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Entry Thread: Hey Valentine, I think of you knight and day! Category 2

29 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Aphrodite
Community Manager

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 2 of the Make a Spiral Knights Valentine event. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here:

Deadline: February 11, 2015, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific time zone)

Posts should include the information below:

Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, heart eyes, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, hoptimer or mewkat).

Portrait de Chaos-Mist
Knight: Chaos Mist

Preference: Love Aura


I do hope this is in Order and not inconvenient to you in anyway. I've been working on this all devonite as I had overtime. The trojans, they laugh, at how I staple together this letter together for you;

I cradle this poem
As cold as the knight
To shoot down my love-lark
Would be my only fright

The mythical beast
Roars true in my heart
The stinging, the stun
The rose thorns, part

These feelings are poison
My mind is a blitz
This sickness is starving me
In globulous bits

Roarmulus are red
Scuttlebots, blue
3 depths of love shock
My token to you

All of this song
Is to mask my weak form
For this blaze in my mind
Pierces my citadel storm

And as this void in my soul
Gathers the key
Keep dreaming this light
If you seek sanctuary

From (your secret admirer):

Valentine entry

Knight: sacred-Boomkin
Prize: no real preference but I'll take love puppy mask or mewkat.

All I have is 3 valentines, and a poem

Hey baby, I know we just got into a party; but I can tell things are starting to HEAT up.

I also have

Hey did you put down a stagger storm? Because your making me see stars


Just wanted to let you know, that you put a spark in my life.


Poem entry

Fire is red
Freeze is blue
If you where a gremlin
I would hug you.

Portrait de Sipsy
Van's Submission ( Not /that/ kind of submission )

Edit: Updated the GIF so that it was in the right format

Knight Name: Van-Winkle

(updated) Link to entry image:

Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

~ 14 Feb, 2015 in the description ;o

Portrait de Jetbeat
My entry

Knight Name: Jetbeat

Entry Link: here
(edit: made some adjustments to the picture)

Prize Preference: Forever love puppy mask

Portrait de Avenger-Of-Troy
Knight Name:

Knight Name: Blazer-Of-Troy

Prize preference: Love puppy pocket.


When I first saw your face,
down in those endless gears below,
I knew for true,
that it was you...
who I had been longing to know,

We were brought to this planet for a reason,
And I have figured it out.
We were meant to be together,
I know this without a doubt.

And when I first asked you,
and you shrieked, "Yes!"
I couldn't wait for this time of year...
and when it got near... I just have to say:
"Will you be my valentine, and love me with all your heart?"

I'll get you Heavenly Iron armor,
to represent what you mean to me.
And we can be two puppies in love...


Just something I wrote on the spot.

Portrait de Archemiday-Thebard

Knight Name: Archemiday-Thebard

Prize preference: Love aura




I want you sprite here with me!




Are you using a Fearless Rigadoon?

Because you are stunning!




Are you wearing Valkyrie mail?

Because you look divine!




Are you trying to use a Graviton Vortex on me?

Because I want to be close to you!




You must be wearing a Salt Bomb,

Because you look shocking!




Are you a Greaver?

Because you're driving me batty!




You must be a gremlin mender,

since your aura mends my heart!




Are you are stranger?

Because you're so energetic!



Please note, I do not advise putting your name on either the To or From sections.

Portrait de Gradiosive-Cate

Knight name : Ladder-Deco
Link :
Prize preference : Hoptimer monster pocket

poem art

Knight name: Dj-darksoul-blood

prize preference: Forever love puppy mask or monster pocket ( hoptimer)

Portrait de Chaos-Mist
Warning: Superiority Complex.

Knight: Chaos-Mist
Prize: Love Aura
Entry: Short-Story (SK love themed).
TO: Believed to be referencing :.:TO:.: machine name "★----★CONFIDENTIAL★----★".

[Spiral Order Artifact 137, B57. The following is a recon module extracted from a knight who fell through the gate. The module suggests the Order have not discovered the presence of us Morai at the core.]

