a massive loss! Maybe OOO is marketing towards preteens with rich parents, kids who don't understand costs?

I wish they would show a number next to the item to see how often it's been bought. I imagine the only ones being used now are the ones you get from the starter pack.


If the intended buyer of this item is the casual player, why does it last for 48 real-time hours as opposed to 48 log-in hours (or X levels)? The latter would make a lot more sense, and is consistent with what has been shown to be successful in satisfying casual players in your other game (the badge system on Puzzle Pirates).

On a more general note, how much communication is there between the dev/design teams for SK and Y!PP? You guys belong to the same company; there's no reason for you not to benefit from the game design information learned through the other game.


If the intended buyer of this item is the casual player, why does it last for 48 real-time hours as opposed to 48 log-in hours (or X levels)? The latter would make a lot more sense, and is consistent with what has been shown to be successful in satisfying casual players in your other game (the badge system on Puzzle Pirates).

On a more general note, how much communication is there between the dev/design teams for SK and Y!PP? You guys belong to the same company; there's no reason for you not to benefit from the game design information learned through the other game.

Legacy Username
not really

@Krokgar this new shop will most likely be a CE sink making it's price rise more than it already has, and making crowns worth less.

also the longevity of the game shouldn't rely on how long it takes a player to get his stuff together, thats just and excuse for not releasing more content.
if they wanted to prevent people from just buying theirselves into T3 they could have implemented a Knight gear lvl system like heat but on your knight to prevent you from using higher lvl gear (most games have this kinda system) but instead they just shuted down the entire market and increased the CE crafting cost ( a HUGEE~ CE sink making CE prices rise and thus requiring more CE to flow in, increasing their profit and screwing F2p players ofc)
the new unbind shop will serve the same purpose CE sink
lower price recipe lower crown sink, higher CE cost at crafting higher CE sink

can you see the pattern now?

Legacy Username
also the longevity of the

also the longevity of the game shouldn't rely on how long it takes a player to get his stuff together, thats just and excuse for not releasing more content.

My post had nothing to do with this. But whatever, I'm just going to give up on you now because I'm getting tired of deciphering your miserable writing. You win.

Portrait de Fruits
The heat amplifier is for

The heat amplifier is for people that can only play on the weekends. It was released on a Friday for a reason, ya know. You guys are right, the 800CE price tag is insane for a lot of players but there's people out there that think "Oh man I finally have a weekend when I can just spiral out! Hell yeah I'm gonna pay whatever amount of money necessary to advance faster during my limited time frame!"

There's no reason why it can't serve this role *and* be a financially sound investment for all other players. In fact, it would be a much more effective item for all parties involved here, including end-game players, casual weekend players and OOO's gold-plated yatch dealer if they were to tweak the pricing of the heat amplifier into a sweet spot.

Both the weapon slot and trinket slot pricing grant an advantage that is more or less on par to their perceived costs but the heat amplifier currently isn't even close. Tweak it into a place where it makes sense and not only will far more people use it but the increased crystal energy sinked into it will greatly increase the energy market fluidity and be a much superior revenue generator for the game devs.

Portrait de Orangeo
If i pay 800 CE for one of

If i pay 800 CE for one of those, I dont think it would be worth it if i played 48 Hrs straight without eating or using the bathroom. Who needs that anyway? Just make new weapons and enemies, the only thing i like with these updates is the starter pack (And I'll admit, it's quite generous...).

Portrait de Orangeo
Was this supposed to be the

Was this supposed to be the fix for the crafting mistakes by the way? I just hope it turns out these were all typeos...

Legacy Username
Noob check item.

Noob check item.

Portrait de Orangeo


Legacy Username
Krogkar "Before the patch

Krogkar "Before the patch weeks ago, you could get 5 star items Faster and Cheaper via having someone level up your 4star + mats, than doing it yourself. Supporting a system like this is proof you don't actually care about the longevity of the game, and you just want everything for free."

isnt the point of playing a F2P game getting your stuff for free?

Legacy Username
there is no argument

there cant possibly be and argument that can contradict the fact that the heat amplifier is a rip off

2)ist aimed for players that cnt play for long periods of time: the item is time based so if you dont have time to play...

1)its a commodity for players willing to buy it: the other side of the coin, only a player that has time to play 16hours in 2 days would get a full advantage of this item but would rather use their CE in anything else since having the time to play the game means heat will flow in naturally defeating the purpose of the heat amplifier.

