Sooo why isnt there a 5* winmillion yet?

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Liu-Kon's picture

It has come to my attention numerous times and im tending to get very annoyed with it...

Everyone knows the winmillion sucks in both damage, projectile effectiveness, and a 5*... you would think with the release of the Overcharged Mixmaster they would do something about the winmillion...NOPE WRONG. So im bringing to the attention of a 5* winmillion idea that will be simple to program into the game using codes already in the game.


Make a 5* normal damage winmillion (called winbillion, or ArchBlade, etc etc) with the weapon looking like the normal winmillion except white or grey, with a sparkle (like wild hunting blade) aswell as the standard light blue swirl pattern when swung like winmillion.

Standard attack combo would do about the same damage as a leviathan blade with projectiles dealing master blaster (4* blaster) damage using the same projectile mechanics as a mixmaster/orgitgun

Charge attack will do a standard standing slash and launch 4 orbiting projectiles like the mixmaster/orbitgun dealing a leviathan charge damage (standing slash) and master blaster charge damage for projectiles (light knock back)

I believe if this sword makes it in game it would bring a whole new outlook on Gunblades in the wonderful World of Spiral Knights!

Please give me feed back and lets see if the developers will actually listen and listen to their fan base for what they want! Because lets face it. Winmillion needs a 5*

I feel that

Perhaps they could branch the winimllion off like a brandish branches off at the 2 to 3 star transition. The winmillion's 5 star version could branch into pure shadow, pure piercing, and pure elemental variants. also like the blasters. would give the weapon a better niche i'd like to think, and see people actually use it in pve and pvp more often than just trolling.

Liu-Kon's picture
Yes but...

Yes but if the 4* winmillion were to go straight to shadow/pierce/elemental as the 5* then why have a normal damage line? I think they should have it split into 3 different lines at the 2*-3* crafting stage, but also complete the current winmillion into the normal damage 5* i suggested above making there be 4 lines

Fangel's picture
damage tables

The spur line of weapons has the same damage tables as cutters. As such, the damage values are more or less set in stone already for what the 5* winmillion would look like damage wise.

I believe the charge projectile from the winmillion should literally be a mixmaster charge bullet that pierces enemies. That would be pretty great.

Also, I believe the winmillion should split into pure piercing and shadow variants at 5*. It's great at killing those weak to those damage types, and we need more variation in those damage types in terms of sword types.

But yeah, 5* winmillion would be great. We've needed one since the beginning of time.

Liu-Kon's picture

Can we all agree that spur lines need an update??? It needs to be "brandished" lol and i would easily change to spur lines for more entertainmemt if that were the case!

Bromjir's picture
I agree

Although I don't know enough to comment on balance. A 5* win million would be great as it's my fav looking sword in the game

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

Ironically, I use a Winmillion on my Shard-bombing alt. It's great as a cheap side-arm that both hits ranged targets AND pushes away enemies. Being a budget, utility weapon, I find it fine without all sorts of damage types. And I think that this is probably the intention of Winmillion: a sword for non-sword users.

Therefor, if a 5* version is released, I'd hope to see boosted utility, such as a fan of projectiles when charged, rather than a single one. Or maybe give the projectile a boomerang effect, where the knockback still pushes targets away from the attacker even during the return trip. (The second idea is harder to code, though. The fan seems good without adding anything crazy to the line.)

And the spinning...maybe. But just having a typical projectile to hit switches is nice, and the normal shots don't have enough range to hit everything. If you take away the long-ranged, focused aspect of the charge, I'd hope that the regular attacks get more range. (Of course, then we're going too far into the "Sword-gun" territory...)

Liu-Kon's picture
5* Projectile

Well it would be interesting to have the projectile work like the mix masterbut i see your point. Mixmaster has a hard time hitting things in corners (lol). Perhaps with every swing it shoots 3 projectiles in a cone with the center one having longer distance while enemys can only be damaged by 2 disks maximum (limited like shard bombs shard damage)?

And also, the winmillion was suppost to be a gun blade anyway =w= it makes it fun to use in that fasion.