a QQ storm be brewing with this get your umbrellas (in the case of the Devilites AKA OOO, your coffee mugs)
Upcoming Changes to Haze Bombs and Vaporizer Bombs

I have to make as many haze bombs before this HAPPENS, im going to make 4 every day before the update. uv or no uv ill sell, so if you want haze bombs at a bargain, ask me!

Thank you OOO for providing this warning up front. But, could you be more specific?
What happens to haze bombs that people have when this change happens?, do they get upgraded to 2* for free?
Are the current 2* Fiery Vaporizer and Toxic Vaporizer going to be eliminated? If so, what is going to happen to ones people have after the upgrade, will they be changed into haze bombs, or will they be changed into 3* versions?
Likewise, what happens to recipes and learned recipes?
Can you give us details on materials needed for the new haze bomb?
My guess is that people who don't do anything will have their haze bombs upgraded to 2*, which they won't be able to sell very well since they can't be upgraded to shivermists.
The current vaporizers, the only change is removing Haze Bomb from the recipes. If they change the recipe file in the game data to show this, they don't have to do anything to our arsenal. As for what happens to the current Haze Bomb and recipe, I don't know. Either we'll automatically get them all to 2* (and make it incredibly profitable to spam-craft haze bombs on mist every day until the update) or we'll be left with the old haze bombs as mementos.

So a 5 star stun bomb in the works or what?
Correct me if wrong the way I read it:
Haze Bomb becomes 2* and gains a 3,4,and 5 variant.
All Vaporizers start at 2* and no longer have pre-req of haze bombs - and work as usual 3 - 5 star.
Assuing the new line is all direct upgrades from haze bomb, yes, it should be a line of bombs that cause stun, quite possibly with the long duration status aoe of a vaporizer. They might do something new, but... I doubt it. Stun isn't really as useful as freeze, so I doubt everybody's going to stop using their shivermists, or choose to make it over a shivermist at any point.

I can only imagine the complete and total rage that is about to erupt from all of the Haze Bomb rage crafters!

Ah, yes, the announcement uses the singular "vaporizing line", which I interpreted as the "freezing vaporizing line" since I've never dealt with the other lines. The announcement should probably have used the plural "vaporizing lines". OK, things make a lot more sense now, thanks.
Welp. Time to stock up on recipes and bombs to sell in the future.
The fact that they are explicitly doing this to get rid of a cheap crafting option is absolutely appalling to me. There's a high chance that this future haze bomb line will be absolutely useless as well.
The fact that they are explicitly doing this to get rid of a cheap crafting option is absolutely appalling to me. There's a high chance that this future haze bomb line will be absolutely useless as well.
Part of me feels the same of you, while part of me acknowledges the fact that the Haze bomb line is one of the only, OR only, things that goes from 1* to 5*, making it unfair to all non-vapor users trying to craft UV's. Also, there have been players explicitly asking for higher tier Stun bombs.
In the end, this seems like the right thing to do. OOO has given us fair warning. The only other alternative would be to give every other major weapon line a 1* starting point, which would lead to super-saturation of the entire weapon market and be a terrible idea.
Won't have too much of a problem with it if the new Haze Bomb line isn't atrociously craptastic, because if that's the case, I'm sitting on a mighty pile of cash. If it is, then I've just wasted a lot of time. That's my only real problem with it. A gamble I didn't know I was up for and etc. etc.
From way I read it:
"Haze Bombs will be graduating to 2* items as well as having 3*, 4* and 5* upgrades."
Very likely meaning Haze Bombs will be upgraded to 2-** bomb item, and can be upgraded into upto 5-***** upgrade-able bomb.
Also says Haze Bombs can no longer split into Vaporizers as a result. In return:
Vaporizer class bombs will no longer start as Haze Bombs, but their current respectable 2-** form (Fiery, Freezing, or Toxic). This will change the recipe into Vaporizer class bombs being independent.
I don't know what caused anything to bring this change, but I wonder if they're changing any other requirements in the recipe down-the-line also?
No, they're only changing the recipes for Haze bombs and 2* vaporizers, and the latter they're just removing the haze bomb requirement.
It's for two reasons; first is that people can mass craft Haze bombs really easily to try and get UVs (on Mist it works out much cheaper to craft haze bombs than buy UV tickets)
Second is that I guess they felt we needed a stunning bomb line.
If you would craft a ton of haze bombs before the update comes which is 200 cr and 10ce....
would the bombs you have also change to 2*? and would npc start buying them for 750 cr after the update comes rather than the 300cr you would normally get?
well if that happens i would be making probably 550 cr.............i guess ill start saving up my haze bombs now :D
lolz why thank you.....just popped up in my head
IGN: Wonderwaffles.............btw

