Well, I finally did it. I've wanted to start a YouTube channel for awhile. But I finally did it!! Anyway I decided to make it about Spiral Knights. I love this game and I wanted to bring new players into it if possible. Spiral Knights wont be the only content I upload eventually, but for now it will be. The channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJXCfg9E1sO4JSH38fKsblQ
I have a Vanguard knight ill use for most of the videos, but im going to make a new knight as a tutorial for the beginners. Kind of a showing as to what to do as a new player. Maybe how to beat levels their stuck on. Stuff like that. You'll notice there's a big gap between a bunch of videos and this latest one. I simply needed a new mic.
Youtube Channel
Wed, 10/05/2016 - 02:11
Thu, 10/06/2016 - 18:06
Apparently there are now three posts about Spiral Knights LP's (the random other youtuber, me, and now you).
Not complaining: I mean, you know, anyone helping this game to get new players is good in my books!
Subscriiibed! Wishing you good luck with getting your channel off the ground.
I've noticed that there's a bit more people attempting to start SK/SK Lets Play channels. Very happy that someone new is popping up. *Waves*
~Angel-Girl the Valkyrie