Hello, just an off topic question..
Hello, i have been reading a phew of these suggestions, and id like to know if there is anyone from the developer team or administrators that check up on these suggestions, because iv seen a phew topics talking about events and new additions to the game that would make a huge impact, since the game has become rather dull with the lack of updates, and its not just me, a lot of my friends stopped playing the game because they ended up being burnout from the game with nothing to do besides farming crowns, at endgame, after completing missions to reach vanguard and get a lot of 5* gear, this game becomes an economical warfare where player merchants stay in haven trying to buy and sell items in order to get profit, not criticizing those players since im one of them. Im not saying iv donne Everything in the game, but iv donne a rather large ammount, with this lack of content in the game, someone probably could farm FSC to get enouph money to UV roll ALL his weapons to get CTR VH and ASI VH.
Also would like to know if there is any way to know about dev posts in order to have a headsup on future updates, if they exist that is...
@Fehzor Hello, thx for answering, i know they ended up accepting some player requests that sounded interesting to the game, but lately they havent been doing much, thats just my opinion, im not trying to call them lazy, or say we are on the right, but if we had at least a reason to why they dont show any kind of interest towards the game lately, as in, personal problems, budget(least likely), or lack of time, we would understand, but we rarely get any words from the devs, all we get are prize boxes, and the same events we had a lot of times before, if a developper or an admin logged in the game and showed up on haven idle for a day, would most likely stir up the players more then a month on the normal daily life on SK, with nothing to do, besides idling or playing fsc til they give up from the game.
Again, im not trying to be rude towards the devs or anyone, just would like some answers, ty.
Oh definitely. The devs and staff in general for that matter deserve a tremendous amount of respect, they are after all the ones that put together everything to start with.
Dots aren't words......
Likely Sega had them sign an NDA or OOO doesn't want competition to steal ideas that they are working on....
@Aphrodite Hello, would you like to give any opinion about the discussion in hand? thanks for your time.
GMs don't give opinions on suggestions because they would bias the discussion. there's so little mod interaction these days that a single "hey, that looks cool" would sprung up in a "now they are going to make in the game" with all the discussion that will follow. hyperion said something like that once. also, these people aren't only mods, they are OOO staff, so everything they say is tecnically a OOO company statement.
from what I've seen, GMs are really social people, but they are restrained to talk about what will happen to the game, which is 3/4 of what the people ask. thst being said, who had the "almost no interaction on the forums" policy probably didn't think about having a social link with mods. the only one we had was nick, and in some occasions eurydice. I'd say I would like some dev interaction too, but their team is too goddam small to think about it.
Privacy policies and community overreactions are definitely existent, the latter of the two being more...prevalent.
I could understand if the devs/GMs might not even want to talk to us as a community because of how awful they're being treated by some members. Just a thought.
Is good to see Aphrodite post here. Faith in suggestions forums being read +1.
I really wouldn't say that community "over-reactions" are unjustified or more prevalent than the secrecy policy. We literally have no idea if there will ever be another update, and the developers have abandoned the game for long periods of time to make that phone game, Rise of Knights.
Pretend for a moment that the prize boxes are SEGA giving us a business pitch- if we donate to the prize box charity, we'll get some free prize box goodies and fund something but also that something we're funding might not exist or might not be something we want to see. Even if it probably will work out in your best interest, it's not very convincing.
Despite a GM appearing here the lack of any real communication is a bit disheartening.
Even something such as a simple "Hello, us GMs greatly enjoy reading the suggestions the community comes up with. We can't publicly say whether we approve or disapprove an idea since it is prohibited by company policy. Rest assured that we actively read the suggestions even if we can't talk about them with the players"
It's not exactly the same as staff communicating with us directly, but here's a list of potential... occurrences of listening and/or coincidences: Implemented Suggestions. I'm sure there are several we've missed.
Lol this thread is a perfect example of why GMs don't post in suggestions' forums. Luckily this thread is kind of meta anyways so it's not detracting from the conversation, but if this were any other suggestions thread it'd quickly be derailed into "omg admin post get the camera".
