Mail or PM me offers - IGN Ayman-Vip or Add me on Steam-
Note: Will accept tf2 hats,stranges etc at 200ce per ref and 1300ce per key and 24500ce per bud
- Any 3* Torto Weap/Shield - 35kcr
-Gorgomega - ℅ none b/o 6.5kce
-Voltedge CTR H - ℅ 7kce b/o 8.5kce
-Skolver Cap Pierce H - b/o 5kce
-Citrine Set - ℅ None b/o 5kce
-Amethyst Tabard - b/o 900ce each
-Hot Edge CTR VH - ℅ 60kcr b/o 900ce
[from old thread] @Vanillaboy Sure