How sweet would it be, if you were on a wolver den and you had flamberge + dark briar barrage when you came across some lumbers... and instead of being like "oh no, I have all of these piercing-" you could just charge up your flamberge and light into them, dealing the appropriate damage type?
And then a few seconds later, that smoke animation could go and it would return to dealing piercing damage, just in time to kill more wolvers.
I'm not sure about pure elemental (you are after all still poking it with a pointy thing), but having different damage types on some charge attacks would be an interesting mechanic I could definitely get on board with. Perhaps the Flamberge's charge would deal split Piercing/Elemental, or something like Cutter's mechanics with a Piercing hit and simultaneous 'ghost' Elemental hit.
You could even expand it into some other weapons too:
-On Triglav/Sudaruska's charges the first strike could be pure Normal, but the second light-strike could be mixed Normal/Elemental.
-On Wild Hunting Blade's charge, the ghost Wolver hits could be pure piercing
-Torto shield bashes could deal mixed Normal/Special damage type they defend against (ex Savage Tortoise bash deals Normal/Piercing)