[Aesthetic] - Thoughts about Auras

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Dracora-Speaking's picture

Well, I like making animations of things for the wiki, and while I was working on the auras, I happened to scroll backwards through the frames on a few of them several times.

I have to say, it looked amazing for some - so it gave me ideas!

I'd like to see "Consuming" and "Ravenous" auras, auras that are like electron vortexes - sucking things inward to the chest. This could be colored dust like Baleful, or just linear-vibrating air. I think it would look perfectly evil and amazing.

Not sure how relevant these would be to anything, probably Dark Harvest, but hey! The game is crazier about boxes than the Box Ghost in Danny Phantom right now, so why not?

Dahall's picture

"Linear-vibrating air" -Dracora-Speaking

You mean sort of like a microwave?

I do like the idea of sprites emitting from a point instead of being animated. There could be a Holy aura (Light rays emanating from the player) or a water blob/fountain effect.

Melonfish's picture
Everybody Move!
Dracora-Speaking's picture

I really mean sucking inward, not emanating outward. :(. Not like a microwave... more like infrared - visually, but not the same physics at all. Again, emphasis on going inward to the chest. Not outward.

What's that about sprites? Like drakon/seraphynx/mask? or the FSC sprites? Little confused, sorry. By holy aura - perhaps you mean sunshine? or the Skolver Coat effect? D: sorry just really confused.