another scammer to avoid Sir-Faraday ign on steam: PitoLocoMcFly

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basically the deal was 20kce+venom fiend mail for a two steam games Doom-Ark:survival evolved but he only gave me Ark:survival Evolved and Even restricted
then took all ce+and the costume and unfriend me on steam as well as removing me s friend from spiral knights
here are link for his account

please just avoid doing and trades with such person on steam or in spiral knights to avoid getting scammed like what happened to me :/ i need to give cr-ce first thats why he used that to scam me as my account on sprial knights not connected with my account on steam so i thought i could trust him and i started by giving cr-ce first in order to he gift me them on my steam account which didn't happened he simply laugh unfriended me and logged off sk and removed me from steam

not to mention how you feel stupid after never trust people again probably i realized later that price was actually cheap for both games (was buying on summer sale time) but mainly because he had the intention to simply scam me

note:need to use another account so i get his id on steam

because after he removed me from steam i couldn't find his id.

10-20kce isn't realy that big amount but just others could avoid that to happen with them

i could have simply transfer money from the account which not linked to steam to the account on steam but i didn't even have spiralknights on steam so i was very lazy to get it again and downloaded it from steam and so which my friend told me that i was stupid not to do so i think i going to do so next time instead of trusting people blindly like that

10-20k "not much" Anyways ty

10-20k "not much"
Anyways ty for informing us

Radexs's picture
this is what happens when u

this is what happens when u skip the trusted traders and buy offa people like those :)
people think we charge a lot but they dun know that our rate is high only because the prices of keys r just messed up, if their price could get settled our price will automatically go down to 500E per $ and of course its wise to spend high and get right game in ur hands instead of getting scammed >.>

Anyways I'm really sowwy to hear what just happened.


skip trusted traders and buy off people like those?
doesn't have that every single steam games seller who sell games cheap have to be not trusted i don't think selling games for much or for less have to do of anything you are either good person have a word or simply Not

and yeah well idk much about steam keys market situation but finding a steam game for like a little cheap is not really a crime but yeah i will that in mind next time i need steam games :)

Knight-Bazaar's picture
so sad to hear about this.

so sad to hear about this. Well its okay to find cheap sellers but check the reputations of players also. Its really important to keep middleman or so atleast if u r doing that. Like steamrep . com offers alot of middleman who are steam officials and they handle the trades too. But goodluck for future Be careful next time :<

Faraday just added me to

Faraday just added me to discuss purchasing something; needless to say, I've blocked and reported him. Best of luck and thanks for the heads-up.

ThankS so much for all

Thanks for all the support but yeah it would be better if we could Report that person so people would know by seeing his reputation

also thx all for all the Tips i will keep that in min next time i buy steam games that is for sure :D

Technical-Failure's picture
This happens all around the

This happens all around the internet, and a game with a ''small'' community is no different it seems...
sry for what happened to you, hope the scammer gets lynched (aka:banned).

it's a shame we can't tag a player so we know who he is even if he changes his knight s name...


You can't but the next best thing is spreading the wrod and saving his profile link with the specific number saved, as the OP did above

yeah well that's why

that's why before i put these links i knew that the one which have his name on it wouldn't be enough i need his actually id so did "tricks" :D to get it but manged to prefer not to say how but i got it-long story anyway

i just knew it that he can't change the one which he have his id on it that's why if you guys gone to the top of the section you will see one of these link doesn't work anymore this(

so i knew only way to do that is by getting the one which have his id on which is this (

actually i realized that by seeing some of Darkarkangel old posts of the people who scammed him so i discover that you can't change your id that's why i make sure that i get the one which contain his id but go both anyway


bump Cause it is not nice to get scammed >_<

Biggeoff's picture

This Dude Struck Again It Seems