Celebrate with a bang?

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Angel-Girl's picture

This morning my groggy and foggy brain presented me with an idea for the community.

No, this isn't a suggestion for gameplay or anything like that, just so ya know.

With Spiral Knights now half a decade old (^-^), and an anniversary gift saying that Spiral Knights has yet to live on (one of the best things I could ask for!), I thought that we should try to make this year's celebration one to remember!
So this thread is really just asking for ways that we, as the SK community, could show our thanks and happiness to Grey Havens and anyone else who made transferring possible, and also do it through partying like there's no tomorrow! (Just don't bring any drinks, Biscotti....)

I just really want this anniversary to be special, to celebrate the fact that thus game is NOT going to die soon (hopefully...), and all of the love I--and anyone else--has for this good game, and what new and more epic things may come.

So, whether it be a giant fanfiction/art contest, or promising to get on at a certain time to clog up Haven servers and throw water balloons/snowballs/pillows- ideas, anyone?

(I don't necessarily have to host whatever it is--if we come up with anything-- we choose. I just wanted to spark this in everyone's mind.)

Fangel's picture
i think we're all doing that already

I haven't seen this level of hope booming through the community in a long time. If we wanted to celebrate, I would recommend doing so after Grey Havens officially acquires the game, and then having a huge box opening. This would show Grey Havens that we support their change, love what they're doing... and at the same time we get to see a bunch of goodies.

The good part is that free players can contribute via farming cake tokens for the anniversary boxes, and players with money to spare can throw $5-$50 at the game for some fun boxes. Grey Havens gets some money from us, and we get some cool stuff. Might encourage Grey Havens contracting Monami Park for some updates.

Rodent-Queen's picture

Box-opening sounds like a great idea!

Deadly-Grimm's picture
i think we should also try to

i think we should also try to make some spiral knights promotionary youtube vidz

Sick One

Nice idea, more people should see this Forum

Bopp's picture
agree with Fangel

I agree with Fangel, that a party in Haven, with lots of confetti, is a simple and accessible way for the community to greet our new overlords.

Alpha-Stevo's picture
I think a good day to do this

I think a good day to do this would be on 17th this month, the day before the event ends. Since it's a Sunday, no one's gonna be TOO busy with work/school. Maybe around 8:00pm EDT (5:00 pm PDT)?

We could spend the time until advertising the event!

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I haven't played SK in a long time...

But I will buy a few boxes for this. This is awesome.

So we'd probably be doing the anniversary boxes, right?

Sciger's picture

I plan on buying some boxes for this with my funds from quitting another game. c: Though honestly, I may weaken and open mine sooner. XD

Alpha-Stevo's picture

I think the Anniversary Surprise what-have-you boxes would be the best choice for what to get. For roughly fifty bucks, ya can get 14 of them, each one containing an older prize box. There's a HUGE selection of what ya might find!

PLUS I think it's the only one bein' sold right now.

I'm personally saving my Anniversary 2016 boxes to be opened whenever this event happens.

Angel-Girl's picture
I'm leaning for da boxes

I had already been thinking about buying some boxes (only $20 worth...I'm a cheapskate and I'm saving for an iPhone 5) after the transfer, so it would go to Grey Havens, but making it a box-opening-party sounds even better! We'd probably be lagging 'til our computers kneeled and screamed for mercy, but I don't really care.
I'm all in favor for it.

Shall we get get to spreading the word then? (Unless we get a huge amount of "nays" all of a sudden.)

How/Where should we advertise it anyway...? I don't know if most players don't care about the forums enough to check them.

@Alpha-Stevo Yeah I'm very certain that's all that's being sold right now.

~ Angel-Girl the Partying Valkyrie

Alpha-Stevo's picture
ZONE CHAT. We just copy-paste

ZONE CHAT. We just copy-paste a message on zone chat every once in a while throughout the week, so that people will know that there's a thing happenin'.

I'm assumin' that there's gonna be a lotta people participatin', maybe even more than can be handled in one instance of Haven. We could assign some folks in different instances just to ensure that every instance has it's own host.

Anyone certain they can be around at 8:00pm EDT on 4/17? I know I can, so I'm down to host one of these things.

Angel-Girl's picture

Sunday is my family's "video-game free" day... but maybe if I ask nicely and keep the volume down (beware of little brothers...), I could pull some strings and get my parents to allow it, since it's something special.

If they say yes, I wouldn't mind hosting a server if necessary :D (How do you do zone chat again...? I forgot.)

Veridiandynamics's picture
Zone chat:

/1 text

Rotflol's picture
Holy Good God, I've been waiting

I've been saving my Prize boxes for this moment, 3 years of doing it, Grey Haven is the key to open these boxes:
Anniversary Prize Box 2014
Anniversary Prize Box 2015
Anniversary Prize Box 2016
Companion Prize Box
Dark Harvest Prize Box x3
Frosty Prize Box
Stormy Prize Box

A holy grail of confetti and fireworks


Alpha-Stevo's picture
I wanna bring this up again,

I wanna bring this up again, to make sure people know this is happening.

I'm gonna be advertising in Haven 1; anyone wanna do some advertising in the others?

Fehzor's picture

I see something long-absent in the sunken faces of passersby - a glimmer of hope.

The narrator says it in Darkest dungeon and every time we bring this up I keep thinking about it. They haven't even said that the game is going to get content, or how it'll be supported, or anything, but the mere fact that SOMETHING happened is enough to make people celebrate because at least it's not more nothing.

Angel-Girl's picture
I can do 2 :D

Or three, if the server isn't there (that's happened before XD)

Has anyone been advertising? I'm only on in the afternoons, but I haven't seen anything yet.

