So this all started randomly on Thursday evening, while I was playing.
It's like my game is lagging. I'll walk a few steps, the game will pause, and I'll end up a few steps away from where I was before. In between pauses it will run fine, but these mini-freezes are frequent. Trying to manage going into a dungeon is hell.
The problem is, I'm fairly certain it CAN'T be lag. My computer is only 3 months old, and it's got good hardware in it.
My internet connection hovers around 1Mb/s during downloads.
Any suggestions here? I basically can't play Spiral Knights and it's a huge pain.
I have a feeling people will want to see computer specs, so here:
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor 3.20 GHz
8.00 GB of DDR3 RAM.
Windows 7 Home Premium
ATI Radeon HD 5670
Dell Studio XPS 7100
That's the most useful stuff I think.
So yeah.
Help please, if you can. This is really bothering me.
I've gone through all the support steps. I've updated Java and reinstalled the game twice now.
It's still happening.
Any help would be appreciated.
Refer to this thread:
The issue in the above thread may or may not have been resolved by the devs, but I haven't experienced it for a while now.
You may also want to take a look at the Technical Support FAQ to see if any of those suggestions help. If you're using a router, that's most likely the source of your issues (try port forwarding) but that's just a guess on my part.