Your stance (you dont really need to fill this out but it helps greatly): You can join my party and do the boss with me / You can join my party but only to go solo from that point / I'll only join your party / I'll be joining\hosting the party for boss / other option you come up with
ADHD?: yes / a little / i'm patient
So thats the scheme, here is my filled out:
Head: Miracle Hood
Body: Miracle Cloak
Shield: Wise Owlite Shield
Weapons: Silent Nightblade / Blizzbrand / Valiance
IGN: Paweu
Your stance: I'll be joining\hosting the party for boss
ADHD?: a little
And a note! When you request friendship with someone, specify that you are from this thread, really want to avoid all the confusion!
Let the trainmain start!
Hated this place but...
Helm-Vog Cub Cap/Skolver Cap
Armor-Vog Cub Coat/Skolver Coat (Soon)
Shield-Grey Owlite Shield or Volcanic Plate Shield
Weapons-Gran Faust, Divine Avenger,Argent Peacemaker, Graviton Vortex, Shivermist Buster.
IGN Bigfootm
Let me in at the boss or second to last level unless I'm in Haven.
ADHD-I'm guessing 'cause it can take a while to kill (Not for me) but I'm patient.