Entry Thread: Cradle of Love! Category 1

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Aphrodite's picture
Community Manager

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 1 of the Make a Spiral Knights Valentine event. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/113531

Deadline: February 15, 2016, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific time zone)

Posts should include the information below:

Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, heart eyes, lovely glasses, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, hoptimer or mewkat).

Dracora-Speaking's picture

Knight name: Novaster
Link to entry image: Spark of Life for your wallet.
Prize preference: Love Aura

Some background:

This Valentine was also sent to Kora, because that NPC is awesome and runs the depot very well.

This crayon sketch of a Spark of Life in its container can fit in a wallet, so you can take it out and feel better when life gets you down. The poem has a deep personal meaning. It pertains to another person whom I met years ago in Haven, wearing an outfit similar to my own - hence "mirror." Their positive energy and smile is simply contagious, and really helped me get back on my feet, hence "spark of life." We are still together, so I doubt they'll say no to being my Valentine. Mwahahaha.

Apologies for the jaundiced look of the photos, I do not have a spectacular camera and my scanner currently denies the concept of contrast. I also do not like gallery formats, so it's all in one big image. My name and date are in pink on the actual Valentine, but I uploaded a pic of the thing with that information on a stickynote just in case it's totally invisible because it's chubby crayon.

Snarbbolax's Valentine

My submission

I am like all beasts
I am weak to Piercing
And you have pierced me all
When I hear your heart
It makes me like a bell
I am stunned by you
You are so snarbvelous

valentine for love between knight

My submission :

Knight name: Greg-Randall
Image valentine: http://imgur.com/DnqLHpB
Prize Reference: which monster pocket love puppy

I 'm doing this because I love drawing draw like and I love spiral knights
I draw from some year s so I hope my skills will help me to win this competition so I absolutely wanted to make himself small poem contest for Valentine's Day :
If your heart stops beating
I'll give you mine
For without you
my heart is useless

God-Kitsune's picture

Knight Name: Firebladefox
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/xvv0BCd
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket.

Tried my best to think of a cheesy love line. ( Crayons are so hard to make stuff look nice! D: )
Sorry for the rough name and date at the top, didn't leave myself much room to write it.

Gustim's picture

Knight Name: Gustim

Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/xBRC8jQ

Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

My motive for doing this is my love for the Spiral Knights Community which I hope grows immensely over the next few years.


Knight Name: Dark-Fury

Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/Tg8uULi

Prize preference: Love Aura

*random info*
I attempted to make snarbolax's eyes into hearts and shape his tail into a heart.. I tried.. ;-;

Also they are about to hug. Just to clarify.

(I forgot to add feb 14 2016 so here it is Re-Uploaded http://imgur.com/TKJYyU6)

Spiralka-Chan's picture
Valenslime <3

Knight Name: Spiralka-Chan
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/KonSCFV
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy mask


Knight Name: Heatheromy
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/xH0u3MB
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

Smithia's picture

Knight Name: Smithia
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/pCf6zGq
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
I tried my best.

Oh god.
I don`t think I can win this (-_-;)
Please judges!!!

Ice Queen’s frozen heart… Jelly King’s unrequited love

Knight Name: Master-Tigress

Link to entry image: http://mastertigres.tumblr.com/post/139370855692/ice-queens-frozen-heart...

Prize preference: Love Aura


Knight name: Sacred-Rebel

Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/i2tWTvt

Prize preference: Love puppy monster pocket

I have a burning hate for crayons, so I had to gather these from a restaurant (I feel so bad to the waitress). Good luck to everyone, and I give you my best wishes. I LOVE YOU MEWKATS!

Bryantkudo's picture
Spark of Love

Knight name: Bryantkudo

link http://imgur.com/5gJeUfr

prize pref:monster pocket:love pup