Basically, a brandish charge that fires in the cardinal directions and is a bomb, which is to say the bomb from bomberman but in Spiral Knights terminology.
Bombers have been wanting a steady DPS bomb for a while now and something simple but effective like this is borderline necessary to making bomber a viable class. Shard bombs come close to offering this, but are rather lacking in the damage department and come with what is often cited as crazy unpredictable knockback- two things that make for a poor basic DPS option.
Details, for those interested in 'fleshing out'-
Charge time: Slightly less than brandish but about the same. Basically brandish charge time, but with a built in CTR +1.
The brandish charge-swipe would be done directly in the middle explosion, along with 4 hits surrounding it from the first 4 explosions spawned to hit enemies really close in hard. Enemies to the side of the explosions would 'ride the wave' out a bit, dealing about as much damage. Upgrading the bomb would add explosions, just like upgrading brandishes adds explosions. So if they were dead center, they wouldn't move at all and would take 4x explosions + initial hit. If they were slightly off they would take 2x explosions + initial and if they were slightly on the cardinal direction they would ride the wave outwards. If they were hit midway, they would continue to ride the wave.
I can see this coming in the following flavors:
-Elemental/normal + stun
-Elemental/normal + undead max + fiend max
-Shadow/normal + fire
-Shadow/normal + gremlin max + construct max
-Possibly some sort of normal/normal variant- yes, it would deal normal twice. This gives it the same damage ramp up.
But really most variants would be welcome. Rather than giving the pure damage variants more damage, it would be neat to give them additional explosions. I propose +2 on the 5*, with +1 on the lower star variants.
5* = 7
4* = 5
3* = 4 (first branching option)
2* = 3
Agreed Fehzor.