No, anonymous, the new 2* haze bomb version is going to need a 1* to craft, so I doubt that the 1* ones will be turned into 2*. I think, pretty sure. I think that the 5* haze bomb version is going to be extremely massive, as the haze bomb itself is already as big as the 4* vaporizers.

it clearly says the haze bomb will graduate to a 2* bomb.

Wait.. your right. I better get on and start RAGECRAFTING!
Uh, rather than making the one tier 1 thing anyone actually gets/uses a tier 2 item, wouldn't it make more sense to make tier 1 items more viable? As it is, NO ONE uses tier 1 items...
i thought the haze bomb itself will turn into a 2* which is what i was thinking when i read the forum

The word 'graduating' confuses me, there are either two possibilites
1. Haze Bomb will stay 1* and have a 2*-5* upgrade
2. Haze Bomb it self will change from 1* item to a 2* item
I'm thinking the latter.
Like the others above, this this mean the 100+ HB's i have in inventory will sell for the worth of a 2* item instead?
Stun isn't really as useful as freeze, so I doubt everybody's going to stop using their shivermists, or choose to make it over a shivermist at any point.
I dunno... I can think of a few advantages to using Stun over Freeze:
#1: It slows mobs attack speed as well as their movement. Granted, frozen mobs can't turn to attack you, but if you're already in front of them they could still hit you, and some mobs have attacks that hit a fairly large area in front of them anway. Some slime class mobs don't even need to be facing you to attack either.
#2: Stun doesn't go away after you hit something with stun on it. Unlike, say, Freeze, which disappears if you so much as breathe on it.
#3: Stun can co-exist with Fire. And Shock. And Freeze, even if that combo is a little redundant.
#4: You can shield-bump stunned mobs. Frozen mobs are immovable obstacles. I've been in a danger room and died because I got trapped in a corner and everything around me got frozen. As I couldn't move, the fact that they couldn't turn to aim was negated by the fact that most of them were already facing me anyway.
Now, not to say that Stun is always going to be better than Freeze. In most situations stopping a mob from moving and turning is far better than just slowing it down. But in freeze themed strata everything is immune to freeze anyway, and if you're in a party that features heavy representation from bombs and guns, as opposed to swords, Stun might actually be a better idea.

"Haze Bombs will be graduating to 2* items as well as having 3*, 4* and 5* upgrades."
--> Haze bomb becomes a 2* item
--> Haze bomb becomes a new line of bombs.
Atomizer bombs (freezing/poison/fire) are now their own lines.
The underlying thing behind this is probably to make the UV's rarer. When you have something as cheap as a 1* item craft have the possibility of upgrading any branch of the most coveted bombs, that can be an imbalance problem, since people have many more chances to get the rare UV for their end-game bomb.
Pretty much, haze bomb being a 10-energy-to-craft item that could branch into the 3 effect bombs overcentralized bomb creation and made getting rare/desirable UV's too easy to get.
Now, if you want a CTR:high Shivermist, you'll have to craft CTR:high freezing atomizers.
If you want a CTR:high Ash of Agni, you'll have to craft CTR:high fiery atomizers (or whatever they're called).

