It very much sounds like Token exchange. Makes me wonder if we'll ever see trinkets* that weren't implemented at release. Maybe even the elusive Magikat Hat. Clearly we'll be seeing this beauty as a top prize. What's your speculations, guys?
*Basically, these battle-bonus trinkets. Maybe there will be more, maybe some of them will never see the light.
-Slash Module (Sword Damage Bonus: Low)
-Slash Module Mk II (Sword Damage Bonus: Medium)
-Boom Module (Bomb Damage Bonus: Low)
-Sword Focus Module (Sword Charge Time Reduction: Low)
-Handgun Focus Module (Handgun Charge Time Reduction: Low)
-Bomb Focus Module (Bomb Charge Time Reduction: Low)
-Bomb Focus Module Mk II (Bomb Charge Time Reduction: Medium)
-Quick Strike (Sword Attack Speed Increased: Low)
-Quick Draw (Handgun Attack Speed Increased: Low)
-Armor Ward (Physical Resist Bonus: Low)
-Heavy Armor Ward (Normal Resist Bonus: (Very?) High)
-Chroma Tear Earring (Unspecified bonus)
-Scale Pendant (Unspecified bonus)
-Drake Scale Pendant (Unspecified bonus)
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