Disappointed with Ruby Crest
Thu, 07/09/2015 - 09:24

On the Home page is the Ruby Promo picture with 2 knights
The one with the Wolver helm and the Plate armor seems to have a Ruby gemstone on his/her chest like a kind of crest. I go online and look up Ruby Crest in the AH and it's just a reskin of the regular crests. I go back to check the Box contents and there doesn't seem to be anything like what is in that Promo Picture.......
I wanted a gemstone in my chest.....
Sun, 07/12/2015 - 00:33

Whoaaa, is that a new thing
Whoaaa, is that a new thing that the Wiki does? I remember spending ages refreshing the Marketplace looking for previews of certain box items. This is excellent.
Sun, 07/12/2015 - 11:41

Credit goes to Novaster, he's the one who does most of the work on it.
Tue, 07/14/2015 - 16:20

Yeah the whole wiki looks
Yeah the whole wiki looks absolutely amazing now! It's easier to use, and looks nicer too.
You sure that's not a ruby aura? Not sure if they have rotating rubies on them as I haven't been able to be in-game truly for a while.
But all "___ crests" are always the reskin of the crest. It's always a "Crest of _____" that is more centered an unique, with I think a few exceptions.