Will Spiral Knights shutdown anytime soon?

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Greetings, Knights!

Why did OOO give away Spiral Knights to Grey Havens? Will this game eventually shutdown? Is the economy broken?

I'm really a beginner (really new here) but these questions keep floating in my mind. I don't want to waste time playing and then get shocked by Spiral Knights closing its servers or such.

The reason I ask such weird question is that I've been searching for a fair and decent MMO. Runescape failed my expectations since its combat is useless. Albion's combat seems like Runescape's somehow and therefore, why waste time playing a game which has a stupid combat system? Lastly I found Spiral Knights, which has an awesome combat system.

I appreciate all your comments.

Arc-Tech's picture
Giving Spiral Knights to Grey

Giving Spiral Knights to Grey Havens doesn't mean it'll shut down, but the opposite.
You see, OOO was having lays off and such, couldn't create any content for the game, so they were trying to milk as much money as they can before shutting it down. Don't quote me on this.
Grey Havens actually could create content and keep the game running.

CE prices?

What about the rise of Crystal Energy prices? Will its price go up indefinitely?
I am a newbie in such things, but again, I hear many players whining about it.

Veridiandynamics's picture
Long and short answers

Short answer: No.
Long answer: No, it wont shut down anytime soon. Ppl will always whine, cuz you know, ppl are ppl. They have to whine.
As for the energy it actually doesnt go up much more. Its been like that price for months now.

Avihr's picture

The grey havens are saints and they're keeping this game alive for you, so it doesn't die for now.

Thunder-The-Bright's picture
algorithms are the solutions to all problems.

energy prices are set by players, not by OOO or GH.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture
sk energy market is the only thing i dislike about the game

CE prices will continue to rise until a large flow of it is brought into the market through something like promotionals. Either that or it's restructured entirely. 11kcr for 100ce is inane, but buying ce gets you a lot of cr. However, p2w isn't exactly appealing a majority of the time, and although technically you don't NEED ce to progress, it was helpful up until recent inflation.

tl;dr there's nothing to spend CE on so nobody buys it, leading to massive demand and low supply

CE is not mandatory?

So CE is not mandatory to buy anything in the game?

Xtweeterx's picture

WHOA!! Another fellow RuneScape transfer?! I thought I was the only one!

Anyways, Sk wasn't "given away" to Grey Havens, GH is run by ex-OOO employees to rescue this game from Sega's neglectful clutches. As someone who's been turned off due to pointless cosmetic box promos, my gut feeling is that this game is finally saved now that it's being run by its original team, therefore relieving any pressure for updates and layoffs. It's going to be a while to repair the damage, but it will all be worth it. If the CE market continues to rise like Team Fortress 2's crate keys, I'm out of here for good. I have to rely on them stuffs to keep my trinket slots and weapon slots.

Flowchart's picture

TF2 keys are rising? Thought they had an upper bound of what they cost in game, $2.50.
Although it is still sad that buying keys and trading for CE gets far more than you would by buying the energy directly, which doesn't increase the amount of energy in game.

Enclave-Xz's picture

Honestly, I'm worried about this too. I've invested a lot of time (and more money then I'd wish) into the game since I came back. Would be shame if the game shut down in 6 months.

Sweet-Hope's picture


With enough patience to drop, keep repeating the same missions over and over again, you wouldnt need to buy CE. unless you want to go to shadow lair.
before yeah probably you would have needed the Energy to craft your equipment, but since they implemented rarities and they drop from treasures box, you wouldnt need to buy Energy. since alchemy orbs its needed to craft equipment and fire crystal to level up them, and all of them you can find it just by playing (the most common way to farm them it just do a rush to the level to hit any treasure box you find, and repeat until you get the orbs or fire crystal needed).

oh yes i forgot, and probably you would need Energy to upgrade your sprite. i think thats the only mandatory thing to use energy, that and shadow lair keys and lockbox keys.

Sucks that the energy market it just "drying up" but well what you expected if energy dont give you anymore prize boxes? that was a good incentive to buy energy, to be rewarded with prize boxes as "thank you" for buying energy, now it or energy or prize boxes. and well sadly people fall on "prize box" scheme.

