Guy owes me 60k energy for a trade but he's blocked me on Steam, changed his name several times, and no longer regularly checks SK unless he's made an alt I don't know about. Steam profile can be found at Any information regarding his guild/GM would be greatly appreciated, as I would very much like to get him kicked, or banned if possible. Losing the energy is not a huge concern as I was considering quitting anyway; I just hate to see such a scumbag get away with this.
Edit: new profile Be a dear and report this piece of poop on Steam so we can hopefully get him banned from Steam <3
i checked his profile dark he has 5 friends in common with me so let me try do some digging for you to try and help
btw dont give up as your be greatly missed plus your my number 1 trader
il help as much as i can il pm you on steam if i get a break though