First, I want to apologize to Nick for attempting to make Boswick join Echo of Silence, but why will you get in the way of something that NEEDS to happen WHY? Nick, all your teams updates are amazing, but honestly this suggestion is needed. Its the only way Spiral Knights will beat World of War Craft in sales yearly, and become the most played online video game in the WORLD. Nick its the WORLD not even America all the kids in Africa, Asia, Australia etc. Will be playing Spiral Knights due to this suggestion. Dont deprive those poor children of Spiral Knights.
Why you might ask?
1. Dogrock basically made up the whole phrase blame it on Boswick so this is easily the number one reason.
2. Boswick does half of the art work in Spiral Knights, and half the time Cobalt designs new toys such as the snipe bomb now think if Cobalt and Boswick combined forces which other amazing weapons would come out.
3. Boswick needs to learn about Bromance since he lacks it at times who better to teach him this than Echo of Silence.
4. Boswick would enjoy being in an active guild unlike the Three Rings Guild
5.Boswick can design Echo of Silence Guild Hall and make it all so sexy instead of just giving an option to all the other guilds when guild furniture comes out etc.
6. I was in-charge of Boswick campaign to become president of Spiral Knights we need to work long hours Boswick its easier to communicate if we are in the same guild.
7. Boswick would be allowed in our Audio Chat were he can hear all of our sexy voices and hear Dogrock's SEXY VOICE which gets all the men in Eos pretty excited.
8. Thunderchunks is also in Echo of Silence he can make fun of Boswick on Audio chat for not joining Echo of Silence earlier
9. Boswick needs to learn how to show Xerox tough love, and you can only learn this by having him join Echo of Silence
10. Boswick will learn about all the secret conversations that take place in our officer guild chat once he becomes officer.
11. Boswick can show off items I can never obtain and then I can ask Boswick to mail him money for a kat hat or some epic miner helmet only he owns, and this can only happen if he is in Echo of Silence due to the fact I will not trust him if he is not a guildmate.
12. Finally, Boswick made fun of Dogrock when this game launched….Dogrock needs a chance to get him back, but it would be rude to do this publicly so we need Boswick to join Echo of Silence so Dogrock can have his revenge in guild chat.
This list really goes on and on....
Thank You For Reading (Also, Best Suggestion EVER)
Dogrock basically made up the whole phrase blame it on Boswick so this is easily the number one reason.
Actually, I think Rose was the first person to blame Boswick. That's waaaaay back in the archives though (I just keep on blaming him).
Finally, Boswick made fun of Dogrock when this game launched
That's cause I clicked the log on on a few minutes before the official time on April 1st to discover the game was live again. Many people were speculating at my lack of better things to do. Well worth it, I was in the first party to arrive in Haven that day. :)