Basically give us a BFG-9000.
Iron Slug level high Elemental damage
Speed Incredibly low
Charge speed is a bit faster than BAB
The regular attack would fire a large bullet (expanded pulsar shot size) but it would be even slower than a catalyzer bullet. (non PVP breaking) This would fade on contact with an enemy or at the end of its range.
The charge would fire a more energetic looking bullet (more lightning effects). This bullet would be able to pass through enemies dealing high damage and it would deal about as much knockback per damage tick as a Valiance. As the bullet passes within a certain distance of an enemy a weak arc of energy would come out and deal stun to the enemy. The reload on this guns would be the longest of any gun in the game but the potential damage would be just as well.
This weapon for all you younger gamers is based on one of the most powerful weapons from the DOOM series.
Technically old magnus line charge with a slower speed for regular, and regular new magnus line charge for charge? But though the energy thing seems to add some type of uniqueness instead of copy-paste.
P.S. A* not An.
'A Homage Weapon'