Spiral knights needs more than just the clockwork monster slaying, player interactive mini games like pvp, capture the flag, team tower defense and other classic activities should be added, damage and HP should be adjusted in those games so 1 hit ko don't wreck the game.
For example for Capture the flag
You could have a giant circular arena, 5 people a team, between the two teams, they each have their own base, which they can stock up on vials and restore heals., the other team can not enter other team's base or shot into their base. ( white transparent barriers in the clockwork)
A flag is in the middle of the arena, which is surrounded by spike pits, status effect traps, explosive craters and other traps, also arc walls surrounds the flag, some are high and some low you you can shot/ dodge with ranged weapons.
Both teams must get to middle and get the flag, but the person holding the flag can not attack, similar to how keys are transported within the clockwork.
The key is than needed to be taken back to the base which will score points towards the team, the flag than re-spawn in the middle again.
While one team tries to take the key back, other team can use vials and slow/ stop them from moving, so its up to the team member to work as a team to protect the flag holder. If the flag hold is hit, the flag is dropped, similar to how the key is hold.
If a knight is slain in the arena, they will spawn in their base. The game will have a timer which shows the time till the game ends, and the team with the most score wins. Killing another player shouldn't give point other wise it would defeat the purpose of the flag.
The game should be have 5 different tier ranges, for example, it would have tier 1,2,3,4 and 5. for tier 1, people are only allowed to use weapon tier 1 or weaker. therefore its a fair game which significantly relying on the help of you teammates and how you use your vials.
Tier 5 would allow you use any weapon equal or below 5 stars.
Each game should cost 10 energy to enter,The rewards could be PVP tokens which allow the players to purchase armoury, weaponry or items like movement enhancing boots, awesome looking capes, auras which would have health regeneration, damage boosting or defence boosting. The possibilities are endless, as long as those items are actually worth some fighting for :D .
Higher tier team should also have their advantages since they’ve been through the clockwork to its deepest extend. A good system to reward them is by increase the PVP token gain in high tiers, Hence:
Tier1- 1 token
Tier2-2 tokens
Tier3- 3 tokens (1 token for defeated team for trying)
Tier4- 4 tokens (1 token for defeated team for trying)
Tier 5-5 Tokens (2 token for defeated team for trying)
Tokens for the defeated team for hard work is important because, there will be less trolling or noob calling, hence that will wreck this great community.
A suitable Damage output amount should be implemented, for example 5 star weapon are capped at knocking off no more than 5 bars of hp. Hence people can actually enjoy the game, because its pointless just some guy with a gran faust 1 hit ko everyone, that will just killed the game.
Anyways hope Three rings will take notice, it would be great fun if they add it :D:D:D:D
Good concept, I like a good game of capture the flag.
Although 10 energy is a bit pricey...
1, 2 or 3 energy seems reasonable.
But besides that, sounds great! I'd like to see this.