Sorry for threading on your toes here, Skepticraven. I know you're doing something similar to this.
Here's Skepticraven's thread on the subject.
Doing a new thing. I've updated my lost souls chart. For the moment, I've only gone for even-numbered bonuses, because I plan to later cross-reference with Lancer Knightz data, which is also primarily found at even-numbered bonuses.
The calculation, as she goes
For Valiance, these are some of the numbers I have:
Shot: 245, 304 (no bonus, max)
Charge: 417, 517
If Skepticraven is correct, 245 actually means 244 < x <= 245, where x is the true damage number. It could be 244.0001, or it could be 245.
So at no bonus, it's in a range of 244-245, and at max it's in the range of 303-304.
We know (assume, actually. I'll be relying on a lot of assumptions that haven't been 100% proven for this thread) that max is 124% of no bonus, so we can cross-reference.
303-304 reverts to 244.3548... - 245.1613. Some of that falls outside of range, so we cut it off to 244.3548... - 245. We can apply this backwards again and find that max bonus has a viable range of 303 - 303.8.
Every damage bonus can be cross reference back with base, and then the base referenced back with every damage bonus to further narrow it. The more bonuses we can get, the closer we get. Simple, right?
And we can go further. We also know (assume) that charge attacks for most guns is 170% of the base attack. We narrow down the charge attacks amongst itself:
416.1290 - 416.9355 and 516 - 517
Then cross-reference shot vs charge.
Shot: 244.7818 - 245 and 303.5294 - 303.8
Charge: 416.1290 - 416.5 and 516 - 516.46
Why exactly do we care about this?
I dunno.
You're teasing out the rounding effects. That's good. Is this because you're pretty confident that Gear-Storm's calculations explain damage up to rounding, and you're trying to get things exactly verifiable?