This goes exspecially to Skepticraven but also others who may have data about this:
I noticed that you already messured the defense Points of certain shields and probably have an idea of how much damage in numbers (not hearts) Monsters are dealing.
I want to ask you: Can you please add These numbers into the wiki aside the Amor/shield parts?
It would be also cool, if we can have damage Charts on the wiki on the corresponding item's page about how much damage a certain enemy is dealing in each deapth (w normal, x elemental, y shadow, z pierce damage), in the case there are some stats solved yet.
(Sry for capitalizing. Autocorrecting hates me and for certain reasony I can't disable it here)
I added some of the data on the wiki already. It's just on my personal page because it's not done yet. You'll notice I had made an example of the end objective here . It just takes a lot of time to finish off all the little measured ends to be complete.
I think zeddy has put in most of his status results, and his preliminary armor testing onto the wiki.