Sort of makes me wish I had access to the April Fool's forum so I could be all goofy in those silly conversations.
I can understand why the devs have to stay mum about stuff they are working on. What I don't understand is why they don't say anything about the plausibility of an idea. For example, if there is no intent on changing the energy market, then they should at make that clear so people won't waste time coming up with suggestions related to that issue.
Many suggestions fall into the same vein, and I doubt all of the suggestions are taken into consideration. Surely there can be some indication of what is possible and what isn't without flat out telling us what's being planned.
Also, it would be nice if we actually knew how design decisions are made at OOO HQ. Is it one person calling the shots? Votes among all developers? Somewhere in between? Knowing that would give us more sympathy for why suggestions seem to go into a black hole.
I wonder if the storyboard is a limiting factor. Takes a bit of time to roll out a storyline, and we all know how Sonic 06 turned out.
I get the feeling that Three Rings might be at work on written plot along with level design. Breaking In The Recruits, while a nice challenge and design, was really odd in terms of story. We have no explanation of how Monsters were able to assume the guise of Strangers, nor do we know why the Collector was there.
Not to say that BITR was bad in any way; I thouroughly enjoyed it. It just seemed a bit rushed, and that's one of the reasons I'm giving Three Rings all the time they need to roll out another update.
For example, if there is no intent on changing the energy market, then they should at make that clear so people won't waste time coming up with suggestions related to that issue.
No, because this would stem the discussion on suggestions for changing it, especially if there's some brilliant way that Three Rings could change the market that they haven't though of yet that would change their mind.
Hexzyle, that's the point. If OOO doesn't care about how brilliant your idea is regarding a particular topic, it's a waste of the community's time to continue talking about it.
If an idea isn't well suited, it should be shot down. If only part of it is problematic, only part of it should be shot down. The rest can be left to grow into something else. Right now we have certain types of topics being recycled again and again because there is absolutely no feedback. We don't have any clue if we're helping or if we're just bringing up useless ideas.
The story behind Spiral Knights isn't really that in depth though. Something happens, knight fixes it, knight needs some gear, something else happens, knight fixes it, and that's really all that ever really happens outside of the Herex plotline, which is slightly more involved but also absent through most of the game. The lore behind the story is super cool and mostly told through scenario rooms, and I'm more than happy to let them take their sweet time making that because I've never been disappointed seeing a tortodrone shell on a wolver den or encountering a fallen star surrounded by lichens.
@Deleted Knight
I feel like we've got the wrong idea for the suggestions forum. A lot of players talk about it as if they themselves are a developer, saying things like "I really don't think that's feasible because of X, Y and Z" but the reality is that the developers don't want us to do their job for them but rather to suggest fun stuff like "An airstrike gun!" and people can come on say no that wouldn't work it wouldn't be feasible all they want but at the end of the day if the developers come on and say "Yea! An airstrike gun! I like this idea!" and make it then apparently it is entirely feasible.
But I do agree with you, that it would be awesome for the devs to come on and post with us and that it would really help our discussions along with what regard to what is desired or not.
Some things we do want to have a voice on. For example, I'm not against dual wielding weapons, I am against how most people would implement it however. A weapon taking over your shield is lazy in concept, and without a lot of hard coding would be really broken - such as each weapon having separate weapon animation cooldowns, essentially never having to reload as a gunner or pause swinging as a swordsman, and offense typically being better than defense - plus shield canceling would be thrown out the window.
I love new takes on dual wielding, such as the one that it's a singular weapon that makes your knight put their shield on their back, but takes it back out for the acheron you brought. I also love the idea of a parrying blade or a weaponized shield acting as a sort of "dual wield".
So it's not always the regulars being against the idea, but rather us being against the idea being presented in its presented form.
And lastly I would love to have more developer input, or heck even GM input, however I'd love if they just made quips of something to the extent of "Cool idea!", "We've been working on something internally like this for a while; what do you think of this rendition?", or "Sadly this isn't something we can insert into the game in its current state, but it isn't a bad idea!"