And in the end, as the molten ashes fall upon the once great Citadel like rain upon my chances of living on, I always knew I was going too far. I had to go alone...I couldn't drag anyone else into this certain death battle...I...I...(I wake up).
"Hey!" My barely sentient mind picks up the echoes of the voice, rattling my ear drums. "What the hell were you thinking of charging off on your own?"
It takes me thousands of moments to awaken and realise that once again you have saved me from the fires of death, saved me from my own ego - saved me from myself.
And there you are standing over me and you're shouting and I really can't hear you over my surprise...[I...I had to try alone...if anyone else got hurt then I would never...I could never...death would hurt less than (and I can't say losing you, my heart stops at the idea)...than, you know...] and if you understand then maybe next time I won't be saved...maybe I'll die...but as-long as yo-
-"Don't be so selfish!" I don't quite hear you cry out, warm tears hitting my cheek and rolling down to my chin (and then, just for an hour in the middle of that second, I have no pulse) "...if...if you'd have died...then what would I do? (As the pulse fades my breathing draws up short, I can no longer exhale, the air in my lungs not wanting to part from my damned soul) You're not the only one who can't bare to see others hurt! If you...if you die...if you die then I'll travel to death to free you (a spark shuttles around my brain, the pain excruciating and yet I can't - won't stop it). I'll rip apart Tartaros, pull apart every strand of grass in Elysia, tear the hell out of Olympus...and if you're still dead...I - I...I don't know!! I...I won't let you die that easily!"
For a second, I almost die. I almost gave up my life to protect others, but I forgot that sometimes protecting yourself is protecting them and [I...I'm so... (and now it's my turn to cry, 'cos I'm so sorry...if my pride would let me say it, I'm so sorry that I tried to leave you behind)...sorry.]
The tears run dry but keep running and I swear the sun sets and rises before either of us speak again (cos I saw the light and the dark and then your light again, even at this depth the rays pierced through and even though I'm naturally resistant to this status it goes straight through the armour of my heart and burns away my shackles). [Coul...(and I stop cause this is embarrassing, so I have to look into your eyes, then away to the side to pull up the strength to say it)...could we...will you...] "Let's fight it together." And then you smile in the middle of all our tears and it makes my heart go warm and start to melt away the last of the metal (clinging on for it's own life). [Ye-yeah. That'd be cool (and now it's my turn to smile, and I know it surely can't have the same effect's funny how I end up being so irrational sometimes...and yet you're still here...even though I kept forcing you away for so long...and even now I could never say that...).]
The following night is bliss. You stay watching over me, waiting for me to heal, ready and armed for the following fight. Not once do I see you sleep.
And then the day begins. And within an hour of waking we are here again, in the throne room. The king rules all in this realm, and as he stands (at-least 60 feet tall...) we look down (cos when I'm standing here with you I'm at-least 100) and we prepare to battle. "Together we're invincible". Those are the words I will always remember. Those are the words that will always remind me of this battle. Those are the words I'll never forgive for allowing you to be snatched away by the flames, by the monsters, by me. And even now, as I stand on the edge of the world, looking down upon this planet's beating heart (too far away for any knight to reach) I prepare to search for you. I will scour every heaven, every hell, every afterlife for you. I will jump.
As I take the run up to the edge of the plateau I skid to a halt, my right foot slightly over the edge (the left behind it, holding me back, forcing me back). [JUMP DAMMIT!] I scream at myself, hoping, just hoping that I can actually hear my own words. It's funny that now you're no longer here to speak to me, my ears no longer work. All I hear is noise. None of it reaches far back into my skull enough to be deciphered. You always said I was thick were probably right. And as I stand over the edge I realise that I will never be able to jump. As-long as I can still remember your words I will never be able to move my feet, never be able to move my heart in that dire - and then I'm falling (and the crease in the air at my back makes me cringe).
Captain stands over me (and the lose ends are tied up, for I have seen the entrance to the core and I have seen what's inside) and I know that I've finished my job now. I have fulfilled my usefulness to the Order.
As I fall into the light I accept this warmth, the energy filling up my weapons, super charging though I need them anymore. And then just before I hit the ground (not can't all just end...) my will to survive kicks in. I reach out for anyone, anything and then I swear I see you reach out and grab my arm (but there's no-one there and I know it...). And then I land, and you're there to catch me when I fall. It's so like you my face is stained with a trace of a tear (and I'm so pathetic, my last act crying to see you) and then I am with you. And the sun rises again (because for a while the darkness had claimed me and I had claimed the darkness in return), the light illuminating you in all your beauty.
The light at the end of the world (and it is glorious).

[ERROR://47 This artifact is considered top secret as it suggests the machines have developed emotion. Such improbabilities may delay project Tinkinzar.]

FROM: Recon Module :.:FROM:.: machine name "★----★CONFIDENTIAL★----★".

