The 2014 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest! WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

Link to the winners here:
It’s time for the annual Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest! Carve a Spiral Knights themed pumpkin and enter it per the instructions below.
Deadline: Wednesday, October 29 11:59 PM Game Time
Winners will be posted on Halloween and featured in Fan Art Friday on Facebook and Twitter!
Entry Thread:
Prizes: We’ll pick three (3) winners. These winners will each be able to pick one prize from the following list:
- Ghostly Aura
- Shadow cat tail
- Monster Pockets
- Anti-Personnel Spikes
- Jack o' Bombhead Mask
- Gatecrasher Helm
Other prizes may be added depending on participation.
The Rules:
- Obtain a real pumpkin. If pumpkins are not available where you live, you can try any type of gourd, squash, etc.
- Create a Spiral Knights design for your pumpkin. This can be anything Spiral Knights--a monster, an NPC, your knight, etc.
- Carve the design onto your pumpkin.
- Create a card (or slip of paper) that includes your knight name and the year (2014).
- Take at least two "creation" pictures while you are carving your pumpkin, to prove it's your own work. Include a card with your knight's name and the year in EACH photo (no photoshopping).
- Take at least one lit and one unlit photo of your pumpkin, again including your knight's name on a card to show it's your own handiwork.
- Host your images on Imgur.
- Submit your entry with a minimum of four photos per entry (two creation, one lit, and one unlit) in the entry thread in the Treasure Vault along with your knight's name and your prize preference.
- Double check your entry to make sure you have four working links to each entry, and that it follows the template below.
You don't need to make an account--just upload them
Entry Template:
Knight Name:
Creation Link:
Creation Link:
Unlit Link:
Lit Link:
Prize preference:
Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based upon the creativity and cleverness of design, the quality and detail of carving, and the overall effect of the lit pumpkin. Remember, the LIT pumpkin is the photo being used for judging. Take care with regard to shadows, flash, focus, and detail.
Extra Stuff:
You can enter more than once, but only one entry per person can be awarded a prize.
Questions? Ask them here in this thread. Thanks, and good luck to everyone!
I'm from Spain, there are none of the vegetables listed above here so imma use a goddamn cucumber or something.

Seems interesting, I might try this. One question though, what do you mean by "Creation" pictures? Do you mean pictures of it in stages of it's making? Any specific stages you're looking for?

So why not for the prizes just say one of whatever existing item (within reason- no, you cannot have a banstick) they want? I mean, it already only makes sense to get the gatecrasher helm and then sell it, as you could plausibly buy any of the other items with the money you get. Might as well just spawn what the winners what they actually want. Like a nice mixer, gun puppy drakon, prismatic topper, darkfang, prismatic pylons, black kat raiment.... you guys are THE Three Rings, you can spawn whatever cool stuff people want as prizes.
And think of the marketing, if you spawned them something particularly crazy. Wow, THAT is a company that knows how to do contest rewards.

10 bucks says the first winner will pick the gate crasher helmet

Confirmed: Dark Harvest Festival begins this wednesday.
P.S: When's the last time anyone saw Eurydice? Isn't this her job?

I think this is gonna be fun and the post from Spain that's gunny as hell

If I didn't have 4 classes in College...... still I might do something just for the fun of it...
Here's hoping I don't cut off a finger

Next year, can we have a mask-making contest?
Also, can I request a Black Kat sprite instead? I really want that, and it fits with the theme. (Not promising that I'll participate, anyway. I'm busy and I probably won't get time.)

Yeah, I do not think it should be limited just to just pumpkins... #FreedomOfExpression

So.. half way thru the month, no entries yet?
Apart from the Elephant hat, the prizes are the same as last year...
Who knows... maybe only 3 or less players will enter this time round.

@Exerpa I feel like making a terrible SK pumpkin, enter it, and then see if I win by default

Can I request a gun pup drakon sprite? I'll totally do your contest if you add that to the prizes.

Rather than craving faces into pumpkins, can I carve pumpkins into faces and take pictures of that?

If we work on the pumpkin with someone else, can we put both our names on it (Just for fun, not for the prizes)?

@Crazee-Pi-Forums - For the creation pictures, we're not looking for anything specific, just showing the carving in-progress. That way we know you really did the work!
@Semajc - Yes, but only one of you will win the prize, so be sure to specify who's entering the contest.

So, what happens if we only see 4 entrants? ;o From what it looks I'm the 4th knight to enter.
Can i just put in a regular pumpkin with nothing on it. Just maybe make it shiny, and see what happens. :/

I forgot to take pics while I was carving. Would it count if I entered?

Wahoo more entrants xD i have no fear now =P.
No longer feeling left out out of four due to more participants.

Is there a chance that the Anti-Personnel Spikes going to be Anti-Hazard as well? Would like to have a go with those too if you guys can. :)
So it looks like the winners of the contest will be announced tomorrow. Good luck to everyone who entered! :D

Here are the winners for the 2014 Pumpkin Carving Contest!
Noobecita -
Fighting-Polygon -
Toastnaut -
Check your in-game mail for your prize.
Honorable Mentions:
Oski-Boski -
Spring-At-Peace -
To honor your creative spark, a Spark of Life has been delivered to your knight's in-game mail.
Thank you to everyone for your glowing entries. We appreciate all the time and effort you put into your pumpkins!
Erm... wasn't Fighting-Polygon one of last year's winners as well as this year's?

Congrats to the winners.
Into the trash my pumpkin goes.~~

Yay! Thank you!
Congrats to all of the winners! =D
(Mine is on the way to becoming a soup and a pie ^^)
(Edit: Make that two pies.)

Lol same here Paintool.
Unfortunately my baby Vana went into the trash cause it got mouldy. :c

i am in no way related to that person
Variance of prizes value is funny. Monster Pockets or Bombhead mask doesn't stand a chance with Gatecrasher Helm.