Fullscreen doesn't work

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Jiker's picture

When I hit fullscreen at a resolution lower than my native resolution, which is 4k, the window becomes borderless and moves to the top left of my screen. My computer cannot run the game nicely at 4k, but at any other resolution the window is too small. I've searched for solutions and found no threads with this problem.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

This is....really, really weird. What is your OS? Wait, don't answer that. Check this thread: Technical problems? Read this first!

I'm suspecting it could either be drivers or Java. Make sure both are up to date.

If that doesn't work, I want you to open Spiral Knights. Then please set it to Fullscreen Mode, then set it to Windowed Mode, and then finally back to Fullscreen. After that, close Spiral Knights. From there, we'll need to see your projectx.log file. If you don't know what that means, please follow this guide I just made.

My hope is that we'll see some error message in projectx.log that will help guide us to the right solution.

Same Issue

I'm having the exact same issue and made a post about it 3 months ago that never got any attention. This is my projectx.log file:
2016/04/25 21:35:42:868 INFO K$a.b: Logging to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spiral Knights\.\projectx.log'.
2016/04/25 21:35:48:342 INFO K$a.b: Steam initialized.
2016/04/25 21:35:49:056 WARNING DefaultControllerEnvironment.getControllers: Found unknown Windows version: Windows NT (unknown)
2016/04/25 21:35:49:056 INFO DefaultControllerEnvironment.getControllers: Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
2016/04/25 21:35:49:056 INFO DefaultControllerEnvironment.getControllers: Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
2016/04/25 21:35:49:192 INFO ControllerEnvironment.log: Failed to initialize device Razer Blade because of: java.io.IOException: Failed to acquire device (8007001e)

2016/04/25 21:35:49:210 INFO ControllerEnvironment.log: Failed to initialize device Razer Kraken 7.1 because of: java.io.IOException: Failed to acquire device (8007001e)

2016/04/25 21:35:49:221 INFO ControllerEnvironment.log: Failed to initialize device Touchscreen because of: java.io.IOException: Failed to acquire device (8007001e)

2016/04/25 21:35:51:266 INFO K$a.b: Connecting [host=game.spiralknights.com/, port=47624]
2016/04/25 21:35:51:913 INFO K$a.b: Datagram connection established [port=47624]
2016/04/25 21:38:48:169 INFO K$a.b: Idle state changed. [idle=true]
2016/04/25 21:41:45:197 INFO K$a.b: Idle state changed. [idle=false]
2016/04/25 21:44:48:162 INFO K$a.b: Idle state changed. [idle=true]
2016/04/25 21:46:06:491 INFO K$a.b: Idle state changed. [idle=false]

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!


Well, it looks like it can't recognize your headset and your...touchscreen? That might be significant. Thanks for the info, Collonman!

According to a little Google search, (8007001e) means Java cannot access it because something else is using it. If Jiker is also getting a similar error, this means that this is probably the cause.

Collonman, are you running any fancy touchscreen software? If so, could you possibly close it and then try running Spiral Knights again? That might fix it.


Thanks for the response! Yes, my monitor is a touch screen but disabling it did not solve the issue. I also tried unplugging my headset and that did nothing. If anyone needs to know, here's how to disable it: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Video-Display-and-Touch/How-to-temp....

But other than that, I'm not sure what might be causing it. It used to work a while ago on the same computer.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

Hmm....that didn't work.

Looking back at your original thread, maybe this is a issue with a recent patch? But wait...there haven't been any patches recently...I think.

The only problem is that it's using the wrong mode. There's typically a "Windowed" mode, a "Fullscreen" mode, and then a "Full-Window" mode. (Or w/e it's called. Something like that.) With the true Fullscreen, it would stretch it to fit your screen. With Full-Window, can work smoother on some systems, the game has to make sure it's stretching itself. Seems like Spiral Knights isn't doing that!

Which is odd. I should go test it on my Windows 10 computer. Maybe I get the same issue, but I never noticed it because I always play with my native resolution.