I'm selling a 3* Twisted Spine Cone with the UV - Charge Time Reduction: Very High. At level 10 you'll have a blistering 1.225 second charge time with this puppy without having to wear any bomber armor! It's basically a no knockback, pierce damage (but it does knockdown enemies like gremlins!) nitronome. Very group friendly and one of my favorite bombs for dealing with fiend, beast, and gremlins. I don't think I've spied anyone with a DBB with CTR Vhigh yet so you'll be one of the first on the block! :p
Video of the 5* Dark Briar Barrage in action:
Dark Briar Barrage vs Graveyard
Dark Briar Barrage vs Devilites, Kats, Trojans
Looking to get 15k CE. Open to offers as well.
Current offer is 12.5k CE
IGN: Eeks
I love this bomb and use it, so i'll offer 10k ce for it.
ign: Mawashimono