

I'll be one again. :D.
Name: Rangerwill.
Gender: Male.
Likes: FSC and killing stuff in general.
Dislikes: People bumping monster's into me and me dying.
Color: Dark blue.
Personality: I'm mostly a swords guy, but I like all weps, I usually take my Avenger, Silent nightblade, Gigawatt pulsar, and my Freezing atomizer on a run.
Weps:Avenger, Silent nightblade, Gigawatt pulsar, Toxic catalyzer, Freezing atomizer.
Set: Ash tail set, I wear a solid cobalt helm as my costume helm though. I also have a 5* grey owlite shield.

Oh my god this is so embarassing I'm going to blank out all of these posts 4 years after posting them.

Name for character in story: Ryhim.
Color of armor: Blue and Gold.
Equipment (armor, weapons): Skolver coat, Ash tail cap, Mighty Defender, Cold Iron Vanquisher, and Silversix.
Personality: Kind, Humble, Always focused on his goal.
Gender: Male.
Likes: Helping others.
Dislikes: Lord Exodius and his Dark Warriors.
Other: Very strong and protective of others. Guardianknight of all.

Name for character in story:Shadow
Color of armor:light blue/dark blue
Equipment (armor, weapons): ascended calibur, striker, brandish, blaster, magnus, autogun, wise owlite shield, defender, magic set, cobalt set, haze bomb, blast bomb, and spine cone.
Personality: nice, easy-going, skillful, knows how to use any kind of weapon, and is easily offended and annoyed.
Likes: weapons and DESTROYING MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Dislikes:noobs not knowing how to use a beast bell
Other: i have a pet mewkat
There needs to be a female in this story.
Name for character in story: Jen
Color of armor: Lime green
Equipment (armor, weapons): shivermist, ash of agni, leviathon, graviton vortex, Divine mantle, Vog cub cap, grey owlite shield, aegis shield, avenger, miracle hood, ashtail coat.
Personality:Fun, loud, respectful, nice, and sweet. Overall, I'm a pretty awesome person if I say so myself. :p I'm pretty goofy.
Gender: FEMALE
Likes: I love to dance, cook, read, and learn new things. I LOVE long walks on the beach....
Dislikes: The color pink, pork (yes that includes bacon), and waking up early.
Other: I'm 22- years old and I'm a pharmacy technician. :D
OOOH you were talking about likes and dislikes in the game.
Likes: Jelly king runs, t3 runs to the core, graveyards, and danger rooms. I enjoy collecting recipes. I have all 1 and 2 star recipes. I'm working on 3 star recipes.
Dislikes: Lord Vanaduke, people who attack the phantoms when I tell them not to, and monsters who throw office supplies. BATS defintely BATS.

Name for character in story:Gerry
Color of armor:Black
Equipment (armor, weapons):tempered Calibur and full colbat skelly sheild
Personality: like to adventure and kill undead spirits
Likes: Reliable freinds and helpful people
Dislikes: Beggers and show offs
Other: I want to be a dark warrior but i can be something else

Why in the world did I use all caps locks for these old posts

While being on your side would be fun,
I can not change my ways. I am a knight.
But I do not serve any King. I am on my
own. Showing up just in time to save
people and then dissapearing.
So.....Beware my Strength....
With my Cold Iron Vanquisher...
I shall slay you in your sleep.

Name for character in story: Biggs
Color of armor: Green
Equipment (armor, weapons): Divine Avenger, Vog Set, Argent Peacemaker, Asc Calibur, SMB, Skolver Set, VPS, GF, Miracle hood, DVS, FoV, GoS, Graviton Vortex.
Personality: Epic.
Gender: Male
Likes: Pie, cake, winning.
Dislikes: Stuff, losing.
Other: Pie is awesome, the cake is a lie, WINNING!

Maybe if you ask LORD EXODIUS nicely
he will give you a spot. How about it
LORD EXODIUS? Is there one more spot

Phone-Hey Dark Lord!
DL-What you want?
DL-*Kills phone speaker*
Phone 2-You offline!
DL-I am? I mean... This is a recording. Go away. Good bye!
Good luck with that!

I'll be a general knight that strikes the killing blow. Ty for letting moi in!

i wanna be a general in the knight's army

I already am. I'll haz to be the dark knights leader. I weel KEEL you.

I got a idea. Let's add Flo from progressive and she's selling popcorn in the middle of the/a fight. Who wants to be Flo?

You owe me one BigFootM.
Lol I'll take 1k CE.
Just kidding. Glad you're in the story.

Yeah thanks. And lol. I don't even got 1k CE. All I got is mats, some haze bombs (Got a Ctr low that nobody wants) and 2k CR. I'm really really broke.

Evidently i held off deleting the actual chapters back then. But now they shall never see the light of day again.

No good people? Well I'll be lord exodus then
Is this a SK RP based on someone's SK fanfiction?
This seems like a radically dangerous idea.
I think I might go along with this.

If not that, I'll be the Phantom Dark Knight/Lance/Necromancer. AKA Mini you. I'm your Unholy bodyguard.

Aw... Then call me... DEATH. I shall then be a phantom.

Name for character in story: red
Color of armor: white
Equipment (armor, weapons):leviathon blade, silversix and blackhawk, mighty defender, mighty cobalt armor and helm, nitronome ( but rarely uses it)
Personality: a young child with a mysterious past, inherited all his stuff from his grandfather, has a scar on his left eye from snarbolax, funny smart and kind, above average fighting skills
Likes:challenging others for battles (mainly fist to fist battling)
Dislikes:anyone or anything that is bad
Other:can think really well under pressure or in trouble

okay, i changed my mind. i wanna be a phantom too. is Shadow a good name?

My avenger is ready. I shall annihilate all your pitiful dark knights cobras and Axers. For they will tremble before me! My grey owlite shield can resist the most powerful blow from shadow. I could defeat Umbra with my eyes closed. And you perhaps might be my only challenge, though I shall best you as well. Make me a strong, helpful, knight who is known for his great skill in fighting undead. (These are just ideas.)

Hooooolly guacamole this post in particular was super embarassing

Guardian, we must team up against this tyrant. You and me as a duo shall slay this monstorous tyrant who called me a NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're lacking an awesome female part in your story dang it. All those sound so... manly. I'm very girly, dresses and all. I need something girly dang it. lol. And not some lame noob part. I am the queen of SK (at least we'll find out in pvp bahahaha...).
Somehow i posted twice... i guess because i'm awesome. You know how that goes... rofl.
i'm flabbergasted.
I love that word.

2 words. One of the words is epic. Oops, that's another 6 words. Argh! That's 4 more.

The other word is fail. I HATE it. Haha, JK. The other word is success, I love it.
im am totally gonna be in the story