I really like this change. I've been debating which bomb I want to get. Looks like it's going to be stun. I've always liked the haze bomb, just that its poor AoE range makes it a terrible choice.

Just to be perfectly clear- the current 1* haze bomb will become a 2* item. A 1* version will no longer exist. If you have a recipe or the bomb itself, it will simply turn into a 2* item or recipe after the change. No one will lose anything or have a different version of the bomb than anyone else.
hopefully this will get people started crafting blast bombs. wtb uv ctr vh blast bombs! lol... not enough uber-vortex bombs. only seen one 5* with a CTR high, not even VH and it was NASTY.

If you have a CTR Max haze bomb and want to turn it into anything other than a stun bomb then do it now.
Just to be perfectly clear- the current 1* haze bomb will become a 2* item. A 1* version will no longer exist. If you have a recipe or the bomb itself, it will simply turn into a 2* item or recipe after the change. No one will lose anything or have a different version of the bomb than anyone else.
It's also time to rage craft haze bombs. You can make them as 1* items now and sell them back as 2* items later.
Before I read this I thought someone was trying to corner the auction house market on haze bombs and was extreamly surprised to see it work as the buy now prices began to rise...then just realized the patient will now turn a profit lol

I expect Three Rings to put something in the update that will prevent people from selling the upgraded Haze Bombs for a profit.

In all likelihood, the 1* star haze bombs in everybody's arsenal will stay 1*, and will no longer upgrade to anything.
I really wish this update is accompanied with the removal of useless UVs on haze bombs/ vaporizers. The current cheap rage crafting option somewhat balanced the fact that all UVs on hazebombs except CTR were basically as good as having no UV at all. (Since the point of these bombs is not really dealing dmg.)

2 star items are worth 750crown. Yay, the 100 haze bomb in my inventory just up their value.
Will haze bombs still be a pre req for shivermist?
memanme: sounds like the shivermist line will now start at 2* with the freezing vaporizer if I understand correctly
as with the other lines starting with fiery vaporizer, toxic vaporizer (and the altered haze bomb to haze vaporizer?)
I expect..
Patch Notes:
1* and 2* items can no longer sold to NPC.
I have been able to make two haze bombs with ctr low, is that good enough to upgrade to shivermist and ash of agni

I'm starting to wonder why they even have 0-1 star items anymore.

Some people have a very tough time tackling mobs in t1 shoebox. Thwack hammers just make everything better. *sarcasm* xD
I never thought of this before.... perhaps they'll be phased out and be replaced with items that are actually helpful 0.o
I love my proto bomb D: I'll get undead VH+ CTR VH then bring it FSC someday.
I as well, Shoebox : /
With this update, HOORAY, no one will make tier 1 items anymore :D

@stanfy - Wearing the Volcanic Demo set or the Mad Bomber set, (or a combination of the two) you will bump your bombs up to CTR Maximum, if you start with a UV CTR low and then level them up to 10.
If you plan on wearing the demo armor, craft your two haze bombs into a Fiery Vaporizer and a Freezing Vaporizer before it's too late.
@Shoebox and bushwhacker
Remember how the Coliseum will have tiers based on gears' star rating?

What would you do if you were sitting on a VH CTR Haze and didn't need immediate profit from it?

Kind of makes me want to try my luck on haze bombs lol. I'm afraid to go all out because of post #39 though

I ragecrafted 100 haze bombs and got a CTR high out of it. Good enough I suppose. I'll use it for the upcoming 5* haze bomb :D
they would inform us of a change like this but not a change like the one jokingly (I assume) suggested in #39. That would actually be worse than simply not telling us anything at all. As it stands, it's probably worth it to buy all the haze bombs on AH at 500 cr... since post patch you'll be able to vendor them at 750... that's a 50% return on your investment...
Well at least I managed to ragecraft one with a triple uv before this was put on the table.