Ask a Master Swordsman Anything.
Let's leave out the part about who would own who as I am so bored with the fsc/Vana that I really couldn't care less anymore. I just pointed out what I did in my thread because of constant bragging when I knew all along how little experience you really had.
So, getting back on topic:
I do agree that there are many ways to successfully run FSC. I have used the FOV several times and I do like the fact that it takes down trojans quickly but I really dislike the loss of health even when fully maxed out with fire resist gear. To each their own.
As for the brandish line, give it a try with max ctr/damage sometime. Pair it with an electron vortex perhaps. You'll be surprised at how much faster it dispatches zombies when compared to DA. I have used both and while I like the DA in some situations, the Glacius is what I default to when I want to clear FSC fast.

Well, my Dread Venom surprisingly has a use now! In my last few FSC runs I decided I would bring my DVS for Vanaduke at Phase 1, 2, and 4. You would not believe how fast it went, as it oddly did more damage then my DA could in two combos. It did about 80-100 Damage a hit (I think, doing a run soon as I log on) and is a 10 hit sword so it did about let's say 900 Damage to duke, while also poisoning him. True, it is NOWHERE near the best sword for him, but I rather like it.

If I remember right, it went 1st hit, 58, second hit-108. Will check again soon.

if you could land all regular attack hits, the order of damage would be...
cutter line (10-hit) > any 3-hit sword > any 2-hit sword
However, 360-spin charge attack could outdo the cutter damage.

The cutter may have greater total damage per combo than other sword lines.
As far as damage per second the other sword lines do far more damage per swing. The dread venom striker version of the cutter at tier six deals 170 damage per swing (thats only if the second hit connects otherwise it would be only 108 damage per swing) The cold iron vanquisher (one of the lowest dps three swing swords in the game) does 186 damage per swing. One of the two swing swords the gran faust when it does neutral damage does 234 damage per swing. The cutter line does have faster swings than the other swords. However combo finisher is far less than these swords.
The dread venom striker does 154 damage on its last hit. The cold iron vanquisher does 238 damage on its last hit. The gran faust does 363 damage on its last hit.
The dread venom striker has a five swing combo. Which means that it takes longer to deal its final hit damage. That is assuming you dont get interrupted in the middle of your very long five hit combo. The other swords deal better dps because it takes less time for them to reach their final hit damage. They also deal more damage per hit than the cutter lines.

NEVER did I say cutter line was the best. Although it is very helpful the DVS is.
I never get hit on phase 1 while slashing him, so easy tododge.

If your talking about my post I was replying to Kolela`s comment about which sword does the most damage. He said the cutter does the most damage which is not true when considering dps.
Sorry for the confusion I was not talking about your post.

DPS=Damage per second.

Will be running some tests during power surge.

I have a vile Striker atm, and obviously this will evolve to a dread venom Striker. I also have a super blaster, which dreadfully needs to upgrade to Master Blaster. I was wondering if DVS's are useful for general use. I know the poison is great, since gremlin healers cant heal them, but what about in terms of power and speed and such? Thanks for your time

I got the Calibur, worth leveling?
Would the Plate shield be worth getting?

Dread Venom Striker/Cutter line is a good sword, but VERY risky to use as a T3 endgame sword. Test around it first, see if you like it. I love using mine in FSC.
Calibur line is good, not my favorite, (Go CIV! Promote the CIV line!) but still works and is a good engame sword.
Plate shield line IS worth leveling, just make sire you make it a Volcanic Plate Shield (VPS). It is a great shield to have if you only have one shield, great shield for FSC... Great shield over all. You may want to try to get some elemental/shadow defense on it though.

I needed a poisoning sword, and im not click happy, so it perfect once I can afford it. THX Bigfootm.
PS: Should I get Pulsar to Supernova, Pulsar to Polaris, Catalizer to Biohazard or Catalizer to Neutralizer? Would help alot.
~The dark Avenger. Latin makes it sounds cool!

I was wondering whether to get the following swords, Pick one! I was wondering which series to follow because my current weapon is an arc razor and everyone knows that winmillions aren't very good. Here's the following choices:
High hitting with elemental damage
*Night Blade
Cool somewhat Dual Swords
*Brandish Elemental
I just LOVE zapping people

The Cutter line is a 10 Hit sword. You footage be click happyish. :/
The guns depend, but you would probably want to go Polaris.
Oh geez, if that was a Avenger, Faust and something else, I'd have to think, but I despise the Brandish line so bad, I'd choose Avenger out of those 100%.
For you, if your gonna use em, I recommened the Avenger and Nightblade.

Thankyou! But I would like one more question;
Which one is best for PVP?
I understand avenger does elemental damage but swift swords can sometimes accomplish a more reliable DPS level because It is usually harder to block with a heavy duty weapon. Although, sometimes the knockback of heavy weapons can keep the enemy at bay long enough for you to get back on track.

I got spur instead and im raising enought crowns to get 3* guns for Roarmalus. Is spur fine, even if it only goes to 4*.

I had loved the Spur line when I started, but got so bummed when it stopped at 4*.
I'd keep the Spur line things if I were you, but instead invest in getting a Leviathan or Dread Venom Striker if you want a normal type sword.

Is Fearless Rigadoon a wise choice for a piercing weapon? it does less damage than barb but the added stun is nice. What are your thoughts on the sword compared to other piercing swords?