Oh well things never going to change.


@Xtweeterx Yea! I left Runescape after almost 6 years. It was because of their stupid combat system. (Even OSRS has a stupid and boring combat system which is basically click and wait..).

@Enclavean As other players pointed out, Grey Havens will not let us down.

@Sweet-Hope I'm glad to hear that. I have no problem grinding rarities. Shadow lair is something I've not heard about till now so that's not a problem for me. Regarding upgrading the sprite, could you point me to a wiki page for further information? I don't quite yet understand why we need energy to upgrade them, I usually do upgrade them with power motes and the like.

Enclave-Xz's picture

I hate to be the negative one, but there is no way for us to know if "Grey Havens" will not let us down. If the money coming in from the game is less than what it takes to keep it running, it will shut down.

That being said, I sincerely hope that possible new content/changes will bring more players back into the game so what I said above doesn't happen.

Petater's picture
Too much spin in this thread


I finally figured out what's pissing me off.
It's that you and a few other accounts are claiming specifics about the company when you don't know squat. What you're doing is as much a dishonest practice as those who claim SK is dead without providing evidence on the forums, it's just that you're taking the popular opinion to hijack off of, instead of the one people hate.

People like me actually Google on the side for more information than that can be officially gleaned from here from the vague PR statements. Please cite your sources if you're trying to not act exactly like the SK "sk ded" threads.

I'd very much like the game masters to clarify their stance any time sometimes does this sort of thing, as I do not condone passively letting misinformation propagate.


That's a malicious half-truth. That only works short term, but the prices are set by OOO/GH deciding to bundle or not bundle CE with promos and putting stuff on AH featured or supply depo. They control final dissemination of energy and their policy last year was and still is the cause of CE being over 10kcr. Notice the deliberate removal of energy packs with promo boxes, that altered the energy market when that occurred.

Sweet-Hope's picture
@ltz-archer: http://wiki.spir



you only need the evo catalyzers to upgrade your sprite when they ask you such food. and its the only thing that requires energy, unless a player sell it on market.

We need GM clarification

@Enclavean & Petater

Well said. I should have stated it in a different way:
As other players pointed out, Grey Havens will hopefully not let us down.

All what you said is right, we shouldn't claim things that are not officially stated. Regarding CR and CE stuff, I have shallow knowledge about them and I'm not going to comment.

We hope that a GM passes by this thread and clarify the faith of Spiral Knights. This would clear things up. And I wish if that's even predictable by GMs themselves.


Thank you for the link. The amount of CE needed is not that much :)

Museofdreams's picture
Uh =D

We don't need to be super worried, the Grey Havens stuff should work perfectly.

Lets just hold on by our coattails.


Calyos's picture

Not anytime soon, GH got grasp on their own game at the last second now to wait for content and other things that are playable and not purchasable (though dlcs aren't bad and they provide money for the company, just don't make them expensive as hell). It would be best if 1 of the GH could clarify current games status and their dev road for pretty much rebirth.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

What's with people being dramatic on this topic.

Enclave-Xz's picture


It's only about the game shutting down. No biggie right?

Xtweeterx's picture


Well, would you be so kind as to kindly show us the results of your searching? We only stick with these things because it's a hypothesis that makes sense. If you could shed some light on this, we would be grateful.

@Tweeter I think his point


I think his point was for the people making the claims to do their own research. Thats how hypotheses work. Though that should've been pretty obvious...

Im a very old player

Well, ive been playing since 2011 i believe, and i do agree that OOO did make some great changes, but i do officially believe that it going to grey havens is good for the game, because i guess you could say that lot of the old SK player no longer play (Myself included) and grey havens most certainly knows this.

Enclave-Xz's picture

Petater's post got deleted.

Now I'm definitely googling what he wrote there.

Hera's picture
Game Master
One thread to rule 'em all!

Lets please keep discussion on Grey Havens and Spiral Knights in http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/114101