I'm selling a Cold Iron Carver with a unique variant of 'high' charge time reduction. It's a very useful weapon, especially the charge attack, which is as any calibur; 360 degrees swing, hitting every enemy surrounding you. This attack can hit an enemy up to 3 times if it keeps within range during the process, which makes it useful in any ambush positions or kiting a large group of opponents. I personally find it to be more effective than the regular calibur line (Ascended/Leviathan) because of the added bonus against Undeads that Leviathan cannot provide. They both have similar damage at level 10, only Leviathan reaches the maximum damage a little earlier on. If made into a Cold Iron Vanquisher, it will have a charge time reduction of 'ultra' (level 10) which would allow you to spam the charge attack and make good use of it.
That's a bit of information on the weapon. If you're interested then just post an offer below, I will have the auction running for about a week. There's no specific buyout price at this time, I'm just looking for some offers.