Suggestion examples for each of these being a new PvP mode for the first one, arcade redux/scenario room rehaul for the second one, and a first person knight mode for the third one.
I'd love for the developers to share our ideas, but I don't want them to ensure any ideas, or flat out reject any ideas. Seeing something you put a lot of time and effort into suggesting being shot down is disheartening, and often having it ignored is better than having every and anyone tell you your idea is terrible and not fitting in the game. On the other side of the same coin, being told "we really like this idea and are going to put it into the game" will kill all discussion about said idea since it is now "in the game", and also create a lot of sad people if the idea turns out to be a flop.
Hexzyle, that's the point. If OOO doesn't care about how brilliant your idea is regarding a particular topic, it's a waste of the community's time to continue talking about it.
That's not what I said.
For Three Rings to shut down discussion on a particular topic would be to imply that they believe they know absolutely every single possible way and every single variant of a possible feature, and that they disagree with all of them.
This would a foolish, tyrannical and presumptuous way to run the community.
Tying in and mediating Fangel's, Deleted's, and Fehzor's points, Three Rings staff input would definitely be appreciated on suggestion posts. Otherwise it's a recycled chain of ideas that people periodically re-suggest without knowing it. Something like, "We've actually seen this idea before, and it sounds interesting" would let players know that the moderators were listening without necessarily having to commit to anything. Granted, mod interaction doesn't have to be on every single post, but if it's been positively recieved by the community and sounds like a reasonable venture, it would be nice to have a mod pop in every now and then and give noncommittal input on ideas.
And as far as knowing the mods are listening, we're doing okish in that regard. It's just the "input" part that I wish the moderators would or even could partake in. They might be legally bound to secrecy.
Far as Aphy's ellipsis, there's a myriad of things that could possibly be conveyed through it.
>>One, it could be disappointment or even frustration at the community. We may have been doing something wrong.
>>Two, it could be an affirmation that the mods are still paying attention to the forums.
>>Three, something else entirely. The issue is that, while mod replies are generally supposed to be at least a small bit cryptic, this one wasn't very well understood. That could be a bad thing, especially if theory 1 is correct.
Otherwise it's a recycled chain of ideas that people periodically re-suggest without knowing it.
This already happens, there have been a handful of mod replies on particular threads like lances and dual wielding, yet people continue to suggest these ideas because they think it's never been thought of before.
Even I have grown tired of constantly commenting on all the same, mindlessly repeated threads. I can't imagine how the developers and GMs must feel.
That's fair too. People simply don't check to see if their idea is original; I'm guilty of this as well.
Non-committal mod input on new, fresh ideas would definitely be appreciated though, and I've seen a few that were pretty well thought-out. Anything that renews the link between admin and player in the forums that we all but lost a few years back would be nice to have.
But again, privacy policy is respectable. I just wish we knew why they don't say much anymore, and if it does have something to do with us as users, I want to know how to fix it.
Personally I'd love to have a player-developer relationship with the devs over here. Only time I've seen one speak up about development however we had people instantly decide to get offended that a developer had the guts to write a quick, snarky joke into their reply.
To add onto that, I've only ever seen said people post on the forums like, once or twice before, if even at all.
I feel like this is why we can't have nice things. :(
It's a good question. I mostly post here because I enjoy talking about all of the wonderful possibilities and how awesome the game is and don't actually expect any of my ideas to ever "make it in"... I will say that in the past we've seen a ton of player suggestions come to fruition-
-Height mods
-Color changes
-Wildfire (and permafroster?)
-Mixmaster fix
-More gunner armor
-Piercing antigua
-The new UI
-Battle Sprites
-Guild hall update
-Party finder
-Arcade redux
If someone (a dev/GM) is reading this, perhaps they could post a simple "yes", to indicate that suggestions forums are in fact still being read through to some degree. I mean I can say all of that stuff but oh wow would that "yes" mean a lot to those of us posting here, since the "it's the rubbish bin of the forums!" comes up so frequently and many of my ideas don't even get more than 2-3 comments any longer.