Dear OOO-
First, thank you for the new round of content. The levels will do a lot to groom new players to be conscious of their teammates. The new weapons are neat, and I even agree with on the bomb changes. I'm especially happy to see changes to guns!
I would like to ask you to consider PvP in your next release. It doesn't have to be complex. It doesn't have to be anything more than what you already have built. Simple deathmatch would be great.
The problem is that you have many, many experienced, seasoned, end game players that simply have nothing to do but race Vanaduke in their proto gear. Many of these players use real money to buy energy. They run guilds and work with new players. They keep the AH stocked with the hard to find stuff. They update the Wiki. They provide you with crucial feedback you need to refine this game. They're important to the game and community.
But *we* are bored.
I don't expect Tier 4. Please take your time and perfect it. But in the meantime, please give us a rudimentary PvP so we can kill each other and use our gear for something. Once we have *something*, we can give you feedback on how to make it better. We are OK with "here is something basic, we'll make it better later". We can handle that, but we can't handle being idle. Please put something in to keep us busy, even if it's basic!
Tsuanok of Pendulum