I still suggest BTB/Final Flourish over FR and F. Flamberge.
The Flamberge line is good because it causes fire, but then isn't really suitable for places like FSC. FR is better, as it can actually cause something against the zombies and such in places like FSC.
BTB>Final Flourish>Fearless Rigadoon=F. Flamberge

i am new so what would be the best average sword to do just about everything with

Make it into a Ascended Calibur/Levi.
Calibur line deals normal damage.

ive got a dragon scale sheild and its quite good for FSc so im wondering if i should get a volcanic late sheild for van :/

Dragon Scale Shield is risky as it has no normal defense.
Normal defense in FSC includes:
•Vanaduke's Mace
•Falling ceiling
•Slag Guards
•Spike Wheels
I'd suggest a Volcanic Plate Shield (VPS) just because it is easily more sustainable then a DSS. However, if the DSS is working for you, go for it. I'd still say VPS>DSS.

A train leaves the station at 6:00 P.M. traveling west at 80 mi/h. On a parallel track, a second train leaves the station 3 hours later traveling west a 100 mi/h. At what time will the second train catch up with the first?
I have currently ash tail set lvl 10
and a Leviathan with UVs CTR low ASI low and Med gremlin
i am not sure what i should get now for being a swordsman
in my inventory i have a freezing atomizer a gigawat pulsar
do i need another sword?
if so what should i get
also with that sword combination.. Skolver or vog?

If you are going to keep using the Levi you don't really need other swords as much. If you want to branch out (get more damage) you will want one each of damage type:
Piercing (Barbarous Thorn Blade or Final Flourish) -> Fiend & Beast
Elemental (Ice/Shock/Fire Brandish or DA) -> Undead & Construct
Shadow (Acheron or GF) -> Slime & Gremlin
Then use the appropriate sword vs the appropriate enemy.
Armor? Depends on what you want to run? Do you want to run FSC? -> Vog. Do you want to run Shadow Snarbys? -> Skolver (or some combo with Radiant Slivermail).
Other then that Skolver vs Vog offense-wise. I would favor Vog for use with heavy swords (DA/GF) and Skolver for use with Med-Fast swords (Levi, Brandish, Pierce).

Kinda depends on a few things there.
•How many weapon slots do you have?
•Can you get 800 CE pretty quick? (Pay to play)
If you arn't pay to play, get Vog/Skolver split.
I suggest you get a Barbarous Thorn Blade and Gran Faust as well, but gain it depends how fast you can get to 5*.
If you use Four Weapon Slots, use a BTB, GF, DA, and Polaris.
If you use 3, use a DA, BTB, and Polaris/Shivermist.
If you use 2 slots, either use the corresponding damage weapon (DA in FSC, GF in RJP, etc) or just the Levi/Polaris.
Your current setup sounds good as it is, but can be improved.
I suggest: BTB, DA, GF, Polaris. Barbarous Thorn Shield/Volcanic Plate Shield. Skolver Cap or Coat. and Vog Cap or Coat. (Assmuing you'll get the set some other time.

Best fire-damage sword I can get?

Being there is only 3, (Combuster, Flamberge Line, and FoV) it's really your playstlye.
I still like FoV better because it has a 360° charge, and can cause fire on any basic hit, unlike the combuster which can only cause fire on the charge attack. The Flamberge line is a good fire piercing sword, but BTB or a Final Flourih is better.
There is another fire sword line, but is tier one (Searing edge/Hot edge).
Edit: Thanks Trying, TOTALLY forgot about that dincethat patch. :P

You forgot the Flamberge line.
Why did you change your forum name?

are the lines for calibur and troika worthwhile? also, about shileds, i use a great defender, is there any shield that would be more interesting? (for armors i plan to get a vog cub set.)

Since you can change armor at the beginning of a level(except if the previous level was similar to the level after it eg. if you were on red carpet runaround and then on battle royale) do you really need 3/4 weapons slots?

i would advise barbourous thorn shield it has a very tiny amount less of protection that u trade for a sword damage bonus

Calibur>Troika, Barb Thorn Shield>Aegis.
Never hurts to have 3/4 slots, I always go 4.

Switched over from Tempered Calibur to Sealed Sword the other day because I liked the look of its upgrades, then promptly found I suck with heavy swords. The swords seem so good (and I've already invested in it) that I'd rather adapt than just get rid of it, so any recommendations for battle style for heavy swords, please? I know the basics - shield cancel after first attack, emphasis on defense/strategic retreat over offense, but I find I keep getting killed regardless. Any tips would be appreciated - thanks in advance.

I was thinking of getting Cobalt armor and Calibur and upgrade it till Azure Guardian Armor and Cold Iron Vanquisher but Im not sure if this is a good combination set or not.

Kmlyakuza started a new thread with this question, and I answered it there.

I have a twisted snarble barb with a uv bonus. It's low damage bonus to beasts which is ironic saying that it's already good against beasts. Should I keep it or don't transfer and hope for asi or ctr?

WOW, TRYING. WAY TO NECRO THIS THREAD (just so people know I didn't necro it).
and LOL I am going back through the pages and found that I commented in here a year ago about calibur. Har har I used to be a swordsman in my little wolvery gears who liked calibur charge attacks xD.
Before I went all, Nazi gunner.....

Why BTS? The damage boost of course! True a VPS or CoA is better for FSC, but neither can last 4 hits on the spikes without any UVs. said that. If you like to run on the spikes then yeah...
My set:
-Bristling b.
any improves?
What Dark Ritual?