Fastest way to get Ancient Pages and/or Book of Dark Rituals (still works September 2014)

EDIT: Still works for the Kataclysmic Confrontation that started September 17th 2014
Hullo all black kat hunters ^^
This is a new variation of an old method. I tested it with some (awesome) guild mates and it works. This really helps you find/kill more kats so i thought i would share it with everyone. I'm not the best at explaining things in english because it isn't my first language but ill try to make this as clear as possible.
Knight #1 = (1)
Knight #2 = (2)
Knights #1 and #2 = (1,2)
and so on.
This is what you do:
(1,2,3,4) go together on a mission. It is very important that all 4 party members start from the mission lobby together for this to work. When a black kat is found, (1), (2) and (3) go solo.
(1), (2) and (3) all kill the kat in their own parties and then join (4). Then (1,2,3,4) kill the kat in the original party. After this, a new party is started in the mission lobby and the hunting starts again.
With this method (1,2,3) kill 2 kats each and (4) kills 1. For the next kat someone else is (4) to make it even. Everyone gets to kill 7 kats per 4 kats found (= 1,75 kats killed/kat found)
This does work with less than four knights but it isn't as efficient.
With 4 knights, everyone gets 1,75 kats/kat
With 3 knights, everyone gets 1,67 kats/kat (3/2= 1,666... but whatever)
With 2 knights, both get 1,5 kats/kat
You only get the tokens in the original party and your own party after you go solo now. However, some players have reported that the Book of Dark Rituals may drop from any black kat so you can use the method below to hunt books (confirmation still needed).
(1,2,3,4) go together on a mission. It is very important that all 4 party members start from the mission lobby together for this to work. When a black kat is found (1), (2) and (3) go solo.
(1) kills the kat in his/her party and joins (2).
(1,2) kill the kat in (2)'s party to gether and then they both join (3).
(1,2,3) kill the kat in (3)'s party and then join (4).
(1,2,3,4) kill the kat in (4)'s party and then they go to the mission lobby and start hunting again.
This way (1) kills 4 kats, (2) kills 3 kats, (3) kills 2 kats and (4) kills 1 kat. For the next black kat (1) and (4) change places and (2) and (3) do the same. This way everyone gets to kill 5 kats per 2 kats found (= 2,5 kats killed/kat found)
This does work with less than four knights but it isn't as efficient.
With 4 knights, everyone gets 2,5 kats/kat
With 3 knights, everyone gets 2 kats/kat
With 2 knights, both get 1,5 kats/kat
If something is unclear and you want to ask something, feel free to ask here. I'll try to answer all questions I get.
- Uberer

Well, either way I applaud the ingenuity of this strategy.

It no longer works. only the party leader gets the pages. If you invite a player after the black kat is spawned, it won't work.
I dunno about getting books though.
Sad day too, getting Black Kat Cowl has been a bad time for me so far.

(1) kills the kat in his/her party and joins (2).
(1,2) kill the kat in (2)'s party to gether and then they both join (3).
(1,2,3) kill the kat in (3)'s party and then join (4).
(1,2,3,4) kill the kat in (4)'s party and then they go to the mission lobby and start hunting again.
As far as I can remember, going solo reduces the capacity of the main party by one, until the next floor. I cannot remember what happens to the party of the person who goes solo, I think it gets restricted to 1 until the next floor. (it would make sense)
So the party splits from 4 players to two parties, the main one gets its player limit reduced to 3 members, and the solo party is restricted to 1.
Then the next person splits from the main party, leaving the main party with a player limit of 2 members, and the two solo party's are 1.
Once the third part member goes solo, reducing the capacity of the main party again, leaving four knights with party limits of 1. No player can join any other.

Almost everyone know that trick alredy and thank you for posting that on the forum which let OOO know and now they may fix it in short. -_-

What do you mean by "in a different way"? I couldn't reproduce this since the latest patch...

Now you can only get the tokens in the original party and your own party after u went solo. Edited the OP.

If you run in a group of 4 and see the kat spawn
3 go solo. The kat already spawned in previous state, meaning that if those people that saw the kat spawn come back to slain it, they will get tokens. It is true but way more complicated than the first event.
Where you simply had to kill the kat and invite ppl for tokens... Call me crazy but it was better before as it was more about covering large area, kinda like the cake and hallowfest have become. Invite when you find an arena.
Also bare in mind that you have to keep turns so everybody can grind the same amount. Who's the 4th to join (getting only 1 kat) to the first one (who gets 4)

I'm honestly very happy there's still a way to do this. Good find.

I had a guildie get a book drop while he joined me after kat had spawned yesterday, so only pages don't drop, books might though.

So I guess you can hunt the old way and then have more chances of getting a book while still getting as many tokens as you would by doing it the new way.
Thank you ^^
I'm glad that I was able to help someone.

Can anyone else confirm Uncle-si's claim, cause that is a game changer for the people just hunting the book.

yeah this worked: went with my guild, found black kat, i went solo killed it and got 3 pages, re joined guild and killed it again, got 3 again, so 6 pages easy

No problem.
It would be nice if someone confirmed the book thing. I'm not sure if I should edit the guide to say that the old way can be used to hunt books.

Almost all my friends do this so OOO has to know about it which means that they probably don't care
I did this last event (it's how I got two books). It doesn't seem to work anymore though. I hope someone will prove me wrong, cause it was the best way to get lots of pages.