CLOSED - Gremlin Haiku Hijinks Competition - Summer 2011 - CLOSED

Greetings fellow knights and knightlings from the Obsidians!
In anticipation of the impending Gremlin invasion (yeah right, like those new Gremlin merchants are to be trusted) and new Boss, the Obsidians are once again holding an epic competition for all knights and knightlings. We haven't placed a firm deadline on the competition, but lets just say the competition will be open till at least 1 week after the new boss goes online, whenever that is.
A special SK Wiki page has been built to distinctly display all the haiku received in the competition.
Deadline: CLOSED
July 14, 2011 11:59PM Central (GMT-5)
The judges of the Gremlin Haiku Hijinks Competition are the Obsidian alphas Raspberry and Thebadger and guest judges.
The Gremlin Haiku Hijinks Competition is open to all knights within the Spiral Knights realm. If you can post here and have an in game Spiral Knights dude or dudette, then you're eligible!
Submit 1 haiku only based on the two new Gremlin spies...I mean Gremlin merchants or The Ironclaw Munitions Factory Gremlin boss stratum to this thread. Please keep your entries within forum rules so that a GM doesn't nuke it.
Important: Please include your IGN (In Game Name).
What is Haiku?
Haiku outside of traditional Japanese verse has come to represent a stanza of 5-7-5 sylables. Each of the 3 lines imparts its own imagery with hints of the season or perhaps game stratum and subject. Modern Japanese and geeky Westerners spice their haiku with pungent irony.
- Basho's (beloved 17th century Japanese traditional poet) famous Pond haiku as example:
- fu-ru-i-ke ya (5)
ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7)
mi-zu no o-to (5) - My romanticised translation of Basho:
- The old pond's spring song
As a new frog jumps in, SPLASH!
The sound of water - My Spiraled translation:
- Gremlin scorcher love
Summer heat wave danger room
Singed knight jumps in pond - 100,000 Crowns + Wallpaper honoring the winning haiku and Spiral Haiku Master
- 10,000 Crowns to the Honorable Mentions
Judging Bars:
50% Conformity to haiku convention
50% Conformity to Gremlin theme
50% Creativity and originality
(Wait! Rasp, that's 150%! Derp! Well the judging bars are similar to the damage and protection bars attached to our gear and weapon information cards. Hence, in theory, visual representation can go beyond the maximum with no specific identifiable hard cap!)
The Loot:
A little bit of loot to help get you out of hock with those Gremlin spies...errrr...MERCHANTS.
Reference Links:
Gremlin axe hurt much
Knight need better equipment
Gremlin merchant smiles
Hope I posted correctly
IGN: Flehrad
Okay nevermind, made a 7-5-7 not a 5-7-5, withdrawing.
IGN: Drandor
Factory means jobs!
Such as spies and guardians
Against pesky knights

Gremlins in Haven.
Is it the Unbind Center?
Crazy at bazzar.

Also, If you need pic people still i did enter a haiku, can I be a photo person? If I can only be one, then sorry. I'll have to stick with my entry. Add me, -IGN Bigfootm

Haiku contest judge?
Iceni, I'd be honored!
Awaiting beauty...
They have run over
In order to support you
Energy only.
IGN: Iskender.
June is dry tinder.
Tier Three fires burn shyly:
In tier one decon!
(Not for submission, but I wanted to write it:
Cicadas and ants,
Butterflies and the silkwings,
Crown loss and lockout!)
My character's name is Armorjack, by the way.

Munitions abound
Pyros o'er yonder training
This will not end well
IGN : Boelens
Damage armor
Merchant happy
(Yeaah, I suck at this.)
Ironclaws for hire!
Eligible if skilled at:
Bombs; Heals; Thwacks; Scorching.
IGN: Trojandeathlord

Gremlins don't get along with tranquil nature imagery. Anyway, my attempt:
Singed fur, toothy grins.
Armor smoking in silence
After thund'rous blasts.
IGN: Kilrain
The twin shopkeepers
Ride a breeze to market square.
Will costs rise like sun?
IGN: Hirus
Crimsonite + Moonstone =
Mechanized Mile, Decon Zones.
Where's my Dark Matter...

Flamelash Arena
When the fire is "broken"
Gremlin barbecue
IGN: Tipiak
I hear gremlins shout,
Hammer and Fire! And I see,
Death falls like blossoms.
ign Ozymandius
King Tinkinzar speaks
Crimson Order battles knights
For Cradle's future.
IGN: Hexxy

IGN: Duskdash
Mender ascetics:
while clockworks turn like seasons,
hone ironclaws on spikes.
Outcasts with distrust
Will they really help us out?
Emberlight Gremlins
IGN: Kalsb

New Gremlin Merchants?
But I Am Inflammable
Firebreak Armor
IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.

