Disappointed with Ruby Crest

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Holy-Nightmare's picture

On the Home page is the Ruby Promo picture with 2 knights

The one with the Wolver helm and the Plate armor seems to have a Ruby gemstone on his/her chest like a kind of crest. I go online and look up Ruby Crest in the AH and it's just a reskin of the regular crests. I go back to check the Box contents and there doesn't seem to be anything like what is in that Promo Picture.......

I wanted a gemstone in my chest.....

Fangel's picture

You sure that's not a ruby aura? Not sure if they have rotating rubies on them as I haven't been able to be in-game truly for a while.

But all "___ crests" are always the reskin of the crest. It's always a "Crest of _____" that is more centered an unique, with I think a few exceptions.

Hexzyle's picture

Should have looked at the wiki:


Addy's picture
Whoaaa, is that a new thing

Whoaaa, is that a new thing that the Wiki does? I remember spending ages refreshing the Marketplace looking for previews of certain box items. This is excellent.

Hexzyle's picture

Credit goes to Novaster, he's the one who does most of the work on it.

Forest-Lord's picture
Yeah the whole wiki looks

Yeah the whole wiki looks absolutely amazing now! It's easier to use, and looks nicer too.

Fangel's picture
Novaster MVP

Novaster for president of the wiki.