A Thin Line Between Love and Hate: Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights Monster! [Winners Announced!]

Valentine's Day is headed our way again, and it's important for even the most fiendish of characters to feel some love. So this year we intend to show the monsters and villains of Cradle just how much we care.
Gather your artistic skills, knights! It is time to express your affection and dedication to the monsters of Cradle who make the clockworks such a "wonderful" place. Perhaps a particular monster has caught your eye, you want to give your favorite monster a chuckle, or you want to express your appreciation to that special monster who makes you want to stab it a few extra times.
Deadline: February 12, 2014, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific timezone)
Prizes: Three (3) winners from each of the two entry categories will be able to pick between a forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat). The winner(s) in Category 2 will also receive an additional mystery Valentine's prize. Other prizes may be added depending on participation.
Category 1: Paper and Crayon
1 - Obtain a sheet of white paper and some crayons.
2 - With the crayons, create your Valentine to a Spiral Knights monster on the sheet of paper.
3 - Make sure your entry displays the name of your knight and the date, February 14, 2014 somewhere on your Valentine.
4 - Scan or photograph, and upload the image(s) of your Valentine on a website that allows you to link to it. For example: deviantArt, Tumblr, or Imgur
5 - Submit your entry in this thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96936
Your entry must have the following format:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat).
Category 2: Knock Yourself Out
In this category, it's a free-for-all! You may submit poetry, macaroni art, drawings, video confessionals, prose, interpretive dance, animated gifs of your own making, whatever. Pour forth your feels and create a masterwork.* Once you have done so:
1 - For art and video, upload your entry to a website which allows you to link to it, such as YouTube, deviantArt, Tumblr, or Imgur. For written entries, you may paste the text into the body of your entry post.
2 - Make sure your entry displays the name of your knight and the date, February 14, 2014. This can be done using an index card or small sign if it can't be added to the Valentine itself.
3 - Submit your entry in this thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96937
Your entry must have the following format:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image, or if your entry is written, put the text here:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat).
Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on creativity, execution, and the earnestness of your feels.
*But please keep it clean--no Rule 34 or anything else that would violate the Forum Rules.
- You may enter more than once, but only one entry per knight will be awarded a prize. You may enter each category, but you may only win in one category.
- Your entry must have your knight name and the date, February 14, 2014, appear somewhere to verify this is original work for this event.
- The subject of your entry must be a monster from Spiral Knights. This includes any boss or other NPC foe.
- There are 2 entry threads. Please be sure you put your entry into the correct thread!
- You can see last year's event here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/73758
- Winners will be posted here on February 14th!
español = http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96954
française = http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96991
deutsch = http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96996

Sounds fun!
You might want to make those submission threads be sticky'd though. We'll have so many stickies, but that's fine. :D

Looks like there will be a few participation rewards too.

“No limit on winners?”
“Prizes: Three winners from each of the two entry categories will be able to pick between a forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat). The winner(s) in Category 2 will also receive an additional mystery Valentine's prize. Other prizes may be added depending on participation.”

Love monsters that we hate...
Tiem to make something!

I'm prepared to use all my of my crayons...
And then make a video confession afterward about how painful it was.

Is there a cap on how sappy it can be?

@Bitsbee: Funny... no matter how many times I read it, I couldn't find where it said how many.
EDIT: It was because I was reading "three" as "the." That or it was changed.

There were some edits for typos, but I don't think that was one of them. I did just add a (3) for clarity.

@Aphrodite: I just misread things often. Especially when I'm in a rush... and freezing cold. It's usually simple things like what I mentioned. I'm partially dyslexic.

You shuold slow down or yuo'll miss seeing the erors in my sentnece.

It's so hard to choose, not sure if should make a drawing for the monster i hate the most or the one i love xD

So we can't just use pencils, eh?
And digital art is not allowed as well.
Edit: Sorry! A little bird said "maybe you should actually read the 2nd category before making a garbage post" but I didn't listen to her. I got a GM to answer my post though, which is not a bad outcome at all.

Can I make a video of me expressing my eternal love to Vanaduke?

@Bluencool So we can't just use pencils, eh?
And digital art is not allowed as well.
You can do both of those things for the second category.
@Xtweeterx Can I make a video of me expressing my eternal love to Vanaduke?
Category two will also work for this. The poor fellow needs some love.

You know what? I have a plan for the second category. If I can just get myself to do something*, then I will truly knock myself out.
*I have mentioned trying to enter contests before, but I have a long-running habit of doing nothing for contests. I really really want to try this time.
Pixel art, ahoy!

@ Aphrodite it had to be YOU to make this post eh?
@ Cronus I think that it would be easier to love someone who DIDN'T look like a 'roid ragin' devil and DOESN'T smash people with a mace.

"The poor fellow needs some love."
Because he definitely isn't the boss of the most farmed level in the game.
For category one, can we use markers or Sharpies?

@Malkalack I think that it would be easier to love someone who DIDN'T look like a 'roid ragin' devil and DOESN'T smash people with a mace.
Perhaps sometimes those who are hardest to love are in need of it most? Though to be fair, I hear he extorts stacks of Valentines from his trojan minions.
@Usevnsevnsixfivfor For category one, can we use markers or Sharpies?
No. Category 1 is for paper and crayons only. You're free to use markers and sharpies for category 2.

Would you mind if I made the poem and just wrote it here , like as in a post?

@Cronus: "Perhaps sometimes those who are hardest to love are in need of it most?" By that logic, maybe the community here needs a whole lot more love?

You know, I was going to do Gremlins, but now I'm not so sure...

Gave #2 it a shot, and it turned out as an overly cheesy poem.
Good luck guys!

If I make a crayon drawing, can I mail it to Three Rings? First I'll have to find some crayons, but is that a thing I can do?

Does the Valentine itself have to feature solely a monster? Or can we have characters or other entities in the background?

I'm really tempted to choreo and record interpretive dancing but I don't have time for it :( ... maybe next time! :D

I was going to be original with a slight variation of a Shakespearean Sonnet with more verses, but Edo had to but in first.

Do I have to put a knight in picture? I got confused.

Quick question! For Category 2, will you need a completely original work/drawing/thing or can you re-use a piece of artwork from a different contest? I have an adorable pic of Snarby I want to send in, but I already submitted it to Njthug's/Digicom's Crazy Art Contest D:

Another quick question. Can we make a written entry that isn't about a specific monster, but about SK in general?

I think I might have stated this a year ago, but is the category one required to have a 100% crayon work (albeit I know you can sketch in pencil, and just crayon over it), or does it only require itself to be dominantly crayon (that is, we can add additional ink lining, glitter, water for the watercolor effect for crayons, etc...?
Can we use pastels/chalk/color pencils instead of crayons? They seem to have similar texture, I might as well pass them off as crayons.

@Fangel - Yes! If you want to send it to the office you can use this address:
Three Rings Design
P.O. Box 482
San Francisco
CA 94104-0482
@Zenial - It can have other characters in it, but the main focus should be the monster.
@Gvdtok - No, you do not have to have a knight in the picture.
@Jayenna - This should be a new, original piece of art that you haven't submitted for another event.
@Sandwich-Potato - It doesn't have to be a specific monster, but the topic should be SK monsters.
@Zaffy-Laffy - category 1 is paper and crayon only. If you add anything else (pastels, chalk, pencils, glitter, etc), it should go into category 2.

“Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat).”
I want a Mawile.
(This was corrected in this post, but the error is still in the Submission Threads.)

Maybe it will get there before Valentines day.
EDIT: I put the picture out for the mailman so hopefully it will get to you all in time! I felt young again, probably because my crayons were dull from not being used for over a decade.

Did you at least scan it into a PDF so that we can see it? o3o
Are you splitting Category 2 into written and drawn parts again, like you did last year? I hope so to eliminate compet-I mean to have more people get joyous gifts of love. Yeah. Totally into sappy stuff like that.

I took a picture of it on my phone but I'm just going to wait until Valentines day before I post it anywhere.
If it gets there in time to qualify then yay! None of the gifts really stood out to me, so I'll just let it be a cute little picture for the people at Three Rings to look at. :)
I like this idea and it looks like fun. I have lots of school work, though, and it might not be easy for me to do something, but, if I can, I'll see if I can submit something. Good luck fellow Knights!
I like this idea and it looks like fun. I have lots of school work, though, and it might not be easy for me to do something, but, if I can, I'll see if I can submit something. Good luck fellow Knights!

Can i make a father and son artwork :) hehehe
(I the snarby prince and my fatha... snarby
Prizes: Three winners from each of the two entry categories will be able to pick between a forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat)
Oh man, I haven't gotten a pocket monster for my journey yet.
Might do something for entry 2 :v