And I'm in Central Time, so 8:00 EDT would be 7:00 CT, right? Just checkin'.

Alpha-Stevo's picture


The mere fact that this game, of which I hold a very strong love for, isn't goin' down anytime soon is a good reason to put a smile on my face. The hopes and promises of something more only makes that smile wider, personally.

I MEAN, maybe nothing will happen ultimately, but I'm fine with just celebrating the continued existence of this game.


Yup! I'll add that to my advertisement.

We oughta get some more Knights out there, filling zone chats with something more interesting that ludicrous cosmetic offers. Anyone willing is free to advertise/start the event at different Haven instances if they want.

Angel-Girl's picture
I'm a Valkyrie

Wouldn't that start a bunch of fights? One person shows up and says "I'm hosting this server" then someone else says "I was here first, I'm hosting" or something like that. *shrug* Maybe we could say in our advertisement who has what server, and to get one you have to send a dibs to claim it to one of the advertisers.

I'm going to try to advertise once an hour since I missed all of this week. And I'll probably add other people's names so players can contact them for information and stuff.

Alfreton's picture

This sounds awesome - I get a moral excuse to buy prize boxes AND I get to celebrate Grey Havens! Win-win!

Sorry if this was already mentioned, but does anyone have a date for this? Or is it just gonna be a continuous thingy? Thanks!

Angel-Girl's picture
@Alfreton 8:00 EDT

Do you do /2 For Haven 2, or does /1 cover all Havens?

Veridiandynamics's picture

/2 is the trade chat. Global, but only meant for trade purposes... from time to time they break that rule tho'.
/1 is the zone chat , means only the Haven you are in.

Alpha-Stevo's picture

I mean, there's only thing that'd be involved in hosting is just being there at the time listed, and encouraging people to open boxes. No need to fight for territory here; assigning people to different Havens is just to ensure more people get to participate in the event.

Angel-Girl's picture

Oh, okay. I think I misunderstood what you were saying, so I guess just ignore me. *Hides behind a Stranger*

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

So... 5:00 PM, PST?

Sounds good!

Alpha-Stevo's picture

5:00pm PST INDEED.


Daylight savings is bizarre.

ANYHOW, EVENT'S HAPPENING TODAY; I'll be at Haven 1 later to keep shouting about it.

Angel-Girl's picture
Advertising FAIL

I only screamed about the event in Haven 2 once...*hides* I SORRY

Although I did tell a friend and she's coming.

ANYWAY, anyone mind covering Haven 2 or 3 for me? I can't get on until the event starts.

Alpha-Stevo's picture
I'll be screaming in Haven 2

I'll be screaming in Haven 2 personally. 4's pretty populated, though; if anyone's looking to help, that would be a good way to help!

'Box opening event at 8:00pm ET (5:00pm PT, 7:00pm CT) in front of the fountain in Haven 1! Let's thank Grey Havens by buying some Prizeboxes! And if you can't, bring some friends/confetti/snowballs/bloons/etc!'


To copy paste

Highlight your text in the browser here and press ctrl+c.

In the client press ctrl+v, it works for me.

Enclave-Xz's picture
Thats 7 AM where I live, in

Thats 7 AM where I live, in two hours. Unfortunately i need to get some sleep, but have fun ya'll!

Make sure to take lots of screenies x)

Alpha-Stevo's picture
Less than an hour 'til, bring

Less than an hour 'til, bring some boxes if ya can! Or some confetti, that's fun too!

Alpha-Stevo's picture
Haven 1 DOES seem to be

Haven 1 DOES seem to be rather...not-there. Worst comes to worse, we can simply move it to Haven 2!

Angel-Girl's picture
I'm a Valkyrie

Are giving a set time for the event to end, or will we just let it ebb away over an amount of time?

Alpha-Stevo's picture
BASICALLY, we just let the

BASICALLY, we just let the prize boxes burn out, and play around with snowballs/bloons for a while.

Alpha-Stevo's picture

SHOWS OVER, FOLKS. While there wasn't as much attendance as I wanted, I hope it was fun for the few that did come!

There was quite a bit of confusion with Haven 1 popping up in the last five minutes. Special thanks to Leafblader for also opening boxes!

Next year, we'll hafta bring this up again; but this time, I'll hafta keep everything more coordinated. I do hope Grey Havens puts out the Surprise Boxes again next year; it was pretty fun getting randomized results! It's even more fun giving accessories out to whomever gets the right guess!

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I'll say it again...

Welcome, Grey Havens! Here's to a dazzlingly bright future!

Angel-Girl's picture
I'm a happy Valkyrie

That was real fun :D I videoed most of it as well for a future video I might put out... *giggles* just have to wait and see what I'm talking about!

And I got my dream Onesie. :D No wonder I'm happy!

Cronus's picture
Game Master
-- Welcome, Grey Havens!

-- Welcome, Grey Havens! Here's to a dazzlingly bright future!

Nice! Sorry I missed this.

Hera's picture
Game Master
-- Welcome, Grey Havens!

-- Welcome, Grey Havens! Here's to a dazzlingly bright future!

Shiny! <3

Xaurian's picture

Aw, I missed it. :(

Angel-Girl's picture
Thanks, Tankchu, Danké, Gracias....


Just thanks to everyone who I helped and helped me to make this happen. It's very rare for my ideas (or very undeveloped idea STARTERS) to get off the ground and actually turn into something awesome. So I'm glad it happened for something that was really important to me (and all of you, hopefully)! :D

*Gives everyone some Warp Dust salsa for some chips* (I DONT KNOW WHAT KNIGHTS EAT BESIDES THAT!! BISCOTTI'S CUPCAKES? BEAR WITH ME OKAY)

~Angel-Girl the Valkyrie