Winmillion 5 star

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Own-Deschng's picture

I've seen a lot of threads about winmillion not getting it's 5 star version due to something about three rings or Sega.

Well since grey havens took over I've been wondering if they could make some of the unfinished recipes to 5 stars? Like the winmillion or cautery sword:D

Hope this thread attracts the devs attention as I am impressed with the casino update (well... Since there were no updates in sk other than PRIZEBOXES! Before grey havens took over)

Boneblinder's picture
Not another one... Though

Not another one...

Though there may be a chance that the devs might take this idea, because the golden coin idea was taken from a suggestion

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

That's too much power in your right hand.

And Cautery Sword SUCKS!

Gustim's picture
Just My Two Cents

I like this idea, if they do make a 5-star winmillion, it's charge attack could be similar to the overcharged mixmaster and the celestial orbit gun. Kind of like a boomerang thing but with one really big pellet or bullet or whatever you call it.

Batabii's picture
"And Cautery Sword SUCKS!"

And making it upgrade into something better makes it suck MORE?

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

@Batabii - Definitely.

Too much like gun?

One problem with this sword IMO is that its defining characteristic is its projectile, so focusing on that would make sense, to distinguish it from the other swords. The problem is: if they put too much power into the projectile, then wouldn't it just be a short-ranged gun? I think it would be pretty difficult to keep the essence and feel of the sword and change it in an interesting way for the 5* version.

One thing I find interesting is that you can hit enemies twice in one swing, but isn't that the cutter line's job? So what you end up with a frankenstein between cutter and a gun. Plus the normal damage doesn't help its uniqueness.

I feel that this is definitely something they need to look out for if they do decide on making a 5* version of the winmillion.

Batabii's picture

The tortofists already are basically gun, bomb, and sword at the same time...