Invincitinks occur when skilled players have managed to manipulate enemy positions and weapon aim in such a way as to hit that enemy a lot, with the intention of killing them really fast.
The current behaviour is to punish players by removing 100% of the damage done in these cases.
My suggestion is to reward combo streaks by adding 100% damage done from attacks that manage to hit tinks. We'll call this effect "awesometinks".
- Make shard bombs desirable and effective for skilled play. Even without invincitinks, it's questionable if shards would be used over DR/DBB. Dark Retribution or Dark Briar Barage would be easier to use, but skilled users of Deadly Dark Matter could potentially kill gremlins faster. Same on using Deadly Crystal/Splinter instead of DBB. Even normal shards would become effective, because at double damage the damage type would not be as important anymore.
- Seraphinx users could use the laser to deal a lot of damage by managing to focus the laser on a single enemy for 3 consecutive seconds. Again this could make Dazzling Light Ray desirable over Disintegration Ray for skilled players, because the boosted damage would also double and the reduced defence would no longer matter as much.
- With dedication, barrier pickups could be okay sometimes. It threads a little on Drakon's territory, but Drakon could stand some buffs anyway.
- I don't know if Tortofist really needs this but it would certainly be fun. Maybe lower tick damage a little to compensate?
You should also add "awesometinks" to a few weapons:
- Cutter (5+ hits)
- Winmillion (3+ hits)
- Catalyzer (5+ hits)
- Antigua (3+ hits)
- Drakon's Flame Barrier (6+ hits)
- Drakon's Explosive Firestorm (4+ hits)
I think this would kind of break the tortofists. No one uses them though so I do think they could stand a buff. They're considerably harder to get than the value they add to your knight though the fun of figuring out how to use them is there. I don't think this is the way to do it though. You want to reward two things- trapping, but also bumping enemies into the fallen shards. I'd just let them keep the invincitinks and raise the damage on the fallen shards.