Portrait de Green-Neko
Hehey :3

Knight name: Green-Neko
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask, A Love Aura or Heart Eyes~
Entry: A valentine's day... card(?) that looks like it's made in grade school ;3

Things I cannot draw but say YAY T^T

Knight: Puzzledhearts

Prize Preference (In Order): Heart Eyes, Love Aura, Forever Love Puppy Mask, and (in order of want): Love Puppy Pocket, Hoptimer Pocket, Mewkat Pocket, Chroma Pocket!

-Can I be your wolver? 'w'

-Did I ever tell you how I met your chroma? >~<

-I think a you-cat is cuter than a mew-kat :3

-The Salamander's red, The Bloogato is blue, A Love Puppy's pink, and really loves you! <3

Portrait de Mrdonbdc
Name Knight = Mrdonbdc

* Prize Preference: An Overcharged Mixmaster or Blossom Aura... but according to the contest, a Love Aura.

This is a short poem:

--- Spiral Love ---
O Frabjous Day!
That moment waiting
with that bear beautiful
your sheepish look, always so radiant

Look, my life! said
What up, mi love? answer...

Don´t worry love
that elevator has an end
is it safe to go?
guided by your hand, yes.

Butterflies, kittens ... To tender are!
seem somewhat annoying love
¿I like it?
he makes them missing?
accurate, a little love

between these landscapes
so beautiful and mechanized
I lack nothing towards your side
the two together against the world
was for elemental for my

It was a dream so real
When I opened the door full of shadows
nothing returned to the same
your look changed everything

It was so inexplicable, that blissful swarm,
that conspiracy in my favor,
that heart which suffered many shocks
that mind which was frozen

We got a spark of life,
so bright, so warm, as is love. like a wand in his eyes,
like a needle in the heart

These depths of love
slowly down, always try to tell
I can not wait more
the air is poisoned

Finally I'm alone, I need you!
I can not wake up from this dream,
that flower reminds me of your asuencia, my dear Azucena ...

that capsule of life, that remedy ...
they never give me half of your love, my dear Azucena <3

--------> El poema original fue escrito en Español, lo dejaré escrito también aquí <-----------

"Amor Espiral"

¡Ohh día frobioso!
Aquel momento esperandote
con ese oso precioso
tu tímida mirada, siempre tan radiante.

¡Mira mi vida!, dijiste
¿Qué pasa mi amor? conteste

No te preocupes amor,
ese elevador tiene un fin
¿será seguro ir?
guiado por tu mano, claro que sí.

Maripositas, gatitos... ¿qué tiernos son!
parecen algo molestos amor
¿al igual que yo verdad?
Yo sé que les hace falta
¿Qué cosa mi amor?
Exacto, un poco de amor.

Entre esos paisajes,
tan hermosos y mecanizados,
nada me hacia falta a tu lado,
los 2 juntos contra el mundo
era elemental para mí.

Era un sueño tan real,
al abrir esa puerta llena de sombras
nada volvió a ser lo mismo;
tu mirada cambió, todo.

Fue tan inexplicable, dichoso enjambre,
esa conspiración a mi favor,
ese corazón que sufrió tantos choques,
esa mente que estuvo congelada.

Obtuvimos una chispa de vida,
tan brillante, tan cálida, tal cual el amor,
como una varita en los ojos,
como una aguja en el corazón.

Esas profundidades de amor...
poco a poco bajando, siempre traté de decírtelo,
no puedo esperar más,
el aire esta envenenado.

Finalmente estoy solo, ¡te necesito!
no puedo despertar de este sueño,
esa flor que me recuerda tu ausencia,
mi querida Azucena...

Esa capsula de vida, ese remedio, que nunca
me darán ni la mitad de tu amor, mi querida Azucena. <3

¨Link del poema en mi muro de Facebook (Público):

Gracias.^^ Thanks :D

Knight: Snowfall-NoonLink to

Knight: Snowfall-Noon
Link to Entry image:
Prize Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask

Portrait de Ainogommon
Gimme a cookie

Knight Name: Gvdtok
Link to Entry image:
Prize Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask


Portrait de Midnight-Dj
here we go again

Knight name: Midnight-Dj
Link to the image: here
Prize Preference: chroma whelp monster pocket

Portrait de Saucce
I think this is the worst pun ever....

Might as well...

