goodbye sk
goodbye sk
update and bump,,, if there is any misses let me know i jus rushing thru this

I'd like to buy your Sacred Shade Falcon Armor

A friend of mine is looking for a BKC
Her name is Lsangel and it would be nice if you had a chat with her. :)
*update and bump
Rolled shock high on double max bkc
> now offers only - MAX fire Max curse High Shock Bkc
U can never run into status problems with this bae in pve (except poison but like that does anything lol)
Dikison is looking to buy Cosmic Plasma Wings
Triple MAXIMUM!!! BKR added*
ASI VH/ctrmed auto update

id like to buy that combuster, sent you friend request
How bout Peridot Disciples plus 2kE for your Fanatic Wings?

Couldn't agree with your first paragraph more
What did you say to get temp-banned?
anything sacrilegious, racist, homophobic, sexist? even the vaguest of these will cause a temp ban.
anyways, you're making the right call to quit and that goes to everyone else.
The moment you stop having fun in the game, its definitely time to call it quits.
i really dont know what i said, the reason they gave me is in the first link... i didnt avoid filters, and they dont provide any evidence ever.... every other game LOL, cs:go, etc, all give the evidance of chat in a log to the accused, this is an unjust system, they jus want mindless kids with no freedom of speech..... jus offensive chat -.- after i supported this game for so long, helped ALOT of ppl, and pushed this game as still being a viable option for new players they treat us like this! SHAME ON YOU 000!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear you're taking off, but I completely agree with your reasons! :(
What's the use in selling if you're leaving? What are you selling for? Crowns? Energy? Steam stuff?
Slightly interested in that Blitz, depending on what we're bartering.

Dang i was just zipping past the forums to see how SK was doing without me and i find my best buckaroo quitting :I
Not buying anything considering how my account was deleted lol sorry homie
Anyway man gj sad to see you go but i believe you're better off without all the senseless haters and the even more so gms and their sudden orgasm of penny pinching promos
Take care man and all that :D
Ur bae rolts
hahahah omg is that what happened x) ive been asking everyone where u were =-( thats effing bs man! this system is a joke. no wonder ld is dead and boring all the fun ppl get banned or trolled. how can u jus lose everything.... bae add my steam and lets party! ill give u some free swag. stay classy @chidelac-sk ill see u soon man!
ur bae raky
mega homo

Hi i would like to buy those lovely whiskers if you still have them
Mate u know that i got banned b4 between 7-10days.
So just stop being like that life worth nothin. Well im not tell this becuz i wanna buy or something but becuz you were my friend once b4.
Anyways it backs to u. Goodluck.
lol im not acting like that im simply keeping it real and giving my reason. i have been banned 3 times each for a week in less than 2 months for junk, u have one...... and from what was spread it wasnt good.... i am not given reasons or evidance and tbh im not a effing doormat!!!!!!!! kids like u cant even play the game yet u throw opinions at ppl like me lol go do a shadow lair or effin work ur ass off in a gvg in stead of standing around haven scamming,ur entitled to your opinion and thanks for sharing but wernt u jus having a cry cause u got ONE ban? i thought u were giving away all your stuff? /lool what ever happened there cause u seem to have it all still... No wonder he said that !!!!!!!! THIS IS THE GUY WHO TROLLS ME AND GOT ME BANNED
Have all ahaha nice 1 bro. Go ask winners ahhah nice really nice 1.
And scamming wow cool bro never thought i did that b4. And i didn't have 1 banned pfft.
I have been banned for 2 months if you dont know. Tbh gms dont banned for anything...
Also its Sewyy not Sewwy lol. Mate my butt hurts from Sl so gonna take a rest for while.
Back to my give away. Every winner received his own gift. Feel free to ask everybody.
starting from Yagami-Lights ending by Puzzledhearts.
once again u have managed to prove the point of ignorance, ur a scammer noob gtfo kid lol jus go suck upto ppl and keep being a noob cause none of the real players respect you... you are jus full of lies and scams but hey if u want to try and lie to more on my thread feel free. its a free world but ill continue to call you a liar and crap player and scammer. so like ir eally care about ur opinion bud :D u are pure scammer dog, sending me msgs of sad faces and calling me mean, lol grow up little girl stop being a bitch boy baby, your BKR isnt TRIPLE MAX either that is just another seewy/kele lie lol. jus lie to yourself to make ur self feel better kid. denial is a beautiful thing, BTW thanks for getting me banned the evidance they ssent was the msg i sent u hahahah and now u are here still talking crap. thanks alot for reporting me and trolling me and getting me banned u too pro
Did you forget ur msg? You are great bro. And even ppl ignore you more..
HF mate. Sk is better without 2faced players.
Feel free to inspect me anytime.
Did you forget ur msg? You are great bro. And even ppl ignore you more..
HF Feel free to inspect me anytime.
look he is still here ^^^^^ no wonder i swore att him lol. thanks 000 staff for doing such a great job at controlling ur scammers and haven noobs lol no wonder lockdown is dead its jus u idiots playing dressups thinking ur an actual gamer.... so glad im never gonna see these ppl again