Step 0: Read the Basic Troubleshooting Guide
This gives the basic troubleshooting runthrough, and handles many issues. It is the official Three Rings (OOO) guide, and should be read completely.
Step 1: list your processor, memory (RAM), operating system, the name of the video card and its amount of video memory, and explain exactly what sort of problems you have.
The OS and EXACTLY WHAT PROBLEM YOU ARE HAVING are necessary, and the other stuff may be depending on which problem you are having. If you do NOT provide the OS or EXACTLY WHAT PROBLEM in the first post, the first non-flame post you are likely to get will be a question about either the OS or What, exactly, the problem is.
Step 2: Make your title descriptive.
A title like "Help" or "It's Broken!" does not help us decide who should take a look at the problem. For example, Niramu mostly works with Linux systems or stuff that involves serious errors with running programs, while d0gr0ck has more experience with routers. If we cannot tell what, in general, the problem is, it takes us that much longer to even look at the thread. Good examples of helpful titles: "[Linux] Cannot get the game to load starting screen" or "[Windows] Frequently disconnected".
Step 3: Be patient.
We aren't (generally) paid to do this, we do it in our spare time. Consequently, we aren't online 24/7 and none of us are equipped to handle every situation. It may take a few hours or even a few days to get help. Yes, it's frustrating, and even when we start helping you, it's not a guarantee that we will have some magical solution right away. It's unfortunate, but a fact of life.
Step 4: Be polite.
As previously stated, we aren't paid for this. Some basic nettiquite applies. If you can't be nice to us, we reserve the right to ignore your problem.
It is also worth noting that the Performance Issues FAQ has a list of common issues and fixes experienced in this forum.