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Entry Thread: A Thin Line Between Love and Hate - Category 2

65 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Rissoluto
My Entry

My Knight is: Rissoluto.
The monster i love is the Royal Jelly and the Ice Queen... I think they deserve more love!.

This is my entry:

If any of the mods wants to chek the draw is mine, they can visit my DA account added to the draw.

Im player from Mexico, i say this in case there is any problem with my account i dunno.


Knight Name: Solotron
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

Mmmm, spanish confessions are smexy!

Portrait de Flame-Shinobi

Dear Constructs,
This is me, Flame-Shinobi. Speaking form my heart this time. I... I know I've destroyed alot of you, but... well... you have to understand me. Even though I love you guys so much, you just won't stop fighting me. I wish you were programmed differetly, or maybe that i could hack you and reprogram you, but I'm no technician. I'm a Mage, not good with machinery. Some nights i sit up at night wondering how the Love Puppies did it? how did they break their programming? If i could only figure it out i could help you. But until then you have to try to fight. I know every morning, the gremlins reboot you and program you to kill, but you have to fight that feeling off. Do you evven know the feeling of love? Can you? I wish i understood you more. Maybe it is't the gremlins... Maybe you are all just mad at us for diving the Tortodrone to near extinction, only to recently start to come back. Like I've said before... I wish I knew how to help you. I've asked every technician at the lab, and even they don't know. So until then my sweet metallic loves. I must bid you ado. The gremlins are coming to find me, and this uplink is very old. So, goodbye...

Your One Greatest Lover,

Knight Name: Flame-Shinobi

Perferred Prize: Forever Love Puppy Mask or Chroma Welp Monster Pocket


Knight name: Thebronzedragon
Prize Preference: Forever love puppy mask
This is a poem where the first stanza is written in ABAB style, the second, third, and fourth stanzas are in AABB style
Oh mighty Trojan horse
With your attitude that is exacerbated
And your sword that is quite coarse,
You never fail to make me feel exasperated.

Instead of being tenacious,
You should try to be at least a little mawkish.
When you attack me and make me feel feeble,
I have no choice but to riddle you with my Blitz Needle.

I don’t like you making me feel wary,
So we should be merry.
I might even give you chocolates in a box,
If you do not create a paradox.

So this Valentine’s Day,
If I may,
I’d like to give you a hug,
If you don’t act like a assassin bug.

Portrait de Bootleg-Iu

Knight name: Thull
Link to entry image:
Prize Preference: Love Aura

Portrait de The-Arena-Queen

Knight Name: Dull-Azure
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: monster pocket chroma whelp

Portrait de Jammy-Jam

Knight name: Jammy-Jam
DeviantArt Image:
Prize: Forever Love Puppy Mask

Contest Entry

Knight Name: Laraza
Prize Preference: Love Aura

The Vanguard Laraza made her way through the grassy plains, Dark Briar Barrage ready and waiting in her hand for when the wolver pack occupying the level pop out. She paused, looked around, but there was nothing around, no rustling of an approaching monster. She lowered her hand and sighed.
"Where are those things, I'm already halfway through the level and not a single enemy has appeared!" She muttered. Shaking her head, she sighed and continued on, tossing the bomb from hand to hand idly, waiting for something, ANYTHING to happen. "I need heat for my armor! Where are you beasts!" Laraza yelled, pulling out her Fearless Rigadoon and slashing down bushes.
She was about to unleash her fury upon a fresh clump of bushes when they shook violently. She stumbled back a few steps and automatically flapped her wings to remain upright, Rigadoon at her side and shield defending her front. The bushes swayed, and a growling rose up from them, followed my a panicked yipping/whining sound. Laraza tilted her head in confusion.
"The heck was tha-" She stumbled back a bit again, reaching the opposite each of the clearing as a wolver's head popped out of the bush. It's face was poised in a snarl, fur bristling along it's golden furred neck. At its side, another wolver's head popped out, snarling just as viciously as it's companion, when suddenly it stopped, nose twitching and eyes glued on something on Laraza's body. It stepped all the way out of the bush, tail utterly still for once. It padded towards her, nose twitching, ears down, while its companion remained mostly hidden in the bush, no longer snarling, but watching Laraza warily.
The wolver got within two feet, and stopped, staring at her silently. Laraza hung her sword at her side, poised to strike, when she followed the wolver's eyes to her side. Her eyes opened wide in confused surprised.
It was staring at her health capsules.
The wolver whimpered and pawed the ground, before slinking closer, neck stretching out. It's nose tapped against the capsules, before flitching backwards when Laraza involuntarily jerked aside, smacking its snout. It growled slightly, fur bristling in anger and Laraza aimed her sword at its neck. The wolver paused, fur flattening, before it bounded back to the cluster of bushes and its companion. The two wolvers stood close together, yapping and barking at each other. Laraza narrowed her eyes and relaxed her stance again, watching the two beasts silently. After several minutes, the two wolvers seemed to reach some sort of agreement, as the one who was still in the bush came out fully. This one was much larger and with a darker coat. It turned towards the bushes and began snapping at the branches, jerking this way and that, while the smaller one sat nearby, watching. After several minutes, the larger wolver huffed in satisfaction, and turned back towards Laraza. it offered a short, sharp warning growl, before stepping to the side, revealing a path leading into the middle of the clumped bushes. Laraza's eyes widened in shock as the yipping and whining became more pronounced, now that the source was revealed.
A nest with three small wriggling wolver pups.
Something was wrong.
Both of the older wolvers whined this time, catching the knight off guard once more. The smaller wolver stepped up to the young pups, picking one up by the scruff of it's neck and plopping it gently down in front of Laraza.
The poor thing was covered in dark bruises and scratches. It whined and yipped pitifully, staring up at her with frightened and pained eyes.
The smaller, older wolver walked over to her and bumped her head more forcefully against the health capsules at Laraza's side, and suddenly the knight realized what the two elder wolvers wanted her to do. Kneeling down, Laraza pulled a health capsule from her side and held it close over the pup's head. squeezing her hand, the crushed the capsule, and the healing powder rained down over the pup, swirling around it's body momentarily before sinking in. The pup stood slowly, shook out it's coat and sniffed at itself a bit, before turning back to Laraza and licking her hand, yipping happily.
The two older wolvers padded quickly over, licking at the young pup comfortingly. The smaller paused and looked up at Laraza again, before gesturing it's head back towards the other two pups. Laraza smiled and got up, heading for the nest.
The process was repeated twice more, and soon the three pups were swarming happily up at her body, yipping cheerily. The knight lost her balance and fell back, laughing, as the pups climbed all over her. The two older wolvers came over eventually, with the larger one nodding and bowing it's head in appreciation, while the smaller tackled Laraza, licking happily at her face yelping and howling in appreciation.
For the rest of the day, and for the first time in a long while, wolver and knight played together in peace, laughter and happy barks echoing through clockworks. Eventually, it came time for Laraza to go, and with a final hug and scratch behind the ears of each wolver, she headed for the elevator, weapons holstered and shield strapped to her back.
"So much for that heat." She murmured, smiling as she watched the wolver family frolic and play in the grassy plains.
"Maybe those furballs aren't so bad after all."

Portrait de Rissoluto

A friend of mine is trying to upload her entry but the system of the forum dont lets her to coment here.

So she asked me for help... I hope you mods, understand she and understand me, the one helping her.

This is her entry:

The name of her knight is "Prinny-San"

The prize she wants is the pocket monster Chromalisk.

Well, thanks for understand and all that.

Portrait de Pikachululu
Drawing entry

Knight name: Pikachululu
Link to Artwork:
Prize Preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket

Sculpture Entry

Knight Name: Rorix
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

I realize in hindsight that we couldn't get a single good picture with the tail. Sadness. He sits on my girlfriend's desk as an early valentines gift, and she's been bouncing around squealing about it =)

I Seerusly Love You

Knight Name: Regular-Mons
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask

Portrait de Gutnif
Ode to my beloved greaver

Knight name: Gutnif
Link to artwork: N/A
Prize preference: Love aura

Whenever you hug me, you leave me under a cloud
Sometimes stunned, sometimes shocked
But always you come back for more
Chasing me across the room
To show me your love
With your cloudy hugs

One day I'll embrace you
In the cloud of my staggerstorm or voltaic tempest
And you will be stunned or shocked
And know how I feel for you
As I chase you across the room
With a final flourish

Portrait de Gutnif
Oops, double post.

Oops, double post.

Portrait de Wavara

Knight Name: Wavara
Link to entry image: This didn't go as planned...
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask