Are you willing to listen?
Disclaimer: Post might make me look like a hypocrite. (Which I kinda am :P)
I don't know why, but the majority of the reasons why parties with about anyone that is unsuccessful, is due to failure of communication.
This is just aimed to about anyone, am I complaining about my every guildy and friend of mine? No otherwise they wouldn't be my friends/guild list.
Usually you and your guildies or close friends can pull things off. For example, me and my two friends can get to the end of FSC(firestorm citadel) just fine along with one stranger (who usually is a friend).
But whenever I have a group of random people it just gets harder and everyone (including me) wants to be the "hero" they think about fighting, as a one step solution to taking down something, instead of taking perspective of the whole arena, etc, and Pre-action planning, implementing tactics, then taking down the enemy. Again planning isn't really needed on EVERY level, that would be ridiculous. (Make sure to strafe from the chromalisk, oh no! )
If you really know the place, say so ahead of time, so I can just shut up and watch, or I'll stay over cautious and enter wordy strategies.
I don't mind if you die a lot, really I don't, I can understand lag, and stupid mistakes, it is just a game, but be patient and don't smile a lot after dying it can get annoying in tough depths (again I won't kick you.)
If you don't listen, then I will kick you, esp. when you do something you agreed on solely doing, don't do something else... unless it will help out (like when I'm dead and all). This is usually when you do something that will get everyone killed...
When you join a party with people you don't know, who obviously have stronger gear than you do, aren't pessimistic, and say FSC instead of Vanaduke run (although might not always be the case...), it's good stay quiet.
I've kicked people only for the following reasons: disconnected before an arena would start(I give long time intervals), my impatience (in which I've paid 200cr back for doing so),or doing something that would get us all killed and waste the 10 ce spent on the level.
It is nice that you spend energy when you are dead, but it only makes it harder for the team later on if/when everyone is dead, and you really need to revive ASAP and cheaply(no hesitation that way).
If you are there to just have fun, than state it before you join a party, if you don't want to do the boss, say the something AHEAD of time...some people might need the cr or tokens and their hope will get destroy, or they might pay your tab.
Now, if you have good gear, charge it up and use it properly, if don't think you need to, there are noobs with good gear who worry about the lower gear people and then die right before the noob (me) does. If you have crappy gear, we might be able to manage and put you in a keystone position, please follow that role or set of roles(like I've said above about being the Hero). If you know the place either way, good we'll assume you'll do well but will reassure you anyways. If you are a gun user, sword, or bomb user, hear me out: I don't give a damn about pride, if it gets the job done, use whatever the hell you can. Now for those with good stuff like Shivermist and Toxic Atomizer (good for FSC and JK respectively) please try to stick with doing that, after the bomb is set, feel free to do whatever, but keep deploying the bomb afterwards, and solely in the JK depth. When we are all dead, the best thing to do it revive us. Do not feel used for doing so, you'll be the reason why we'll win. And maybe get a little compensation will be given ;P // Something we picked up and you want (We'll judge from there).
1) When anyone says "stay back" please do, for it will save a lot of time and energy (me and ce).
Please don't feel like I boss people, whatever I say are straight suggestions during the run, I don't mind feedback, and I'm not a stubborn person.
I don't like treating people like a tool, but I always have huge dependencies on other knights, and the reason why I don't have good armor and have invested in a lot of weapons. That's why I'm usually worth the rez (energy free of course, although there are always generous people).
LAST Important point, always, always, send a darn reply, I or anyone for that matter, do not disappear if you don't, I'll wait (until I feel stupid lol). It's kind of the point of this whole matter and the bottom line.
I've screwed up and haven't followed directions before too, but I"m slowly learning,changing. Just say the word, and I'll try my best with my bad memory to quit making mistakes, but accidents are always bound to happen.
Make sure to drop stuff before descending on the elevator :P (~Thanks Sonic~)
Thanks for reading,
(Sorry that all the points aren't currently covered, and that the post is really vague and huge.)
In the end, its just a game, I was bored, thought of an issue, so I typed this up.
If you can't think of a reply, just say "Read". That way I know someone/how many people looked at it. Thank you again...
Been doing some runs with you, and you are a pretty good player, so i know why you said what you said...
i never do pickup parties anymore, for many of the reasons you already stated, the ppl that never ever reply and dont communicate at all... ugh, at first i felt sorry but later i just kicked them from party and kept going, now i barely play with friends, as most of my guildies are gone, and most of my friends dont play anymore, its really hard nowadays to find good people to party with...
i have been in t2 parties where some newbs in full 5* gear have spent over 800CE in revives... its really sad.
so far the only option viable that i can see is joining a guild like Active or Team Dai Gurren where most of the people are actually good players and can succesfully and ENJOYABLY finish runs.

...not really. Got 25-33% of the way through.

"I don't like treating people like a tool, but I always have huge dependencies on other knights, and the reason why I don't have good armor and have invested in a lot of weapons."
I actually think it's the other way around. If you lack sufficiently diverse weaponry, you'll rely on other knights to take down what you are weak to.
For example, those occasional gun puppies that spawn in the Clockwork Tunnels behind spikes that *never* go down until you kill them, are impossible to kill with a sword without taking damage. And Devilites and Wolvers dodge bullets.
On the other hand, skill is easier to substitute for a lack of armor. Your helm and armor pieces mostly just increase the amount of mistakes you can make without dying. I can solo Royal Jelly Palace with my Vitasuit Plus and Skelly Mask (both 2-star) just fine, aside from the boss level.
The shield is a little more important, but you should be fine with any 3-star shield in T2. My swiftstrike buckler is sufficient for me in all of T2.
Actually, I'm kind of wondering - do the things I said hold true in T3? Will any old 5-star shield be good enough to block at least one or two hits in T3, or do you have to make like 4 different shields to use based on the strata you are doing? Is taking damage unavoidable in T3, and therefore you need 5-star armor to survive? And wait, is your armor even 4-star, or is it just bad 5-star armor?
Actually the DA can 2-3 shot the gun puppies behind spikes or over gaps if you aim it right. Not ideal, but it's possible to get by with just swords.
As for shields... There are very few things that will 1 shot your shield. The only one that comes to mind are the mecha knights charged attack that then creates little bullets. If you try to block that it will appear to break the entire thing, but I think it's really the second/3rd hits from the bullets that breaks it, though it happens instantly.
Typically in T3 I don't die slowly from an accumulation of hits. I'll finish multiple levels without ever taking a direct hit. It's usually pretty catastrophic and the result of my shield breaking or getting a shock/freeze on me or getting trapped and unable to shield bump out. One of the first things I did was get a shock/freeze UV for Vogs. Pills help but they take a bit to activate and leave you unable to shield (assuming it's still up) for a little bit. It's very important to prevent those statuses, especially against packs. The shock/freeze devilites in arenas are the worst. If you get hit by them and it procs the debuff then kiss your butt good bye if you can't pill fast enough.
Fire really isn't that scarey (aside from FSC because it's everywhere). It'll do a good chunk of damage, but it's not instantly fatal like shock/freeze can be.
t3 is hard, and yes you will need more than 2 shields, i already have 3!
now heating a skelly shield to have good defense against shadow, same with armor, as i already have all dmg types covered.

"Actually the DA can 2-3 shot the gun puppies behind spikes or over gaps if you aim it right. Not ideal, but it's possible to get by with just swords."
Hmm, true. But I'm not at the point where I can acquire a Sealed Sword yet, and a Spur doesn't always have enough range. Thanks for the tip, though.
"As for shields... There are very few things that will 1 shot your shield. The only one that comes to mind are the mecha knights charged attack that then creates little bullets. If you try to block that it will appear to break the entire thing, but I think it's really the second/3rd hits from the bullets that breaks it, though it happens instantly. "
Ah, so that's why everyone gets Owlite Shield for T3. The elemental attacks hit really hard, so you need that elemental defense on the shield so it doesn't break, I guess :)
"It's usually pretty catastrophic and the result of my shield breaking or getting a shock/freeze on me or getting trapped and unable to shield bump out. One of the first things I did was get a shock/freeze UV for Vogs. "
Hah, everyone else on the forums is screaming to get fire resist for T3 like it's the most important status ever, but I also definitely fear shock and freeze more, even on T2. It's especially annoying when the CC means that you'll have the status continually inflicted on you over and over by the same mobs. But are you sure the status resists will help that much? The debuff duration doesn't seem to matter much if you are either going to pill out of it or die anyways.

"so far the only option viable that i can see is joining a guild like Active or Team Dai Gurren where most of the people are actually good players and can succesfully and ENJOYABLY finish runs."
I would like to include my guild, The Risen, in the list of guilds whom can successfully and enjoyable finish runs. We're sporting somewhere around 70 members in the guild right now with anywhere from 4-16 online, with about 10-11 on average.
I have completed FSC around 65 times now, most of those with my guild and most of those without any ce revives at all.
If you're feeling like a good player whom can't find good players to play with send me a message in game, my name is Velcro, and I'll be happy to invite you. We even have a website, Do note though that things are slightly disorganized at the moment but come July 16th I'm planning on re-vamping the website, removing inactive players, and attempting to hold the largest guild meeting we've had yet where will we discuss anything brought up.
I completely agree to your words. Though I really wish there were a way to create macros in this game (though there might be if I looked at the actual code or what-not) but a way built into the options would be nice specifically because it becomes tiresome to tell people not to kill the last zombie or else the next wave will spawn, to not aggro the zombies stuck into the corners of Vanaduke's liar, etc etc.
The times that I have started plans beforehand things have went beautifully.
Also, the "Fall Back" shortcut has been life saving many times.

*Navi appears*
Hey! Listen!
Another thing you could do if you just like people, when you do go on a run with a friend, chances are they've got someone on their run you don't know, you should add that person so you have one more person to run with if you liked how they play. Then if you join their party at a later time, you can see if they're also playing with decent players and *repeat*
Oh btw, you forgot to list (unless I overlooked it) getting on the elevator with lots of vials and health capsules and then leaving without saying anything. I do understand things happen (I've done this occasionally) but it still hurts when you're about to go down to a graveyard level and person B just left three health capsules on the elevator...
P.S. I'm a noob :D
Ty for the responses!
@Silty dying a lot, and depending on rez's is a dependency, but that works as well.
I do add the friends of friends, but currently I'm full
@NegimaSonic Even Elites suck, and yes I agree with you! I hate when you are about to do jk, someone and goes up with Robot! Or when you are all about to quit jk, and you notice someone left a vial! ....

"... the majority of the reasons why parties with about anyone that is unsuccessful, is due to failure of communication."
True, true.
There's a flip side to this; the player who constantly tells everybody what to do, yet is clearly the worst player in the group. Nothing annoys me more than some tool who thinks he's great and orders everybody around, then blames every one of his 10 deaths on "lag". I'm sorry, but if you're really dying that much to lag you shouldn't be playing at all. It's gotten to the point where I'll just kick and/or ignore someone if they die more than 3 times and blame it on lag. While it's your time and energy, it's the other 3 people who have to put up with you wasting their time and energy.
Another problem is that in battles, there's often enough going on that you just don't have time to explain something if someone is doing something wrong. I can't count the number of times I've explained the Vanaduke fight to new players, had those players acknowledge the information, then seen their heads go into their [butts] when the fight actually starts. They then ask what they did wrong when they die and/or wipe the entire group, and I'm supposed to type a response while still trying to avoid everything.
The armor/shield you bring to T3 is not that important because T3 is all about avoiding damage, not mitigating/blocking it. Obviously it helps to wear the appropriate defenses, and if you're still learning T3 attack patterns I'd highly recommend it, but it really just allows you to make a few more dumb mistakes. As Ignominious stated, when you're good, the majority of the time you die in T3 is when you make a major mistake and you'll get stomped no matter what you're wearing.
People emphasize fire resist in T3 because the only end-game boss is in a fire dungeon and does fire attacks. It's not the most dangerous status effect, but it's what you're going to be fighting 90% of the time.
I give advice and die a lot, but I don't blame others, unless the really do a bad job while I'm dead. I understand you point on lag.
I hate that...but I too, have trouble grasping the technique sometimes, but I won't get scared...that's just dumb... To be honest I just did that yesterday when doing a JK run with Rits, I tried use the advice, but failed to do so. It is good to turn off the volume, the music can "scare people" lol.
Very true.
If you are accident prone then yes, but zombies can light you fire... either way and extra defense doesn't hurt, starter or not.
do you think that this should go in the new recruits section?
>LAST Important point, always, always, send a darn reply, I or anyone for that matter, do not disappear if you don't
I disappeared, so I couldn't reply to this thread... I'll find my way back later!