No weekend warrior will spend

No weekend warrior will spend 4000 energy in clockworks over 48 hours to make the cost worth it. And "worth it" is just barely here. You miss out on the 800 energy worth of crowns and materials. I'd say the average weekend warrior will spend, at best, 1500 CE on clockworks over 48 hours. Keep in mind that it would take 15 FULL Tier 3 or 20 Tier 1 runs to spend this much. They'll get 300 CE worth of extra heat marginally faster for the price of 800 CE. What a massive loss! Maybe OOO is marketing towards preteens with rich parents, kids who don't understand costs?

Plenty of people have a disposable income they can spend to enjoy themselves on their time off which could be spent on a plethora of things. Eating out, going to movies, seeing a concert, gas to go to the beach, going to the theatre, bar hopping, loads of pizza/beer for hardcore gaming weekends with bros, buying a new video game and playing the living crap out of it, whatever.

The heat amp is for these people that are willing to spend cash to buy CE and advance quickly in the short time they have to play. Whether or not it's "worth it" depends entirely on the person. At a restaurant you could pay $4.50 for a pint of beer to go with your meal or you could buy a six pack at grocery store for like $7.50. You get more beer at the grocery store so does this mean the pint with your meal isn't worth it? Depends entirely on the person or even just their mood.

There's no reason why it can't serve this role *and* be a financially sound investment for all other players. In fact, it would be a much more effective item for all parties involved here, including end-game players, casual weekend players and OOO's gold-plated yatch dealer if they were to tweak the pricing of the heat amplifier into a sweet spot.

As stated above the heat amp is targeted toward players that are willing to pay money for CE. That's just how it is, man. I think it would be better if the heat amp increased heat by 50% or even 100% so a free player could consider buying it. Free players got slammed last patch with the crafting change but I think the auction house might be what they needed to keep up. Just gotta make sure all your sales end between 4PM-10PM, perhaps a little later on the weekends! And of course, that the mats you're selling are in demand.

Legacy Username

Don't waste your breath on people like that. Reading the commentary back and forth made me feel just a little more cynical whenever I read his post.
I think he pretty well "shuted" you down, however, when he wrote "shuted down".

/lame joke, too tired to try for more, but there was potential there I just had to capitalize on.

And no, F2P doesn't mean you get your $*** for free, it means you put more time to get things that you can get marginally more easily by paying (well, a "Fremium" game like this, anyways, works that way). Time is money. It's not "free" in the sense you should just get everything end game in 20 minutes.

I'm not going to reply again to this thread, else I'll become too cynical to function in this game.

AndI think thee some kind of worm on my laptop screen. Creepy.

*Edit* it was just a feather from the pillow behind me, but a tiny skinny one.

Portrait de Orangeo
but what was kevomatic

but what was kevomatic saying? told me to check item. a bit too consise...

Portrait de Coatl
OOO should make it so that if

OOO should make it so that if those who have purchased the heat amplifier and are disatisfied they can send it back, with a measely charge of 600CE.

Portrait de Tokin
Sorry to bump this thread but

Sorry to bump this thread but uh.. Here's the *premium* heat amplifier at work :D


Notice I got 2 pixels of heat instead of 1. Awesome!! (I managed to get 3 at firestorm citadel)

Sarcasm aside, for 800ce I think this should give you -atleast- 200% heat, otherwise it's an absolute scam.

Atleast I got mine for free.

Legacy Username
48 Hours Playing Time NOT Server Time

Three Rings should offer this in terms of playing time not server time.
800 CE is worth 80 descents and the amount of energy you can get from 80 sorties outweighs the measly 20% amplification,
unless you can play 48 hours straight.

Except they don't get as much

Except they don't get as much profit out of that, and the heat amplification item is a pretty clear money grab aimed at people who don't care about using their CE inefficiently as long as they get convenience out of it.

Legacy Username
The price of this item is

The price of this item is clear indication of the level of esteem that the developers have for the player base.

In case you weren't paying attention after "The Update".

Portrait de Volebamus
Jeez, we already went through

Jeez, we already went through what needed to be discussed about this topic in the first page.

In short: QQ more


In my opinion this item is absolutely worthless.
If u wanna get tonns of heat fast:
Do JK run with noobs and keep reviving them :)