So...who is your favorite character in the game, and why? The winner will be the one who I judge to have the best reason. You can make your explanation appeal to me in whatever way you want; it could be funny, inspiring, etc. Get creative! Only your first character will be judged.
This isn't limited to NPCs; you can chose a real player as well!
What will you be winning? I cannot promise any sort of crown prize. On the 20th, I'll tell you what this character will be used for. If you ask me very nicely, I'll give you a hint. (Maybe try luring me out with some giraffe pizza... *hinthint*)
Also, this ends after I post on the 20th. I cannot tell you when I shall be posting, so make sure to get your post in! All posts after my post on the 20th will not be considered.
May the odds be in your favor. /bow
My favorite character is myself because I am so awesome