Awww, I'm sorry that we did not get to see your haiku, jooozek. While there is a 5-7-5 syllable convention, one or more of the judges is likely dyslexic and might transpose the convention. Also, a real Asian arts master knows, the zen of enlightened awareness is thinking outside the box once you know all there is to know about the box.
Have fun and enter your Spiral Zen Haiku jooozek.
IGN: Rezrov
Two Gremlins, red hair
Their masked eyes are sparkling stars
Born to sell used cars
Go for the mender
So very close, casts his dome
Bounced into a mine
IGN: Neofalcon
a gremlin haiku?
what is this I don't even...
too busy grinding
IGN: Couture

More than one mender
Hammers surrounding my rear
please don't thwack me bro.
IGN: Dirty-Harry
Two shady figures
A cause for celebration?
A battle ahead
IGN: Necrax
Poetry is lame
W T F is a haiku
Writing a haiku
I can't think of syllables
These stupid haikus
Other spiral knights
Please go die in a fire
So i get your heat
Disqualify me
mine are not about gremlins
and i posted four

@ BlackSword
Submit 1 haiku only based on the two new Gremlin spies...I mean Gremlin merchants or The Ironclaw Munitions Factory Gremlin boss stratum to this thread.
@ inhanzt
Disqualify me
mine are not about gremlins
and i posted four
Yours resemble trolls
Tad uglier than gremlins
Love the zen thinking
@ Dogrock
Thank you much for helping to add the Haiku to the Gremlin Haiku Library on the Wiki.
Let's see if I can take a stab at this -
No food past midnight
Not your typical mogwai
This guys no Gizmo
IGN: Fusoya
IGN: Gotname
Redfur fix Clockworks
Redfur has broken something
Redfur needs more bombs

Thank you much for helping to add the Haiku to the Gremlin Haiku Library on the Wiki.
You're quite welcome. I had a terrible day where I nearly had to go outside to entertain myself. Luckily I found a task that needs doing.
I hear them plotting
Filling Cradle with their stench
Trust gremlins? Never
IGN: Diggidy
Do not be afraid
These gremlins bring goods for sale
Lay down your crowns now
IGN: Thunderboltz

Thanks for the info Iceni.
I guess I was so excited about the competition
I read the rules to fast. Haha
IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.

Advance scouts are here
Plotting Havens ultimate
Demise. Get ready...
IGN: Lordofnecromancers
P.S.:just so u know, the advance scouts are the "merchants" (yeah, like we're gullible enough to believe that they're our friends...) cause some pople(like my brother) had no idea how this was reated to the contest guidelines stuff.
Gremlins around you
Bullets come, dodge them all
Got hit by a wrench
[These haiku are not for the contest, just something I thought up for flavor]
I don't know if The
Good General Patton Approves
Of Gremlins in Haven
But All I Know Is
The fastest route to The Core
Is Through The Factory
"Onwards, Knights!" Patton
would say. "The quickest way home
is through Ironworks!"
Hearing those words, I grab
my Faust and Vog Cub Suit, and
entered Ironworks
Alas, my love, it was
Not to be! A Mender came and
Shot off my poor knee!
As I lay dying, with
my last breath, I silently cursed
General Patton.
[This one is]
Mechanical Fiends!
Their Arcane Factory Looms!
Onwards, Knights! To Glory!
[Wait, one more for the road, probably not gonna enter this]
Those Gruesome Gremlins!
Their aim: Roast Snipe for Mealtimes!
Boswick, go get them!
IGN: Drmchsr
(If anyone asks, I don't think I am very good at this, and I keep thinking of General Patton. Also, more info regarding General Patton. I am ashamed that I did not mention somethong about him, as unrelated to SK he is.

Here's King Tinkinzar
With his army of gremlins
Ready to destroy...
IGN: Shadownox

hi this is not for the contest i was just wondering who the heck is General Patton

Gremlin bombs abound
Frenzy heats up the office
Working over knights
IGN: Green-Onion
Two gremlin merchants...
They are spies! Looks like they are...
Sappin' my Haven!
IGN: Hlowan
IGN: redten
Sneaky Gremlin kind
Wouldn't trust them with ice cream
What are they planning?
These two are for lols.
Those stupid bombers
Dropping land mines like hot cakes
Fill em' with holes, mates
Big King Tinkinzar
And his nasty gremlin crew
What you gonna do?
Oh freaking Gremlins!
How can you all torch me so!?
Oh God oh God oh-
~IGN: Kevaan~
Proper submission:
Gazing at the sky
With friends and brothers in arms
Ironclaw wins again
And a couple more purely for fun :P
Darkfang flamers come
This floor once cold is blazing
3 caps aren't enough
Deconstruction zone
O no here we go again
Fodder for gremlins
IGN Parvus

Deep in the Clockworks
Mender fires ember bolt
Embarrassing death
IGN: Katmint
I love that movie!
IronClaw Gremlins come
I forsee explosions
Craft fire resist gear
IGN: Zenstar
Skelly suit, let's go
Into fiery dungeon depths
Now just skeleton :(
Snarby fun:
Wolver howl by night
Bright red eyes in the shadows
Pure white fangs flashing
We know you have a special passion for HAIKU, Eurydice. Since you are the Spiral HQ Community Manager, can we sequester you as a Guest Judge, please?
We are also going to need guest actors to re-enact the winning Haiku. I think TheBadger is still recovering from being Snarby's chew toy. My Groundbreaker armor has just about singed to my character from the many failed outakes of getting put on fire by Gremlins and Red Rovers just to get the perfect shot for our Haiku Poster.
Best regards,