Knight Name: Magyk_Knyght
Caption: Don't you love puppies? (I would draw this but I can't draw anything in SK except weapons D: If anyone wants an idea, they could draw a knight surrounded by love puppies with that line)
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, chroma whelp pocket, love puppy pocket, mewkat pocket, hoptimer pocket, love aura, and heart eyes (In order from most want to least want)

Portrait de Miabot
Mew mew mew!

Knight Name: Miabot
Link: Click here!
Prize preference: love aura

Valentine poem

Knight name: wolfie-cub
Prize preference: Mewkat pouch

My entry is a short poem entitled...
My spiral valentine:

Crimstone is red
Moonstone is blue
Luminite is yellow
And I love you

The apocrea is black
And spooky is the weather
but nothing can stop us
when we are together

As you reduce slimes
to gel and goo
my snipe-like heart
flies to you

Crimstone is red
Moonstone is blue
Luminite is yellow
And I love you

Creep cakes are white
and they are alive
But you my darling
I will stand by

Beast bells are ringing in the wildwoods
Chromalisks on the forest floor
And as we walk through a gate
I imagine it's a chapel door

Crimstone is red
Moonstone is blue
Luminite is yellow
And I love you

With you saving winterfest isn't hard
I see your frosty breath
as I deliver presents and you save impostoclaus
from a grinchliny death

I'm a love puppy for you my darling
We hold each other tight
you have me and I have you
We're safe from shadow and fright

Crimstone is red
Moonstone is blue
Luminite is yellow
And I love you

Our amazing love, what we have
gives me strength and might
I love you so much, my darling
I'm you're clockwork knight

In the clockworks, as we fight fiends
my darling, you take me away
With all the heat I gather
my heart grows warmer each day

Crimstone is red
Moonstone is blue
Luminite is yellow
And I love you

Huddle in to me, my mewkat
stay with me through the knight
and wake up like a drakon
at the morning light


Portrait de Fighting-Polygon
I hope this doesn't get me fired

Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: BRING me the head of the Love Puppy, so I can adorn it on my noggin'.

This IS technically made with paper and wax crayon, so it's eligible for the first Category. But this did look a bit far-fetched. Made with approximately 600+ origami units.

Portrait de Occsters

Knight: Occsters
Entry Image: [link]
Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask, eyes, either say Hoptimer or Love Puppy Monster Pocket

This took me about little over an hour with my tablet on SAI, I'm about happy how I turned everything out!

*EDIT 2015.02.12 I made a typo*

Portrait de Fangel

I'm not late to the party am I?
Phew, thought I'd be off a bit again this year.

Knight Name: Fangel
Link to entry image: Right on over here!
Prize preference: Love aura! *cough* some sort of lovely valkyrie wings would be amazing even though they don't technically exist *cough*

Woo, who'd think being sick near Valentines day would be a thing. :(

And if you're looking for the name/date thingy, it's in the bottom left being somewhat transparent and hard to see.

Portrait de Miomilla
Let's Go to Sleep Right Meow!

Knight Name: Miomilla
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask

Portrait de Khaleus
Besitos de zombie

Knight Name: Khaleus
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Love Aura

chomp chomp! :3

Portrait de Jade-Hikaru
A Rose For You

Knight Name: Jade-Hikaru
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Monster Pocket Mewkat

I dunno but i have seem some people put "proof" so i uploaded one "proof" in my scraps (in deviantart). Bye! (Drawing too many roses was hard)

A Tale of 2 Knights

To: _________________

It’s been a year since our journey began,
With gun, sword and shield at hand…
At various depths we’ve fought many battles,
You’ve made so many jokes about herding the enemy in a corner like cattle!
Some fights ended in victory, while others in loss
(Especially the ones with a boss!)
But nevertheless, to our mission we remain true…
I can’t wait to become a Vanguard with you ;)

From: _________________

Knight Name: Master-Tigress
Prize preference: Love Aura

I'll continue to fight by your side! :)

This is actually a picture I created for my boyfriend for our anniversary last year but it can still count! Slightly edited because I'm in a foreign country right now and had to use a small picture of the original image...

Knight Name: Master-Tigress
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Love Aura

Valentine Draw :3

Knight Name: Viss
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Heart eyes

Have a nice day! :3

Portrait de Lizzi

Knight Name: Lizzi
Prize Preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket

Valentine's Day ❤️

I've wrote the wrong link, this is the real with the finished draw!

Link entry: